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The Survivor Series has been a major pay-per-view for the WWE since 1987. Next to WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and the Royal Rumble, it has been considered one of the big four since its inception.

Despite this, the Survivor Series match is seemingly absent from WWE 2K22's main match options in the game's menus. However, despite appearances, and just like the First Blood match in WWE 2K22, players can create these matches themselves.

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What Is A Survivor Series Match

WWE 2K22 NWO vs Hart Foundation and Road Warriors

The Survivor Series match is usually an 8-man tag team elimination match. This means that individual members of each team can be eliminated by pinfall, submission, a count-out, and a disqualification. This could effectively leave one remaining wrestler pitted against a team of four if the competitor's teammates have been eliminated from the match.

In recent events, the Survivor Series match is in place to create matches between brands. So teams representing Smackdown, Raw, and NXT will face off against each other for brand supremacy in the event.

Creating The Survivor Series Match

WWE 2K22 Road Warriors double teaming Kevin Nash

Participating in these elimination matches is a great way for WWE 2K22 beginners to get accustomed to multi-person matches Even though the Survivor Series elimination tag team match isn't immediately available in the WWE 2K22 match options menu, players can still create their own Survivor Series matches, here's how it's done:

  • Select Play from the opening menu
  • Select the 8-Man Option
  • Select Tag Team
  • Before choosing the wrestlers, press Y/Trianglefor Match Options.
  • In this menu, the player can choose their appropriate arena.
  • Select the Survivor Series 2020 arena.
  • Turn off the Video Board Crowd for a proper audience.
  • Select Custom Match Rules.
  • Select Both for Pin or Submission.
  • Press Accept to go into the second Custom Match Rules menu.
  • Now turn the Elimination option on.
  • One can also choose whether they want count-outs and DQs in the match. Having a no-rules match can be a lot more fun as this will bring weapons into the match leading to a chaotically fun match, especially in local single-player mode.
  • In the third menu, adjust how many finishers one wants at the start of the match in WWE 2K22. It could be desirable to select three as an 8-Man elimination match can be a lengthy affair.
  • In the fourth menu, the player can select 6 weapons to hide under the ring apron. This would be the best option if one has decided they want a no-rules Survivor Series elimination match in WWE 2K22.
  • Finally, press Accept and choose the teams for the Survivor Series Series match.

WWE 2K22 is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: WWE 2K22: Complete Guide & Walkthrough