
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has received rave reviews, proving that Insomniac Games consistently delivers high-quality superhero releases.
  • Marvel's Wolverine is highly anticipated following the success of Spider-Man 2, and Insomniac is expected to continue its streak of successful Marvel games.
  • Other X-Men characters, such as Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Jean Grey, and Mystique, have the potential for their own video games and unique gameplay mechanics.

The reviews are in for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and by all accounts, the game is an absolute triumph for Insomniac. While Insomniac has been putting out high-quality releases consistently for years now, it hasn't achieved a Metacritic score of over 90 in the best part of two decades, but Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has finally changed that, and it's proven that Insomniac Games doesn't miss. So, while fans know practically nothing about it yet, it seems inevitable that Marvel's Wolverine will be another big hit for Insomniac.

There's quite a lot riding on Marvel's Wolverine after the great success of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, but this isn't Insomniac's first rodeo. For the last few years, Insomniac has been chaining its huge AAA releases together, dropping them one after the other with barely any breaks in between, and if there's any studio that can drop two excellent Marvel games in quick succession, it's Insomniac. And once Marvel's Wolverine becomes the success it's destined to be, Insomniac might want to look to the rest of the X-Men cast for future projects, where there are a select few who deserve their own starring role.

RELATED: Insomniac Games Has a Difficult Choice to Make With Marvel's Wolverine


Cyclops X-Men

Cyclops is a bit of a divisive character among fans. While some fans absolutely adore Cyclops, others find him a tad too dull and generic. Regardless of which side of the fence fans sit on, Cyclops is undeniably deserving of his very own video game. Though Cyclops' optic blasts would be a pretty fun power to use in a video game, it's actually the character's place as the leader of the X-Men that would make him an ideal choice for a Marvel's Wolverine spin-off or successor, letting players command a squad of iconic X-Men characters as they themselves control Cyclops on the battlefield, similar to a game like Mass Effect.



A fan-favorite X-Men character, Nightcrawler hasn't had too many opportunities to shine in mainstream Marvel media, but he's no less deserving of his very own video game. With the ability to teleport and hide in the shadows, Nightcrawler naturally lends himself to a stealth game. But in order to keep a Nightcrawler game from being too similar to Batman: Arkham or Marvel's Spider-Man, Insomniac would have to really emphasize the character's teleportation ability and make it integral to the core gameplay loop.


Gambit in X-Men: Destiny

With the ability to imbue any object with pure kinetic energy, Gambit has some of the coolest powers of any X-Man, being able to blast foes away with even the smallest of objects. Usually manifesting as a bright pink light, Gambit's kinetic abilities could pave the way for a really unique art style that isn't afraid of embracing a wide spectrum of vivid colors.

Jean Grey

dark phoenix marvel comics

Jean Grey hasn't had the best history in recent years. Despite being one of the most important members of the classic X-Men line-up, Jean Grey's recent live-action portrayals have chosen to speed through her character arc at a ridiculously fast pace, making the character feel unrealistic and unlikable. While the Dark Phoenix storyline is one of the X-Men's best, it needs the proper time and attention to adapt properly, and maybe Insomniac can finally be the one to do it justice.


Mystique standing next to a tree in sunlight

Another fan-favorite character that's only continued to rise in popularity in recent years, Mystique could easily lead her own video game. With the ability to shape-shift and assume different disguises at will, the most obvious avenue for a Mystique game would be a sort of stealth-action hybrid game like IO Interactive's Hitman series, where players are encouraged to use stealth to find and assassinate their target, but are given the option to throw hands if they're caught.

MORE: Marvel's Wolverine Needs to Be Extra Careful About One Thing