The crossover between professional wrestling and videogames has grown increasingly apparent in recent years. The latest example is WWE chief operating officer Paul Michael Levesque, better known as Triple H. Triple H graced the Youtube channel of fellow WWE wrestler Xavier Woods. Woods celebrated his video game focused Youtube channel UpUpDownDown by inviting Triple H to do a video about his experiences with games.

For WWE fans hoping to hear that Triple H is secretly a huge gamer that plays Fortnite or Call of Duty, there's bad news. Triple H admits that he hasn't played a video game in quite some time. However, he does say that he's played plenty of games. They're just games that most kids wouldn't recognize the name of. Triple H was an early 1980s arcade game player. The games he played "you had to go somewhere and put a quarter in to play."

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From there Triple H listed off some of the classics that he used to play. Keep in mind that these games are from 40 years ago. It's impressive that he's able to recall any of the games he used to play, since he hasn't been much of a fan since. Triple H listed off four arcade games specifically. Those games were Galaga, Centipede, Pac-Man, and Donkey Kong. Pushed to pick a favorite, Triple H said it would've been Donkey Kong. He's even got his own retro arcade cabinet at home.

That doesn't mean that Triple H hasn't played any other games since the early 80s, however. While Woods doesn't push Triple H to list off every game he's ever played, he does ask him if he's played any modern games in a long time. Triple H says that he hasn't played games in forever, but the most recent game in memory would be Metal Gear with Solid Snake. While he was on the road, he'd play the game to wind down. He admits that he wasn't very good though and that it took him a year or more to beat it.

With the video, Triple H joins a growing number of professional wrestlers who have spoken publically about their gaming habits. There's also Xavier Woods, naturally. WWE star Asuka has a massive video game collection and her own gaming YouTube channel. AEW wrestler Brandon Cutler's got an impressive Captain Falcon cosplay. Kenny Omega has also cosplayed, dressing up as Destiny 2's Osiris for a New Japan Pro Wrestling event. Ember Moon of WWE fame is a huge gamer (and a Dungeons & Dragons nerd, too). The crossover in demographics between wrestling and video games is impressive.

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