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The WWE 2K and WWE Smackdown series have always had complex mechanics with each entry often introducing something new for the player to get adjusted to. WWE 2K22 is no different in that regard but with this entry, the developers at Visual Concepts appear to have laid the groundwork for the series going forward.

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A question that seems to get asked a lot is how can players grab and drag their opponents in a match. Thanks to the new mechanics in WWE 2K22 where wrestlers need to initiate a grab first, this is even easier to implement now than its predecessors. As with everything in this series, practice makes perfect.

How To Drag A Downed Opponent

WWE 2K22 Shawn Michaels dragging a downed AJ

The drag mechanic is at its most useful on downed opponents. This is because if one attempts a pin or initiates a submission hold too close to the ropes the referee will call for the Rope Break and the pin/submission attempt will fail. Moreover, if one attempts a pin or submission right after the rope break then it's less likely to be successful.

It's also good for getting a downed opponent into position for a high-flying move or one of WWE 2K22's finishing moves from the top turnbuckle. However, be mindful of holding them in the drag position for too long as the opponent will automatically counter it. The mechanics for dragging a downed opponent are as follows:

  • Make sure the opponent is sufficiently worn out with attacks before attempting the drag.
  • Stand over the downed wrestlers and press the grab move by pressing the B/Circle button to grab their legs and arms. Positioning doesn't matter as long as the player's wrestler is close to the opponent lying on the mat.
  • Then press the L1/LB to initiate the drag and position them for the finisher or the pinfall.
  • Be careful not to hold the opponent in the drag move for too long as they will auto-counter it.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: Settings You Should Change Before Starting The Game

How To Drag A Standing Opponent

WWE 2K22 Shawn Michaels dragging AJ Styles to the ropes

The drag mechanic isn't just limited to opponents that are down on the mat. It works as a means to get them into position in and out of the ring too. The standing grab mechanic in WWE 2K22 allows the player's wrestler to position the opponent into a corner turnbuckle, against the ropes, or for an over-the-top-rope throw using a variety of attacks or finishing moves. The mechanics for dragging a standing opponent are as follows:

  • Grab the opponent by pressing the B/Circle button.
  • Then press the L1/LB and walk them to the ropes or the corner.
  • When taking the opponent to the ropes the player will have the option to throw them over the top rope by pressing the B/Circle button.
  • If the player chooses to ignore the prompt then the opponent will be positioned against the ropes or the corner for various grapples, attackers, and even finishers.
WWE 2K22 Bret Hart attacking Austin in the corner

RELATED: WWE 2K22: The Highest-Rated Male Wrestlers In The Game

Using The Drag Mechanic Outside The Ring

The drag mechanic can be used effectively outside the ring too. It can be used to slam opponents into the ring post or to execute finishers on the announcer's table. Here's how to use the dragging mechanic outside the ring:

  • Wrestlers seem to recover faster outside the ring so only use the drag feature when close to the announcer's table, barrier, or the ring post. Holding on too long would be a mistake in WWE 2K22 as it can turn the tide of the match thanks to extra damage inflicted outside the ring.
Bret slamming Austin's head outside the ring
  • When near a ringpost press B/Circle to grab the opponent then press L1/LB to walk them over to the ringpost, the same will work for the barrier and the announcer's table.
  • The game will prompt the player with an X/Square to hit their head into the post, table, or barrier.
WWE 2K22 Undertaker slamming Steiner's head into announcer's table
  • If the player ignores the prompt near the barrier or the table then the opponent will get leaned up against it to perform an attack.
WWE 2K22 Undertaker Powerbombs Steiner
  • If one has a finisher stored with an opponent leaned up against the table they can perform a special finisher.

WWE 2K22 is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: WWE 2K22: How To Change A Wrestler's Stats In The Menu