WWE Supercard is a popular mobile game that lets players collect and battle with their favorite WWE superstars. In this article, we'll explore some of the top techniques and game modes in WWE Supercard and provide insights on how to become a champion in this exciting mobile game. With its vast array of cards featuring WWE superstars, legends, and even fictional characters, players can assemble their dream teams and compete against other players in thrilling battles.

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WWE Supercard has several game modes to choose from, including Exhibition, King of the Ring, Road to Glory, Elimination Chamber, Ring Domination, and Money in the Bank. Each mode presents different challenges and rewards, with options ranging from one-on-one matches to tournament-style gameplay. But let's face it, winning in WWE Supercard is not just about having the most potent cards or luck on onside. It takes strategy, guile, and a lot of trash-talk to come out on top. Here are some of the best ways to outsmart opponents, outmaneuver their decks, and literally leave them lying flat on their backs.

11 Deck Customization

WWE Deck of three cards

In WWE Supercard, players can customize their roster by picking which cards to include and in what order. This allows players to create a strategy that works best for their play style and the type of potential matches.

For example, if someone prefers power-based games, they may want to focus on including cards with high power ratings.

10 Fusing Cards

WWE SuperCard Fusing Chamber

Fusing cards is a technique that involves combining two different cards to create a more powerful card. For example, fusing a common card with a rare card may result in a new card with boosted stats and abilities. Gamers need at least two cards of the same rarity and tier to fuse cards. For example, if players have two Rare cards at the same level, players can fuse them to create a single, more powerful card.

When fusing cards, the stats of the two cards are combined, and the resulting card will have higher stats than either of the original cards. The new card will also have a higher level cap, allowing gamers to level it up further and make it even stronger.

9 Understanding Match Types

WWE Supercard Game Modes

Different match types in WWE Supercard have different rules and requirements, and understanding how to use the cards effectively in each match type is crucial.

For example, in a Tag Team match, players will need to pair their cards effectively to maximize the character's abilities. In a War match, players should use their cards strategically to win multiple rounds and outlast their opponent.

8 Combining Ability Bonuses

WWE SuperCard Card Abilities

Many cards in WWE Supercard have abilities that can provide a boost during matches. For example, some cards may have an ability that increases their speed, while others may have an ability that increases their charisma. Players can activate these abilities during matches by filling up the corresponding meter through gameplay actions.

To combine ability bonuses, players are required to have two or more cards with the same ability. For example, if players have two cards with the "Ruthless Aggression" ability, they can combine them to create a single card with a more powerful version of that ability.

7 Perfect Pro Cards

WWE Supercard Cody Rhodes Pro Card

Perfect Pro cards are created by combining two identical cards of the same rarity and level. For example, if players hold two Rare-level John Cena cards, they can combine them to create a Perfect Pro Rare John Cena card.

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Perfect Pro cards are stronger than regular cards of the same level and rarity. They have higher stats and better abilities, making them valuable to a card deck. For example, a Perfect Pro card may have a much higher power rating than a standard card, making it more effective at winning power-based matches.

6 Timing Card Plays

Supercard Playing Timing

In WWE Supercard, timing is everything. Knowing when to play certain cards and activate their abilities can make a big difference in the outcome of a match. Holding onto a high-energy card until later in the match is one way to turn the tide in the player's favor.

Each card in the game has different stats, such as power, toughness, and speed, that determine how effective it is in different situations. A card with high power but low speed could be used when the player's opponent has low toughness, dealing significant damage quickly.

5 Collecting Rewards

WWE Supercard Reward Money in the Bank

Collecting rewards is another important technique in WWE Supercard. Participating in events and completing challenges can earn rewards such as new cards, energy, and other resources. These rewards can help players level their existing cards and expand their decks.

Every day, WWE SuperCard offers a set of tasks to complete for rewards. These tasks include playing a certain number of matches, winning matches with specific card types, or using particular abilities in games.

4 Card Synergy

WWE Supercard Synergy

Card Synergy involves pairing cards with complementary abilities or attributes. For example, pairing a card with high speed with one that has high charisma allows players to create a more balanced and powerful deck. It results in a more effective team for countering and exploiting the opponent's moves.

It's also about understanding how different cards can work together to create a powerful team. For example, players may want to pair a card with a powerful finisher with one that has an ability that boosts finishers, creating a devastating combo that can take down even the most formidable opponents.

3 Energy Management

SuperCard Energy Stats

In WWE Supercard, each card has an associated energy cost, and managing this energy effectively can make all the difference. Energy is used to activate players' cards abilities during matches, and learning when to conserve energy and when to spend it is crucial to winning games.


Energy refills can be earned through gameplay or purchased with in-game currency and used to instantly replenish card energy during a match. Finally, it's important to remember that energy management is about conserving card energy and draining the player's opponent's energy. By playing cards that can drain the opponent's power, players can force opponents to play more defensively and give them an advantage in the match.

2 Card Leveling

WWE Supercard Card Levels

Upgrading cards through leveling up can significantly increase their stats, making them more effective in battle. Each card has a maximum level it can reach, and leveling up requires a certain amount of cards and other resources. Knowing which cards to level up first and how to prioritize resources is essential for maximizing the card's potential.

However, balancing resources and prioritizing which cards to level up are critical. Some cards may be more valuable than others, and it may not be worth leveling up certain cards if they are unlikely to be useful in the long run. By understanding the different ways to level up cards and making intelligent decisions about which cards to prioritize, players will be well on the way to building a powerful and winning deck.

1 The Top Strategies For WWE Supercard

WWE Supercard Superstars

Mastering the best techniques in WWE Supercard is the key to becoming a champion in the mobile virtual ring. From card synergy to energy management to customizing their deck, there are many strategies players can use to gain the upper hand in wrestling matches.

But remember, winning isn't everything. After all, even the most skilled WWE Supercard player can still end up with a virtual slap to the face. So, while battling it out in the game, don't forget to have some fun too.

WWE Supercard is currently available to play on iOS and Android devices.

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