WWE 2K24 allows you to replicate many classic wrestling moves you might have witnessed in real life. From performing catch finishers to hitting your opponent with several types of weapons available in the game, these moves can give you some advantage if appropriately executed.

One of the key mechanics in WWE 2K24 is the ability to lift your opponent. This move is crucial in various match modes, including the recently introduced Ambulance Match. To execute this move effectively, you need to follow a specific procedure.

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Fill out the roster of WWE 2K24 by unlocking every wrestler there is now and in the future.

How to Lift Opponents In WWE 2K24

slamming opponent on the table wwe 2k24

The process of lifting an opponent begins with a grab. To initiate a grab, press the B/Circle button while facing your opponent. Once you've successfully grappled, press the RB/R1 button to lift your opponent before they can break free. Timing is crucial here; if you press and time the button correctly, you can lift your opponent onto your shoulder and carry them around.

Once you've successfully lifted your opponent, you have several options. Press the Light or Heavy attack button to execute an attack move. Alternatively, you can carry your opponent towards the corner for a heavy attack move or towards the ropes to throw them out of the ring. This strategic use of the lifted opponent can give you a significant advantage in the game.

While in a match mode that allows weapons, like a Ladder Match, you can place a table or ladder in the ring, carry your opponent over, and then place them on the table to perform a heavy or jump attack from the top rope. This maneuver can also be executed on the announcer’s desk while you are outside the ring.

But bear in mind that you can only hold an opponent lifted for a short period of time until they manage to break free. In addition, you will find it extremely difficult to raise an opponent who is far heavier than you, and your attempt will almost always be unsuccessful. To pull off a successful attack while lifting your opponent, it is recommended that you stun them first by hitting them with successive attack moves.

How to Pick Up Downed Opponents

picking up downed opponent wwe 2k24

Apart from dragging and controlling a downed opponent, you can also pick them up and continue your attack spree. To pick up a downed opponent, stand near and grapple them by pressing B/Circle. Once you have successfully grabbed the opponent, move the right stick upwards to get the opponent back on their feet.

If your opponent is stunned, this will allow you to easily pull off some signature or finisher moves or even try to perform some special attack from the corner ropes.

How to Put Opponents on Top Rope

putting opponent on the turnbuckle wwe 2k24

The first and simplest method of placing an opponent on the top rope is to grapple with them and execute an Irish Whip by hitting B/Circle while the opponent is being grabbed. Now, point your left stick towards the corner to launch your opponent into the ring's corner.

Stand near your opponent and move the right stick upwards once your opponent has been dazed in the corner. This will lift your opponent and place them on the top rope. Before lifting your opponent, you may rotate them by sliding the right stick to the left or right.

wwe 2k24
WWE 2K24

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 8, 2024
Visual Concepts