X-Men '97 has been one of the best Marvel Cinematic Universe projects in years. The series resurrects the simple, pure joy of the classic cartoons that made Marvel iconic for several generations. While nostalgia draws the audience, the series has much more to offer as an evolution of the beloved show. X-Men '97 introduces several fan-favorite characters from the comics, including the haunting chaos deity known as the Adversary.

The X-Men have several excellent comic book villains who never reached the big screen. Magneto remains an inarguable standout in his field, but lesser-known figures deserve a chance at the spotlight. Some, like Apocalypse, deserve a second opportunity. X-Men '97 affords Marvel a stage to try several underrated antagonists before their first glimpse of a theater screen. The Adversary could be a breakout example.

X-Men '97 Has One Big Advantage Over What If...?

Both Marvel Studios' X-Men '97 and What If...? have enjoyed critical success - but Marvel's brand new animated series has one distinct advantage.

Who is the Adversary in Marvel Comics?


The Adversary, Naze, Sefako the Twice-Risen God

Created By

Chris Claremont and John Romita Jr.

First Appearance

Uncanny X-Men # 188 (September 1984)

Last Appearance

Phoenix Song: Echo #5 (February 2022)

The Adversary is an ancient demon who routinely fought the X-Men. He's a playful, cruel figure who hails from a dimension of endless chaos. He wields his seemingly limitless magical powers to reshape the world to his ineffable whims. Some elements of the observable universe sprung forth from his will, but he grew bored with his creations, prompting him to wipe his work away. The Cheyenne people of the Great Plains discovered the Adversary. They called him the Great Trickster and devoted much of their cultural mythology to preventing him from achieving his goals. Their beliefs would influence the mutant Forge, changing the world forever.

Forge grew up under the watchful eye of a shaman named Naze. Naze dedicated his life to fighting the Adversary, once defeating him in pitched combat. Forge shirked Naze's wishes and left the Cheyenne to join the US Army. He fought in Vietnam, where enemy soldiers killed his men. Forge used the nine souls of his soldiers to open a portal to the Adversary's home dimension, summoning forth demons to defeat the Viet Cong. This allowed more demons to escape to Earth. One possessed Naze, allowing the Adversary to control him from afar. He used Naze to convince Storm, who'd recently been depowered by one of Forge's inventions, to attack Forge. He pushed both into a distant dimension, where Forge restored Storm's powers. They escaped, reached the X-Men, and performed a ritual to seal the Adversary away again.

Like most comic villains, the Adversary returned. Haven summoned him, only for the Adversary to kill her. Forge sent him away again. He returned to possess Navid Hassan, an apprentice of the Sphynx, but the Howling Commandos defeated him and sent him away again. The Adversary once earned worship as Sefako, Twice-Risen God in Wakanda. When he returned to that nation, the Black Panther and Storm defeated him yet again. His stories follow a pattern. Finally, he possessed Riverwalker, a telepath who lives on a Native American reservation waiting for Echo. Riverwalker did what he could to keep Echo from her home. The Adversary intended to steal the Phoenix Force from Echo, who recently won it in a tournament. When the Adversary struck, Echo trapped him in the White Hot Room, a nexus that exists outside the multiverse, immediately destroying him.

Who is the Adversary in X-Men '97?


The Adversary plays out a substantially truncated version of his first arc in the comics in X-Men '97. Storm loses her powers in the second episode when an anti-mutant terrorist shoots her with a technologically advanced beam weapon. The loss hits her hard, prompting her to leave the X-Men. She travels to Forge's ranch in the fourth episode, undergoing a series of experiments to restore her powers. When they fail, Forge admits that he made the weapon that stole her gifts. Furious, Storm rides her horse away. A mysterious owl following Storm forces her back to the ranch, announces himself as the Adversary, and poisons Forge to further hurt Storm. This storyline will likely lead to Storm regaining her powers, but the struggle to achieve that goal will likely push her into dark places.

The Adversary is one of the most powerful enemies the X-Men have ever faced. He's been absent from the films and shows, but his debut in X-Men '97 demonstrates his power and chaotic nature. The Adversary's cruelty is a nightmarish force multiplier and a new height for Forge's narrative. This series has done incredible things by letting villains enjoy specific rivalries with X-Men members. The Adversary is an all-powerful chaos demon who will drag Storm and Forge through his madness in the next episodes of X-Men '97.

X-Men '97 Star Claps Back At Fan Backlash Over Nonbinary Character

Some viewers seem to hate the idea of a nonbinary character existing in X-Men '97. But one actor pointed out how they missed the point of the series.