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Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is one of the most popular wrestlers of all time, which is a big part of what made his showdown with John Cena at Wrestlemania 28 such a memorable one for fans. Now, players can relive the pair's epic encounter in WWE 2K23 courtesy of the game's showcase mode, which this year centers around the career of John Cena.

RELATED: WWE 2K23: Frequently Asked Questions

The match is called One on One with The Great One and has fifteen different objectives. Completing all of these will provide players with three fantastic rewards, the first of which is the Wrestlemania 28 Arena in which the match takes place. They'll also unlock The Rock '12 and John Cena '12, two unlockable Superstars that can be used in some of the many other great game modes in WWE 2K23.

Showcase Mode: Match 10 Objectives (How to Unlock The Rock '12)




Rock wanted to make me wrestle his style of match, something he made clear when he opened up with a Headlock Punch in the ring!

Knock Cena down and then pick him straight back up. While he's still groggy, push the right analog stick to the left or right to spin him around. Next, press Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox) to grab him before pushing the X (PlayStation) or A (Xbox) button.

I was looking to keep a high pace, so I unloaded some attacks of my own, but Rock was able to Dodge/Reverse/Block three (3) of them!

Just like in many of the other Showcase Mode matches in WWE 2K23, players can exploit the game's Dodge system to easily complete this objective. To do so, knock Cena down and then pick him straight back up. While he's still groggy, use R1 (PlayStation) or RB (Xbox) to perform three dodges. Even though Cena isn't attacking, these will still count toward the total.

After an Irish Whip sent me to the ropes, Rock dropped me with a perfectly timed Rebound Attack!

Press the Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox) button to grab Cena and then press it again while flicking the left analog stick toward the ropes to perform an Irish Whip. When he bounces back, press either Square or X (PlayStation) or X or A (Xbox). It's best to do this while standing completely still.

Another Irish Whip to the ropes had me thinking he was looking to try it again!

Grab Cena and send him toward the ropes with another Irish Whip.

Then Rock turned the whole match on its head when he got me outside the ring and performed his Rock Bottom Announce Table Finisher!

Head over to one of the Announce Tables and press the L1 (PlayStation) or RB (Xbox) button to clear it. Then, grab Cena and hold L1 (PlayStation) or RB (Xbox) to drag him over to the table. Finally, with at least one bar of the Finisher meter filled, press either R2 + X (PlayStation) or RT + A (Xbox) to Rock Bottom Cena through the table.

Rock kept the hits coming as he dropped me with a huge Arm Wrench DDT!

Grab Cena and press either the X (PlayStation) or A (Xbox) button while flicking the left analog stick up.

And he followed that up with a Jumping Clothesline at me in the ring!

Run toward Cena while he is standing in the ring and then press either the X (PlayStation) or A (Xbox) button.

It was time for some VINTAGE ROCK as he looked to light me up with a Light Combo in the ring!

Perform any Light Combo while both Superstars are in the ring. To check The Rock's moves, players can pause the game and head to the COMBOS menu.

Rock turned his focus to my legs, looking to cause some Damage to them!

With Cena down in the ring, stand near his legs and press Circle (PlayStation) or B (Xbox) to grab them. Next, press the Square (PlayStation) or X (Xbox) button to dish out some damage.

That included putting me into his Signature Sharpshooter in the ring!

With the Signature meter filled and Cena on the ground in the ring, stand near his feet and press either R2 + Square (PlayStation) or RT + X (Xbox). He'll likely Reverse the first attempt, so most players will have to do this twice to complete the objective.

Rock brought me back outside the ring for some Attitude Era brawling, and he tried to Irish Whip me into the Stairs!

Throw Cena out of the ring and then Irish Whip him into the stairs.

Once we were back in the ring, Rock looked to take me to Rock Bottom!

While standing in the ring and with at least one bar of the Finisher meter filled, press either R2 + X (PlayStation) or RT + A (Xbox) to perform another Rock Bottom.

I saw that Rock was a little frustrated, so I attacked! But Rock was able to Reverse/Break the next attack I tried!

Wait for Cena to throw a punch and then press the Triangle (PlayStation) or Y (Xbox) button to Reverse it when prompted. If Cena instead tries a grapple, press the corresponding face button to Reverse/Break it.

And as he likes to do, Rock sent another (Opponent) Taunt my way to make me angry!

Press Right on the D-Pad to perform an Opponent Taunt.

Rock was able to find the opportunity to climb to the Top Rope and launch a Dive Attack at me while I stood in the ring!

Knock Cena down and then climb onto the top rope by running into one of the four corners of the ring. Once there, wait until Cena stands up and then press either Square or X (PlayStation) or X or A (Xbox) to perform a Dive Attack. Pressing Up on the D-Pad will make Cena stand up a little faster.

WWE 2K23 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X.