During the Rat chapter in Wytchwood, players will chase a pack of rats from the tombs where they will hide. This indie game doesn't give players a spell to drive them out of their hiding places, so players have to figure it out all on their own.

The Rat in Wytchwood

The Rat is the Graveyard location chapter; it takes place around the middle of the 10 hours it takes to complete Wytchwood. This Rat is one of the 12 souls players have to collect during the game; he has stolen a brooch from a grave, causing the inhabitant of that grave to become a screaming spirit called a Banshee. Her cries are waking up the dead, and she just wants her possession back. The witch decides to help her by tracking down the Rat and getting her brooch back.

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The Rats' First Hiding Place

After the rats are chased from the Banshee's grave, players will need to follow them to their first hiding place. They will hide underneath the Hanging Tree, west of the Wytchwood fast-travel portal in the Graveyard. In order to chase them out, players need to make a Cinderbox out of Fireflies, Rodent Fat, and an Ember. Right-click the Cinderbox on the leaves below the tree and the rats will run to their next hiding place.


The Rats' Second Hiding Place

The second location is a tomb slightly to the northeast of the Hanging Tree. The rats will run out of the Hanging Tree and into the tomb, and the game hints to use smoke to get them out of the tomb. Players just need to make a smoke bomb to drive them out. If players are short on items to make a smoke bomb, they can use a Hearthseed to zoom back to the in-between and back to the forest.

The Rats' Third Hiding Place

Finally, players will find the hiding place of the rats and the Rat soul they have to collect. The rats are hidden in the church behind the locked gate to the north. Players will then gain the recipe for the Acidic Unguent that will burn through the chains holding the gate closed. Create this potion out of a Wytchwood jar of Wyrd Water, Algae from the docks, and a Potion of Blight, then head into the church to confront the Rat and take his soul.

Wytchwood is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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