The next WWE 2K game has not been formally announced, but a recent job posting for the next installment might provide some insight into its story mode. And it just might be the second-largest shake-up the series has had since the notoriously poor WWE 2K20.

WWE 2K has been a staple in sports video game franchises since the beginning of the 21st Century, releasing a new game almost annually. Currently published by 2K Games, it has been developed by Visual Concepts since 2013, who then took over sole development duties in 2019 following the departure of Yuke's from the series in 2018.

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In a job posting on LinkedIn, the Canadian developer revealed that it is looking for a temporary designer to work on future installments. Specifically, it's looking for someone who can write gripping yet open-ended video game stories with branching pathways, as well as convey convincing character arcs, action sequences, gutting betrayals, and intense player-driven rivalries (the latter became more customizable in WWE 2K23), all involving famous real-world wrestlers. Most notably, it's also looking for a recruit who can build dynamic RPG quests and character progression models. RPG elements have been present in several entries at this point, but seeing the series embrace that aspect a bit more going forward should be interesting.


As far as qualifications go, Visual Concepts is looking for those who have played an extensive lineup of RPGs, and have experience writing scripts. While story modes have been nothing new for the WWE 2K series, the developer is specifically for someone who can do open-ended game stories. They're also looking for at least one year of experience with professional game design, experience with crafting wireframes, copy editing and proofreading, and other facets of game design, alongside excellent interpersonal skills. All of these are standard for most gave developers these days, but notable nonetheless for anyone looking to work on this series.

Course correction is something several video game series have been known to do, with the most common reasons being a decline in quality, a deviation too far from its roots, or a fan consensus that the series has gotten stale. With WWE 2K being so many games in with relative consistency up until recently, and after WWE 2K20 was critically panned even by its own superior sequels, perhaps a further gameplay evolution could be needed to keep the good will going.

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