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One of the newest match types in WWE 2K23 is the WarGames. The WarGames match is a tornado-style tag team matches inside two adjoined rings surrounded by a steel cage. It was a popular event during the WCW days and was promoted to Survivor Series in 2023.

The WarGames match in WWE 2K23 pits two teams against each other. Except for the first two opponents, the teams are locked in a cage and must wait for the timer to count down before a new entrant arrives - similar to the Elimination Chamber. This can get one side at a disadvantage for a time, but a winner can only be announced when all members of the opposing teams are in the ring at once.

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WarGames Rules

WWE 2K23 The WarGames rules

The rules are announced before the match begins, but if a player has never watched or played the WarGames in WWE 2K23 before, it can be easy to skim over the rules and get confused about the stipulations.

  • Matches can be three-on-three or four-on-four.
  • When the timer has counted down, the next member of the opposing team will leave their cell and enter the ring.
  • When all entrants are in the ring at once, the announcer will state that WarGames has begun.
  • The match is won when one member is defeated by pinfall, submission, or thrown out of the cage - from the top.

Weapons In The WarGames

WWE 2K23 British Bulldog using the kendo stick on Lashley in WarGames

As it's a no-disqualification match, players can bring weapons into the WarGames match before they enter the ring after the timer.

  • Before entering the ring, press the L1/LB to bring up the weapons wheel and select the desired weapons to throw into the ring.
WWE 2K23 Lashley putting Roman through the table in the WarGames rules
  • If playing a WarGames match in single-player, hit the pause button and select Controller Assignment to select the WWE Superstar on their way to the ring. Then grab the weapons before entering by pressing the L1/LB button.

Actions Inside The Cage

WWE 2K23 The Anvil diving on Lashley in WarGames

Most of the actions inside the WarGames are the same as the Steel Cage matches in WWE 2K23. However, thanks to the two combined rings, wrestlers can perform unique actions.

  • Players can Irish Whip their opponents into the next ring by grabbing them with the Circle/B button, then hold down the Circle/B and the L-stick toward the middle ropes.
  • The wrestlers can also trade punches between the two rings and perform grapple moves to throw the opponent back into the ring.
WWE 2K23 Cena throwing Rollins into the fence in the WarGames rules
  • Players can slam their opponents into the fencing by holding down the Circle/B and the L-stick toward the steel fence.
  • To climb the cage, press the R1/RB button. When the wrestler gets halfway, press the R1/RB button to ascend again and straddle the cage.
WWE 2K23 British Bulldog climbing the cage in WarGames
  • To dive from the top of the cage, from the straddled position, press the R1/RBto stand up and X/A to dive off.

Forcing The Opponent To Forfeit

WWE 2K23 Cena grappling Drew McIntyre on teh cage in WarGames

Throwing an opponent to the outside of the cage will cause the opponent's team to forfeit a match, similar to the Royal Rumble. This action is somewhat temperamental, but to perform it, use the following steps:

  • Ensure both wrestlers are seated at the top but on the left side of the WarGames cage.
  • With a finisher stored, attack the opponent until they are stunned, then press R2/RT and X/A to throw them from the cage.

That's everything a player needs to know about wrestling and winning a WarGames match in WWE 2K23. WarGames has two associated trophies/Achievements to unlock in the WarGames match, The New and Vicious WarGames and Pillage and Plunder.

WWE 2K23 is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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