WWE's annual showcase event, Wrestlemania, has never failed to produce some of the most iconic and memorable moments in the history of professional wrestling. This fact is not lost on 2K Sports and Visual Concepts, who look to shine the spotlight on some of these big matches in WWE 2K24's Wrestlemania Showcase mode. In this mode, players are taken through 21 of the best contests in the near 40-year history of "The Showcase of the Immortals".

Among the incredible matches in WWE 2K24's Wrestlemania Showcase mode is the dramatic bout between crowd favorites "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and The Rock for the WWE Championship. This match was memorable for its shocking conclusion and the solid promotional work done in the lead up to the match between two of the greatest WWE talents in the company's history. For players looking to complete all objectives and earn the rewards for match 9 of the Wrestlemania Showcase, look no further than this guide.

WWE 2K24: Can You Stand The Heat? - Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle (Match 10 Walkthrough)

Match 10 of the WWE 2K24 Wrestlemania Showcase features wrestling legends Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle. Here is how to complete the challenge.

WWE 2K24 Stone Cold's Stunner Objectives (Match 9)

The Rock attempting to slam Steve Austin's head into a table in WWE 2K24

Many WWE fans remember this match for not only its shocking ending, which saw long-time fan favorite "Stone Cold" Steve Austin join forces with his long-time rival Vince McMahon to ensure he picked up the victory and earned the title, but also the timeless and iconic promotional material in the lead-up to the match. In the context of WWE 2K24, the match is one of the more objective-heavy challenges in the game's Wrestlemania Showcase mode.

In order to complete the match at 100% and claim all the rewards associated with it, players will need to tick off 17 in-game objectives. These objectives, and the requirements to complete them, are listed below:



Take The Rock out of the ring and get to opening up a big ol' can of whoop-ass!

Toss the Rock out of the ring and damage him with a series of attacks, mixing up your offense between striking, grappling, and diving techniques until you fill the meter in the top-left corner.

Start by dumping him over the top rope with a Strong Irish Whip!

Grab a standing Rock with Circle/B, and hold Circle/B again while directing with the left stick towards the ropes to send him over the ropes and onto the arena floor.

Hit him with a few strikes in a row while you're out of the ring - a Light Combo never let anybody down!

From a standing position, hit Rock with a series of strikes, ensuring you end your combination with the Square/X button so it is a Light Combo.

Take all that anger and focus in on Rocky's head! The damage done now will pay off when you look for the finish later!

Continue your barrage of offense on The Rock, but ensure you are targeting his head area. You can do this by pressing Circle/B and an attack button when he is grounded, but it'll also work with standing strikes or running attacks.

Put him on his keister on the top rope and bring him back down with a Superplex!

Irish Whip Rock into a corner and flick up on the right stick to seat him on the top turnbuckle. From there, press the X/A button to perform a Superplex.

Now start swinging some big lumber, and get him dazed with a Heavy Combo!

Hit Rock with a series of standing strikes, making sure to finish with the X/A button to make it a Heavy Combo.

Rock thinks he can brawl with you? EH EH! Take him to ringside in front of the announce table, and hurt him bad with a Texas Piledriver!

Get Rock out of the ring to the right side by carrying him and throwing him over, Strong Irish Whipping him, or exiting the ring yourself and prompting him to follow. Once there, grapple him with Circle/B, then press X/A and left on the left stick to perform the move.

Get him back outside the ring and continue the assault! I think Rock can smell what you're cookin'!

Toss Rock back outside the ring and inflict further punishment on him, mixing up your moves to reduce the change of him reversing your offensive offerings.

If you can find a moment, tell Rock what you think about him with an Opponent Taunt!

Press the right button on the D-Pad for an Opponent Taunt. Ensure Rock is knocked down and/or outside the ring, so you have enough time to complete it without being interrupted.

Change the pace here and catch him with a Grab Combo!

Deliver a series of strikes on The Rock, but make sure you end the sequence with Circle/B to ensure it is a Grab Combo. In a Grab Combo, you will finish the combo with a grapple attack.

Now take his legs out! He can't lift you for a Rock Bottom if he can't stand! Go for Light Damage to get him wobbly!

Focus your offense on The Rock's legs. The best way to do this is to press Circle/B and either Square/X or X/A while standing at the foot of a grounded opponent. Keep this up until his legs show yellow damage.

Send him into the ropes and your signature 3:16 Thesz Press will be the perfect follow-up!

With a Signature stored, Irish Whip The Rock into the ropes and press R2/RT and Square/X when he comes back to hit a Lou Thesz Press. You can check your Signature progress under your wrestler's name, indicated by the light blue meter.

Get Rock back to his feet and connect with a big Heavy Attack in the ring!

While standing in front of The Rock, press the X/A button to initiate a Heavy Strike.

He's all heart, but Rock might finally be fading! Smother him with the toughest offense in WWE!

Continue to launch an assault on Rock by using a variety of grappling, diving, and striking attacks until the meter in the top-left corner is filled.

Time for the Rattlesnake to strike! Hit The Rock with your Stone Cold Stunner!

With a Finisher stored, press the R2/RT button and X/A while standing in front of The Rock to perform a Stunner. Alternatively, you can perform the move as a charged finisher, when prompted, by pressing the appropriate buttons when Rock is grounded.

Oh, he's not done yet! Grab a chair and hit Rock with it 5 times!

Pick up a steel chair with L1 and strike Rock with it by using Square/X or X/A on a standing or grounded opponent. You can grab weapons from under the ring by standing by the apron and holding R1/RB.

That was brutal, but you need this win! Give him one more in the ring!

While holding a chair, strike Rock with Square/X when he is standing in front of you.

WWE 2K24: MyRise Undisputed - Should You Choose Dom or Lita?

As you prepare for the Big Red Machine, Kane, should you choose to get help from Lita or Dominik Mysterio in WWE 2K24?

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs The Rock Match 9 Rewards

Stone Cold Steve Austin holding a chair with a bleeding head in WWE 2K24

Players who are able to complete all 17 in-game objectives and help Steve Austin reclaim his place at the top of the WWE's food chain will earn themselves two playable characters and a new arena, all of which are featured in the match you complete. The rewards for completing "Stone Cold's Stunner" are as follows:

  • "Stone Cold" Steve Austin ‘01
  • The Rock ‘01
  • WrestleMania 17 Arena

While players who purchased the Forty Years of Wrestlemania edition of WWE 2K24 will already have the playable characters in their roster, the arena will still be up for grabs for the completionists looking to finish their collection of unlockables in the game.

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WWE 2K24

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 8, 2024
Visual Concepts