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WWE 2K22 features a rebuilt engine for the franchise, as well as major overhauls to the controls and flow of matches. Long-time fans of the franchise will quickly realize that the game's tagline, "It Hits Different" holds true, for better or worse, with the old ways of beating opponents are largely thrown away in favor of new systems.

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The momentum system has been swapped with two separate bars, one for Finishers, and a second for everything else. The old directional grappling system has been replaced with a combo system that players are still wrapping their heads around. Then there are the new game modes that players need to learn how to tackle.

8 Pinning Too Close To The Ropes

WWE 2K22 Pin Attempt

This is a mistake players have made the entire franchise because even players who know about it can find it difficult to judge the right distance. The Rope Break mechanic is an adaptation of the rule of wrestling matches, which is that if a competitor can make it to the ropes, the Pin or Submission Hold much be broken up.

In the games, players have the option for this to happen automatically, or via a button prompt, but it is automatic by default. This means that if players try to go for a Pin while the opponent is laying right next to the ropes, it will be immediately broken up. It is better to take the extra few seconds to drag them further into the ring before making the cover.

7 Not Using Comebacks

WWE 2K22 Hogan mounting a comeback

Comebacks were a system that, at first glance, aren't around in WWE 2K22, but they're actually still there. Rather than popping up with a clear symbol and button prompt, this time, if a character can perform one, they will be able to do so by hitting RT and Y/R2 and Triangle whilst having two sections of their special meter.

Comeback moves are small sequences involving a couple of QTEs that sees the user floor their opponent with cool moves. It can be countered if the opponent is quicker with the QTEs. However, if the player succeeds, they will immediately be granted three sections of their special meter, allowing them to perform a Signature.

6 Using Ring Escape Too Much

WWE 2K22 Randy Savage beats a downed Jake Roberts

Where the Comeback button prompt doesn't appear often enough, the Ring Escape prompt appears arguably too much. This button prompt of RB/R1 and RS towards the ropes allows players to slip out of the bottom rope and onto the floor. This can help them avoid a relentless assault from their opponent.

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The prompt appears readily when players are downed near the ropes, and there doesn't appear to be any downside to doing it. This isn't the case, though. What players may not have noticed is that every Ring Escape uses one section of their special meter, meaning they'll take longer to build to their biggest moves.

5 Not Using Blocks/Dodges

WWE 2K22 Block & Dodge controls

This change is one series veterans may take some time adjusting to, but it's worth putting in the effort. Reversals are still a thing in WWE 2K22 and allow players to counter an opponent's move, they are extremely useful in almost every situation.

However, they are fairly ineffective against the new Combo system. Players have an opportunity to Reverse the first strike of a combo, but after that, they'll be in trouble. What players should be doing instead is Blocking or Dodging the Combo, which are much more reliable ways to stop the opponent in those situations.

4 Ignoring The Creation Suite


One of the best things about the WWE series of games is that they allow players to create and customize just about everything. Wrestling is a fast-moving world, and wrestlers can change characters and gimmicks quite quickly after a game's release, so the Creation Suite is there for players to customize every wrestler.

Using this, players can edit the attires and entrances of every wrestler to better fit whatever role they currently fill on TV. Not to mention, all the great original characters that can be created. Even if a player isn't that good at it themselves, they can download Community Creations, which are now cross-platform.

3 Always Playing The Same Character

WWE-2K22 The Rock entrance

In traditional fighting games, there are plenty of good reasons to only play one or two of the characters on offer. Movesets and playstyles are often significantly different from character to character, and becoming really great at a game requires specializing a character.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: Wrestlers Making Their Video Game Debut

That's not the case in WWE 2K22, with a roster of over 150 characters, the systems are designed in such a way that the controls and Combo systems are the same for each character input-wise. All that's different is the personality and moves that the character pulls off. WWE is a world where fans are supposed to invest in every character in one way or another, and the games are much the same.

2 Thinking There's No Stamina

WWE 2K22 HUD Explanation

New or veteran players could go quite a long time in WWE 2K22 thinking that the stamina system has been removed from this game. In previous titles, this multi-layered bar would determine what actions players could perform in the ring, and had to be managed.

It has been significantly altered in 2K22, but not removed entirely. If players perform actions such as sprinting or high-energy moves too much, their stamina bar will appear above their character and start to drain. Use it all up, and players will find themselves temporarily sluggish and vulnerable.

1 Ignoring MyRise

wwe 2k22 backgrounds myrise

The new name for the Career Mode in the game, these modes have a history of being a bit sub-par in the WWE 2K franchise. Especially the one from WWE 2K20, which was panned for awful writing and boring gameplay. As such, players might be tempted to skip out on the mode entirely this year, however, that would be a mistake.

MyRise has completely overhauled the Career Mode system and has made it a lot similar to the PS2 wrestling games, with unique stories and fun ideas. Both male and female wrestlers have completely separate paths this year, and rather than being made up of an overall narrative, players are allowed to take whatever direction they want with it. They can get into unique stories with other wrestlers, pick what show they want to be on, and whether they want to be a good guy or bad guy, with the ability to change whenever they want.

WWE 2K22 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: WWE 2K22: Dream Matches You Can Only Play In The Game