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As a title representing the colorful world of sports entertainment, WWE 2K23 has a stats-based rating system. The ratings separate big-name performers like Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar from the NXT roster. That's not knocking NXT, but it's regarded as a developmental territory for upcoming stars like Bron Breakker, who debuts in WWE 2K23.

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With exception to most of the Legends roster, the superstars in WWE 2K23 have ratings based on their success and exposure in the current programming. Unsurprisingly, many fans will disagree with many of the WWE 2K23 ratings for their favorite wrestlers. Luckily, Visual Concepts has included a way for players to edit their favorite wrestler's ratings.

How To Edit A Wrestler's Stats In WWE 2K23

WWE 2k23 Roddy Piper entrance

WWE 2K23 has many customization options to make the game one's own. This extends to the main roster of WWE Superstars and their ratings. To edit and customize a wrestler's stats, use the following steps:

  • Press the R1/RB button to highlight the Options menu.
  • Highlight and select the Roster option with the X/A button.
  • Select the wrestler to edit.
WWE 2k23 Edit Wrestler menu
  • Select the Attributes option.

Attributes Menu

WWE 2k23 Roddy Piper's Attributes

The attributes menu determines what the wrestler's overall rating will be. For example, sliding Bret Hart's stats up to the maximum will likely give him a rating of 99 or 100. Alternatively, players can lower incredibly high ratings like the 99 overall given to Roman Reigns in WWE 2K23.

Offensive Stats

These stats determine a wrestler's overall attacking capabilities, from striking to grappling.

  • Arm Power: This covers all attacks that use the arms, from strikes to grapples.
  • Leg Power: Kicks and submissions like the Figure Four Leglock and the Sharpshooter will do more damage.
  • Grapple Offense: This affects overall grapple offense.
  • Running Offense: Running attacks and grapples do more damage.
  • Ariel Offense: Diving and Springboard attacks do more damage.
  • Ariel Range: This affects how far a wrestler can jump.
  • Power Submission Offense: Power submissions like a Surfboard stretch and Bearhug will do more damage.
  • Technical Submission Offense: Technical submissions in WWE 2K23 that target the joints do more damage.


This will improve a wrestler's chance of reversing and countering their opponents.

  • Strike Reversal: Determines how good a wrestler is at reversing a strike.
  • Grapple Reversal: Determines how well a wrestler can reverse a grapple.
  • Aerial Reversal: This determines how good a WWE superstar is at reversing aerial attacks.


The following stats affect how fast the body damage meter turns from black to dark red.

  • Body Durability: This determines how much damage the body can take.
  • Arm Durability: Determines how much damage the arms can take.
  • Leg Durability: Determines how much damage the legs can take.

Submission Defense

  • Power Submission Defense: This determines how fast the wrestler can escape a power submission. It also determines the speed of the submission minigame.
  • Technical Submission Defense: Determines how fast a wrestler can escape a technical submission in the minigame.

General Performance

  • Pin Escape: Determines the difficulty of the pinning minigame. Increases the size of the kick-out gauge.
  • Strength: This determines how effective a wrestler is at lifting a superheavyweight like Andre the Giant, Omos, or Big Van Vader.
  • Stamina: This determines how quickly a wrestler's stamina decreases.
  • Agility: Affects how quickly a wrestler enters the ring and climbs the turnbuckle.
  • Movement Speed: Affects how fast a wrestler can run and walk. For example, Andre is much slower than Rey Mysterio.
  • Recovery: This determines how quickly a wrestler can recover from damage.
  • Special: Determines how fast the blue momentum/signature bar increases after attacking.
  • Finisher: Determines how fast the Superstar stores finishers in WWE 2K23.

WWE 2K23 Hit Point Ratio

WWE 2k23 Bret Hart's Hit Point Ratio

The Hit Point Ratio sliders don't affect a WWE wrestler's overall rating, but they will determine how much damage their body parts will take in a match. The higher value of Hit Points, the more damage a wrestler will take.

Players can adjust the sliders to their liking by dividing - a maximum of - 4000 points between the body parts. As it's not explained in the game, this section is often incorrectly misinterpreted to mean how much damage the points will do to an opponent.

WWE 2K23 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: WWE 2K23: Complete Guide & Walkthrough