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Wrestling fans are very particular about how their favorite wrestlers behave in the ring. Thanks to the presentation in WWE 2K22, the wrestlers look more realistic than ever. Even the Legends like Ted DiBiase, Jake the Snake, and the Macho Man's mannerisms in the squared circle have been recaptured beautifully. However, it's the wrestler's stats and attributes that are more important to a wrestling fan.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: Settings You Should Change Before Starting The Game

As an example, if prime Hulk Hogan has his recovery stats too low then a fan may want to give that a boost in many of WWE 2K22's settings. This guide will help guide players into the wrestler's attributes and how to adjust them to their liking.

Where To Find A Wrestler's Attributes

WWE 2K22 accessing Roster

To access a wrestler's attributes the player will need to do the following:

  • Press RB/R1 to scroll into the WWE 2K22 options menu.
  • Select the tab with Brock Lesnar in the image named Roster.
  • Select Edit Superstar.
  • Select the required wrestler for the attributes change.
  • Click on Attributes in the menu.
  • This will give a rundown of the wrestler's offensive and defensive statistics in the game.

WWE 2K22 Attributes Menu

WWE 2K22 Bret Hart Attributes page

The Attribute menu is where the player can tailor their favorite wrestlers or custom characters to their liking.

  • Arm Power: This determines how hard a wrestler hits with their fists.
  • Leg Power: This determines how hard a wrestler can kick their opponents.
  • Grapple Offense: This affects how much damage a grappling move does.
  • Running Offense: This affects the damage dealt by all running attacks.
  • Ariel Range: This determines how hard a wrestler hits their opponents with all aerial attacks.
  • Power Submission Offense: Moves like the Bear Hug and Trap Squeeze from super heavyweights in WWE 2K22 would inflict more damage.
  • Technical Submission Offense: Technical submissions like the Sleeper Hold, Sharpshooter, or variations of armbars will be more effective.
  • Strike Reversal: This affects how capable a wrestler is at reversing strikes.
  • Grapple Reversal: This affects how capable a wrestler is at reversing grapple moves.
  • Aerial Reversal: This affects how capable a wrestler is at reversing all aerial attacks.
  • Body Durability: This reduces damage to a wrestler's body.
  • Leg Durability: This reduces damage to a wrestler's legs.
  • Power Submission Defense: This affects well a wrestler can escape power submissions.
  • Technical Submission Defense: This affects how well a wrestler can escape technical submissions.
  • Pin Escape: This feature makes it easier for a wrestler to kick out of submissions - the pinfall mini-game will have a wider range in the kickout gauge.
  • Strength: This affects how strong a wrestler is. A high value in this area means that the wrestler will be able to slam super heavyweights earlier into the match.
  • Stamina: This affects how long a wrestler will last in the ring before their stamina decreases.
  • Agility: This affects the speed a wrestler can climb up the turnbuckles.
  • Movement Speed: This affects a wrestler's movement speed in and out of the ring.
  • Recovery: Affects how fast a wrestler can recover from an opponent's attacks. This is useful in special matches like WWE 2K22's Royal Rumble and the Cage Matches.
  • Special: This affects quickly the Signature meter is earned from attacks. A high value will mean that the wrestler will find it easier to store several signature moves.
  • Finisher: This affects quickly the Finisher meter is earned from attacks. As with the Special meter, a high value will mean that the player can store more finishing moves with ease.

The most important attributes in WWE 2K22 are the Pinfall, Recovery, and Stamina gauges. Having good stats in these areas will make a wrestler more susceptible to damage and will be more capable of mounting comebacks against an opponent. Increasing a wrestler's attributes will also affect their overall rating in WWE 2K22​​​​​​.

WWE 2K22 Hit Points Ratio

WWE 2K22 Bret Hart Hit Points Menu

The hit points ratio in WWE 2K22 has long been an area of confusion for some players. WIth many guides out there getting it wrong on what it means. Some are under the impression that it affects how much damage the superstar does to the opponent or that increasing it makes that body part less vulnerable, but that's not the case.

In gaming terms, the definition of Hit Points is related to how much damage a character takes and how many hit points are taken away from the life/energy gauge. Those rules also apply to WWE 2K22 and its predecessors.

Players are able to change a wrestler's effectiveness in taking damage to certain body parts by reducing the Hit Points to that area. In other words the higher a wrestler's hit point damage to their head, the more the damage gained from head attacks not less.

WWE 2K22 is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: WWE 2K22: How To Win A Cage Match