The X-Men animated series is rumored to be getting a revival from Marvel Studios and Disney Plus. Released in the '90s, X-Men: The Animated Series stayed as close as it could to the comic books by animating the storylines from the source material.

The X-Men rumor isn't anything to take too seriously, but it is compelling. As of late, the entertainment industry has been bringing back many series. Young Justice, Star Wars: The Clone Wars​​​​​​, and even the upcoming Batman: Caped Crusader are examples of companies revitalizing series that came out years ago. It's always welcome for fans to see their favorite series continue and even with the live-action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop, fans are tolerating anything that 'adds' to pre-existing properties rather than a reboot or restart.

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The rumor comes from KC Walsh, who was on the Change My Mind podcast and admitted that he heard of an animated X-Men project being worked on for Disney Plus. Walsh says, "[I don't] know if it's something new, if they're retooling something." Adding to the rumor, Walsh said, "There was talk about a year ago that people involved with that certain theme song may have had conversations with a certain studio. And I did hear in 2023 that there's a possibly animated project going into the works." The iconic theme song that's being referred to is the very catchy introduction music played during the beginning moments of the '90s X-Men show.

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While it's possible that the X-Men series is a reboot or retooling of the '90s animated series, it could also potentially be an entirely new project. After all, an animated Wolverine series was rumored to be the works a while back. It's also unclear if this rumored X-Men series will redo the artwork or update it into the current standard of modern animation. There's also that healthy balance of keeping the iconic artwork but "upping the quality" so it's easier on the eyes.

Another question fans may have is whether or not the show will tie into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) or not. If it does, then it may be confusing for fans who watch Marvel Studios' live-action films and haven't seen these characters. It will also be harder for the live-action X-Men film to live up to the animated version because the fight scenes and costumes are likely to be more comic-accurate in the latter.

Kevin Feige recently detailed the casting process for finding new roles for the Fantastic Four and X-Men projects. So, it will be nice to finally see the X-Men back in the fold and potentially interact with heroes like Spider-Man or Hulk. Fans have been waiting and it's almost time to deliver.

The X-Men films are now available on Disney Plus in Canada.

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Source: Change My Mind Podcast