WWE 2K24 has been announced, with new features and promised improvements to the gameplay mechanics and its many wrestling modes. One of the biggest attractions for longtime fans is the 40 Years of WrestleMania Showcase mode. As it did with the 30 Years of WrestleMania in WWE 14, it gives fans a chance to relive some of the greatest and most iconic moments in WWE history.

Moreover, it could also mean that the roster could have a better selection of WWE Legends and more WrestleMania arenas to play in WWE 2K24. The trailer for WWE 2K24 revealed several details about the upcoming title, which includes some of the matches that will appear in WWE 2K24. This list will outline some of the WrestleMania Showcase matches spotted in the trailer and potential match-ups based on the latest teasers.

Updated February 29, 2024, by Michael Llewellyn: Now that all the Showcase of the Immortals matches for WWE 2K24 have been revealed, this list outlines all 21 of the confirmed matches. While there are some glaring omissions, like Hollywood Hogan vs. The Rock, there is a solid variety of matches that cover the Hogan and Austin eras, plus several modern matches from current stars like Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

WWE 2K24 Reveals Cover Stars, New Match Types, Release Date, and More

Publisher 2K and developer Visual Concepts pull back the curtain on WWE 2K24, revealing various gameplay improvements, key game modes, and more.

Hulk Hogan Versus Andre The Giant – WrestleMania 3

WWF Championship Bout Between The Two Biggest Names In Wrestling

WWE 2K24 Hulk Hogan v Andre the Giant

The Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan match was the biggest imaginable for wrestling fans. It was the equivalent of John Cena vs The Rock or The Rock vs Hulk Hogan in that it was a passing of the torch scenario. Before Hogan, Andre was literally and figuratively one of wrestling's biggest stars and attractions.

With Andre set up as the unbeatable giant and the Hulkster the betrayed friend and protégé of the big man, WrestleMania 3 was set to be the biggest match in the history of the WWF/WWE. While it wasn't the best match on the card – that honor goes to Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage – it was the most memorable. It was a featured match in WWE '14, but now fans can recreate "the bodyslam heard around the world" when Hogan slammed the 500lb giant with WWE 2K24's slingshot gameplay features.

Ricky The Dragon Steamboat Versus Macho Man Randy Savage - WrestleMania 3

One Of The Greatest WrestleMania Matches Of All Time

WWE 2K24 WM Showcase Steamboat v Savage

Corey Graves hosted a Showcase reveal for WWE 2K24 and confirmed more matches between 1987 and 1989. One of these matches is Savage against Steamboat in WrestleMania 3. Even though the hype for WrestleMania 3 was geared toward the Hogan and Andre match, the match that stole the show was the incredible performance by the Macho Man Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat.

The famous Intercontinental title match displayed both wrestler's talent as performers and athletes, and it had fans on the edges of their seats. The high-octane contest featured false finishes, close calls, and an incredible pace that should translate perfectly to WWE 2K24's Showcase mode. Better still, it confirms the return of a legend with Ricky Steamboat, who rightfully belongs in the roster among the greats.

Hulk Hogan Versus Macho Man Randy Savage - WrestleMania 5

The Mega Powers Explode For The WWF Title

WWE 2K24 WM Showcase Hogan v Savage

Another match revealed on the Corey Graves showcase for WWE 2K24 was the WrestleMania 5 match between Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage. Fans were treated to an entertaining run with Hogan and Savage teaming up as the Mega Powers with notable matches against the Mega Bucks team featuring Andre The Giant and The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase.

Hogan and Savage were the two most popular wrestlers at the time, and the storyline built up between them with their tensions mounting from Savage's jealous streak kept fans interested. Even though Savage was smaller than many of Hogan's rivals, like Andre, Big Boss Man, and King Kong Bundy, Savage didn't come away looking weak and put on a showing as one of Hogan's most competitive-looking matches in the 1980s.

The Ultimate Warrior Versus Ravishing Rick Rude – WrestleMania 5

One Of The Warrior's Best Intercontinental Title Matches

WWE 2K24 Rick Rude v Ultimate Warrior

The latest preview showed off some new footage from its WrestleMania Showcase mode. One of the most interesting for fans of WWE Legends was the match between the Ultimate Warrior and Ravishing Rick Rude. This also marks the long-awaited return of the late Rick Rude in the WWE game. His last appearance was WWE 2K19, and his return in WWE 2K24 will mark his eighth appearance in a WWE wrestling game.

Interestingly, players take on the role of Rude in the Showcase, adding a nice dynamic as the heel instead of the heroic Warrior. A glimpse from footage captured by Smacktalks on YouTube shows that Rude's mannerisms have been recaptured accurately, making the transition from real-life footage to the in-game match look far smoother than its predecessors.

Hulk Hogan Versus The Ultimate Warrior - WrestleMania 6

The Ultimate Warrior's Most Memorable Match

WWE 2K24 - Hulk Hogan leg drops Ultimate Warrior

The trailer shows Hulk Hogan performing his finishing move on the Ultimate Warrior. This is likely a repeat showing of their iconic main event match at WrestleMania 6. It was a match featured in the Thirty Years of WrestleMania in WWE 2K14.

WWE 2K23: 10 Best Entrances, Ranked

The grand, flashy entrances of the stars in WWE 2K23 represent everything that fans love about wrestling.

With modern graphics and the game's Slingshot mechanics, the contest dubbed The Ultimate Challenge will look better than ever. Several edge-of-the-seat spots can be recreated in the game, like the comebacks and bouts of invincibility that both wrestlers used as part of their superhero-like gimmicks.

Bret Hart Versus Roddy Piper - WrestleMania 8

A Classic Match Of Styles For The Intercontinental Championship

Bret Hart and Roddy Piper at WrestleMania 8

The WWF Intercontinental title match was one of the best matchups of Rowdy Roddy Piper's career, and one of the few occasions where he lost clean to his opponent. It was a showdown between two of the top good guys in the WWE at the time, but Piper adopted a semi-villainous persona by using his brawling style.

The match was exciting, and the fans were on the side of both wrestlers. However, Bret emerged victorious in one of the most memorable Intercontinental title matches since Steamboat and Savage. There will be a lot of exciting moments in the match to recreate in the Showcase mode and several moments for Bret to make his comeback and grab the pinfall from the sleeper hold.

Shawn Michaels Versus Razor Ramon – WrestleMania 10

One Of The Greatest Ladder Matches Of All Time

WWE 2K24 ladder match tease

The iconic Ladder match between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon at WrestleMania 10 didn't appear in the reveal trailer. However, the official WWE 2K social media accounts posted the image of a ladder, tagging Shawn Michaels on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook.

The teaser likely referred to the incredible contest between two of the best Intercontinental Champions in the 1990s. The match features iconic and exciting moments like Michaels' splash from the top of the ladder and more to be recreated in WWE 2K24's Showcase mode.

Steve Austin Versus Bret Hart – WrestleMania 13

The Iconic Submission Match That Put Austin On The Map

WWE 2K24 Steve Austin v Bret Hart

WrestleMania 13 wasn't filled with memorable matches, but it did feature the iconic contest between Bret The Hitman Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin in a Submission match. Despite being the villain, fans were starting to cheer for the take-no-prisoners persona of Steve Austin and slowly turning on Bret's clean-cut good guy.

It was a believable grudge match led by two of the best at the top of their game. The match ended with a bloodied Austin refusing to submit Bret's Sharpshooter and passing out from the pain. This cemented Austin as the unyielding badass of the WWE and transitioned Bret into his new role as one of the top heels/villains of the company. Interestingly, the trailer didn't show Ken Shamrock as the special guest referee, but the generic ref used could be replaced later, as WWE 2K24 will feature Special Guest Referee Matches. As Shamrock is now working under a WWE Legends contract, fans are hopeful they could see the return of the former UFC champion in WWE 2K24.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Versus The Rock - WrestleMania 17

The Clash Between The Two Biggest Icons Of The Attitude Era

Steve Austin and The Rock staredown

The WrestleMania 17 match between The Rock and Steve Austin is rightly considered one of the greatest, and deserves a spot on the Showcase of the Immortals mode in WWE 2K24. It had some of the best hype and build-up of any match, and gave a sense of a big match feel between two of the best.

WWE: 11 Best WrestleMania Shows, Ranked

WWE has put on many tremendous WrestleManias over the years, but a few PPVs are extra special.

The match was a no-disqualification match between the stars. This opens up a lot of spots for the Showcase mode to replicate. Austin has to counter The Rock's rule-breaking attacks with the ring bell, the belt, and chairs with rule-breaking antics of his own. A significant question fans have is how Vince McMahon's involvement in the match will be portrayed as he plays an integral role in Steve Austin's heel turn.

Eddie Guerrero Versus Kurt Angle - WrestleMania 20

A Stunning Clash Between Two Of The Greatest Performers Of All Time

WWE 2K24 Kurt with Submission on Eddie in Match 10

Eddie Guerrero and Kurt Angle's match is considered one of the best WrestleMania contests in history. Both performers were known for being at the top of their game. Eddie was on a high as the champion going up against Angle, who was in his element as the pompous heel questioning Eddie's worthiness as championship material.

The match between the two legends was packed with near falls, counters, and reversals, all of which should play well into the Showcase mode from WWE 2K24. It's a masterclass in the feeling-out process that develops into something special for Eddie to pick up the win with an inside cradle.

Shawn Michaels Versus Kurt Angle - WrestleMania 21

A Terrific Match Between Two Of The Best Of All Time

WWE 2K24 - Shawn Michaels wearing his WM25 attire

WrestleMania 21 was packed with memorable matches like Eddie Guerrero taking on Rey Mysterio, JBL against John Cena, and Triple H versus Batista. Yet, it was Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle who stole the show. It was the perfect clash of styles with Michaels' high-flying moves and speed against the legit wrestling credentials, intensity, and technical ability of Kurt Angle.

Angle and Michaels are often held up as two of the best performers of all time with their timing, ability to sell, athleticism, and knowledge of how to work the crowd. The trailer shows Shawn Michael in the WrestleMania 21 outfit he wore against Kurt Angle. Considering how popular the match is, it isn't a surprise that it is included in WWE 2K24's WrestleMania Showcase.

Undertaker Versus Shawn Michaels – WrestleMania 25

Legendary Match Between Icons

WWE 2K24 Undertaker v Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker had two iconic matches at WrestleMania, but it was the match at WrestleMania 25 that fans view as being one of the greatest matches of all time. Two of the greatest icons with styles that fit together to create the kind of chemistry in a wrestling match that kept fans on the edges of their seats from start to finish.

Best Wrestling Games On The PS2

The PlayStation 2 is home to some of the greatest wrestling games of all time, and that selection goes beyond just WWE projects.

Even though The Undertaker had an undefeated streak at WrestleMania, the match wasn't predictable. Fans will get to recreate the match-up brimming with close calls, false finishes, and feats of athleticism from both men in WWE 2K24.

The Undertaker Versus Brock Lesnar - WrestleMania 30

The Match That Ended The Streak

WWE Undertaker v Brock WM 30

There's always been an argument that Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania should never have been broken. Given the controversy surrounding Brock Lesnar and his removal from the Royal Rumble and a potential Elimination Chamber match, it's hard to deny the argument in 2024. Even though Brock isn't a selectable character in WWE 2K24, it was too late to remove him from the Showcase of the Immortal Mode.

Even though it was a shame that The Undertaker lost his streak, it was a good physical match between the heavyweights. Even though it was not the best match between the superstars, it had several high spots, near falls, and an ending no fan was expecting.

Randy Orton Versus Seth Rollins - WrestleMania 31

A Memorable Match With A Terrific Finish

WWE Orton v Rollins WM 31

Randy Orton and Seth Rollins had tremendous chemistry and, unsurprisingly, had a fantastic match at WrestleMania 31 with lots of high spots, counters, and close calls. It was the curb stomp versus the punt kick, and of course, Orton had the RKO for one of the greatest finishes in WrestleMania history.

The back-and-forth match tricked fans into thinking Rollins would emerge victorious, thanks to the interference from Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury. It will be interesting to see how WWE 2K24 handles the interference from Rollins' lackeys if they aren't a part of the roster. The finish saw Orton counter the foot stomp finisher with an RKO out of nowhere.

Brock Lesnar Versus Roman Reigns - WrestleMania 31

A Solid Match With A Surprise Ending

WWE Lesnar v Reigns WM 31

As a one-on-one match between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, it was a decent match in which Brock was the dominant competitor with Reigns fighting from underneath. Several spots will work well in the Showcase mode, but it was the surprise ending that grabbed fans and made it a match to remember.

With Lesnar and Reigns down on the mat and exhausted, Seth Rollins decided to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase and steal a win to take the WWE title to the delight of the fans at WrestleMania 31.

Triple Threat: Becky Lynch, Rhonda Rousey, & Charlotte Flair - WrestleMania 35

A Huge Match For The Smackdown And Raw Women's WWE Title

WWE Triple Threat Match with Flair, Lynch, and Rousey WM 35

A match that many fans consider to be the best of Ronda Rousey's career, was a triple threat match that also featured two of the best in the WWE, Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair. It was a hard-hitting match that saw Becky walk away with the Raw and Smackdown WWE belts.

Several spots there can be replicated in the Showcase mode. There are tables, close call submissions, and the surprise roll-up from Becky to win the match. It was a good match featuring three of the top women's stars in wrestling at the time, and a good call, with Becky winning overall.

The Fiend Bray Wyatt Versus John Cena - WrestleMania 36

The Firefly Funhouse Match

WWE Bray appears behind Cena in their Firefly Funhouse match WM 36

Thanks to lockdown and COVID-19, the WWE had to try and be as creative as possible with its storytelling. The match between John Cena and The Fiend Bray Wyatt played out more like it was an over-the-top Hammer horror-inspired TV show at WrestleMania 36.

All New Match Types In WWE 2K24, Explained

WWE is back with a host of fan-favorite features and some new ones. Here are the new match types in WWE 2K24.

There isn't much to write home about in terms of it being a proper match, but there are lots of segments and elements of mind games, taking Cena's career apart piece by piece. This may transfer well to the Showcase mode in WWE 2K24. The Firefly Funhouse match is one of the most polarizing in WrestleMania history, but it did show the late Bray Wyatt at his performative best.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Versus Kevin Owen - WrestleMania 38

A Grudge Match That Saw The Return Of An Icon

WWE Kevin Owens vs Steve Austin WM 38

Even though Stone Cold Steve Austin seemed determined to stay retired after losing his match to The Rock at WrestleMania 19, fans always hoped the Hall of Famer would come back for one more match. He returned for a one-off match against Kevin Owens at WrestleMania 38 for a No Holds Barred match.

While the dream match in many fan's eyes was against CM Punk, Punk was with AEW and Kevin Owens did a terrific job with Austin. The two fought all over the arena, which works well for the Showcase mode. Moreover, the nature of the match played into The Rattlesnake's strengths as a brawler and was a fantastic send-off for the legend, ending his career with a win.

Cody Rhodes Versus Roman Reigns – WrestleMania 39

Cody Returns To The WWE To Face Roman Reigns For The World Title

WWE 2K24 Roman depicted in WrestleMania 39

The biggest wrestling story in 2023 involved Cody Rhodes returning to WWE and his intention to win the belt his father never won from Roman Reigns. It was a personal journey that fans could get behind, and those who followed Cody's career where he reinvented himself as a star in Japan, and AEW positioned him as one of, if not the top babyface/good guy in the company – the perfect opponent for the mega heel Roman Reigns.

Most expected Cody to win, and it was another rollercoaster match between two of the best in the company. Even though Cody's fans didn't get the result, it elevated him further as he continued his journey to finish his story and honor his family's legacy.

Rhea Ripley Versus Charlotte Flair – WrestleMania 39

A Showstealing Performance From Two Of The Best At WrestleMania 39

WWE 2K24 Rhea Ripley vs Charlotte Flair

The terrific showing between Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair was one of the best matches on both nights of WrestleMania 39. It started slowly but in the right way and developed into an exciting contest that had the fans in the palms of their hands with false finishes and finishing moves.

WWE 2K24 Entire Roster Revealed [UPDATE]

Ahead of WWE 2K24's release in March, developer Visual Concepts and publisher 2K reveal the entire roster of legends/alumni, managers, and superstars.

More importantly, it was a match that told a story in and out of the ring. Many fans consider Ripley vs Flair one of the best women's wrestling matches in WrestleMania history, and it is hard to argue that point. It's a deserving match to be featured in the Showcase. The reveal trailer shows Ripley winning the Smackdown championship at WrestleMania wearing the same outfit when she defeated Flair. Finally, the latest preview of WWE 2K24 confirms that the match will appear in the WrestleMania Showcase. However, the developers have updated Ripley's makeup to look more like it did in the WrestleMania 39 match.