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Ever since the Attitude era and ECW popularized the more extreme and hardcore wrestling styles, putting wrestlers through an announcer's table has become a staple of a match between two feuding superstars with a grudge. The WWE 2K series has allowed players to do this for some time now and WWE 2K22 is no different in this regard.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: How To Reverse All Ground Attacks

What has changed compared to some of their earlier titles in the franchise are the mechanics and the process of utilizing the announcer's table as a weapon in the match. Thankfully, however, it isn't too difficult to pull this off the game, as evidenced by this guide explaining how to put an opponent through the announcer's table in WWE 2K22.

Change The Match Options

Wrestlers can put their opponents through the announcer's table in a normal match without any concern of getting disqualified. However, it's recommended to at least turn off the count-out option in WWE 2K22 before the match begins or simply make it a No Disqualification match. This way, there's no time limit on trying to execute the move during the match.

Match Option Settings

  • In the wrestler selection screen press the Y/Triangle button
  • Select Custom Match Rules
WWE 2K22 DQ Off Count Out Off
  • In Rule Screen 2, turn the DQ option off then change the Ring Out option to No Count
  • Press Accept
  • One can also select any match where the rules are no DQ by default in WWE 2K22.
  • Select the wrestlers to begin the Match
  • In Match Setting screen 3 change Finishers (Match Start) to 3
WWE 2K22 match start finishers

Slamming An Opponent Through The Announcer's Table

Using the announcer's table in a match in WWE 2K22 obviously requires the wrestlers to be outside the ring. However, one shouldn't immediately go for the move without wearing their opponent down first. This is because slamming an opponent through the announcer's table requires the player's character to have at least one Finisher stored. If an opponent isn't in a stunned state then they can easily reverse the finisher.

  • Make sure that the opponent is worn down by using a combination of light and heavy attacks in a WWE 2K22 match.
  • This will lower the risk of a player or AI mounting a comeback.
  • Keep an eye on the blue Signature bars underneath the Stamina Gauge.
  • When one has three full blue bars stored, take the fight to the outside by Irish whipping the other wrestler outside.
WWE 2K22 Rikishi whips Omas
  • To do this, simply implement a grab by pressing the B/Circle button.
  • Hold down the B/Circle button and direction stick towards the ropes to throw them to the outside.
  • Or simply clothesline a stunned opponent over the top rope.
WWE 2K22 Rikishi clotheslines Omas to the outside
  • The player's wrestler needs to clear the announcer's table first
  • When standing in front of the table press LB/L1 to clear it.
WWE 2K22 Yokozuna clears the table for the slam
  • With the opponent outside, hit them with a succession of moves to increase their stun status.
  • In a stunned state, the opponent can't reverse the finisher on the announcer's table.
  • Press the B/Circle button to grab the opponent
  • Then press LB/L1to walk/drag them towards the announcer's table in WWE 2K22
WWE 2K22 Yokozuna walks Umaga to the table
  • Don't press X/Square as this will slam their head into the table
  • Press the B/Cicle button to lean them against the table.
  • Now Press RT/R2 and A/X at the prompt to execute the WWE 2K22 Finisher on the announcer's table.
WWE 2K22 Yokozuna slams Umaga through the announce table

The finisher through the announcer's table does a ton of damage to the opponent's health bar. Moreover, if players select the Falls Count Anywhere match option this maneuver will likely end the bout as they can go for the pinfall immediately afterwards.

WWE 2K22 is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

MORE: WWE 2K22: Complete Guide & Walkthrough