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Wrestling games are technically sporting entertainment as opposed to pure sports like the NFL and the NBA. They have the complex job of offering the player the right balance of fun and simulation. WWE 2K22 is no different in this regard, but it does lean more into the simulation aspect of the game with the interesting set of options that are available for players.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: How To Win The Royal Rumble

The settings in WWE 2K22 are there to provide the player with the kind of wrestling game and experience that they want. There are options for the player to adjust the game's balancing during matches, change the music settings and improve the match experience to best suit the player's tastes. Let's take a look at some of the settings that should be changed before diving into the game.

WWE 2K22 Settings

WWE 2K22 Randy Savage beats a downed Jake Roberts

The first thing that veterans of the series will notice is that some things that are usually found in the menu are absent in this year's game. The developers have made the decision to simplify the controls in WWE 2K22 and the settings in the game by removing gameplay features like Chain Wrestling completely. There are, however, still a wealth of options to play around with to get a more realistic experience. The following are some of the most important ones.


WWE 2K22 Gameplay menu
  • Difficulty: This is an option based on how well versed the player is with the game. However, choosing Easy to get used to the mechanics of match types like The Royal Rumble and The Hell in a Cell is recommended. However, for players that want a realistic experience switching it to Hard or Legend is the way to go.
WWE 2K22 Big Show carrying Richochet
  • Weight Detection: For a realistic experience it's better to switch the option to Simulation. For those looking for a more arcade-like experience then switch it off. This means that a cruiserweight like Rey Mysterio can belly-to-back suplex the 500lb Andre The Giant as soon as the match starts.
  • Pin Mini-Game:WWE 2K22 offers the player 3 options to kick out of a pin. There is Rapid press which means that one needs rapidly hit the A/X button until the circle in the mini-game fills with green. Or they can choose Timed button presses like WWE 2K22's predecessors. Players of previous games may want to choose the timed presses as kick-outs can be better based on skill. However, rapid pressing feels fairer overall.
  • Allow Held Input For Mini-Games: This option does away with the need for the mini-games and almost acts as an automatic kick out. As the game can often decide when a wrestler had enough no matter how fast they mash the A/X button. With this in mind, switching it on is the better option for newcomers.
  • Auto Reversal For Ground Attacks: This was an unpopular feature in past WWE 2K games. Having it switched on means that after about 3-4 ground attacks, the AI will automatically escape or reverse the move. The intention was to give the other player a fighting chance to escape, but since reversals are easier to do in WWE 2K22 switching it off is the best option.
WWE 2K22 Jake Roberts entrance
  • Entrance Run In: This is an option that is purely down to the player's choice. Leaving this on will mean that the opponent can interrupt a wrestler's entrance and go on the attack. Switching it on for feuds and grudge matches for WWE 2K22's MyRise mode and Universe modes may be the most realistic choice.
  • Mid-Match Run In: Having this switched on means that a match can get interfered with after hitting one's opponent with a signature or finishing move. For an experience that's authentic to the product on TV, having this switched on maybe more entertaining.
  • Post Match Run: Post Match Run-ins occur when the player's character has beaten their opponent. Another wrestler will try and attack them during a celebration. Again, it's more authentic to have it switched on.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: How to Climb a Ladder

WWE 2K22 Jake Robert Foot rakes a bloody Randy Savage
  • Blood: For players that love an experience that's more akin to the Attitude era - or old school matches in general - having blood switched on is the best option. The blood is also vastly superior to previous entries as the bleeding will gradually get worse the more damage a wrestler takes.
  • Edited/Created Superstars: Switching this on will mean that downloaded and created wrestlers will be active on the roster in Universe mode. For those that like to fill up the roster with wrestlers from different promotions and Legends, this is definitely an option to keep switched on.

Ultimately, the best settings will vary from player to player depending on the type of WWE 2K22 experience they're looking for. However, the aforementioned suggestions are likely to give the best and most authentic WWE experience and so should suit the majority of players.

WWE 2K22 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Things We Loved About WWE 2K22 (& Things We Didn't)