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When it comes to tailoring one's wrestler and their moves in WWE 2K22 the game has so many options to play around with. Players can make adjustments to a wrestler's signature, finisher, and the entire moveset if they want to.

Checking out a wrestler's moveset in WWE 2K22's menu screen and looking at the pause menu will reveal a wrestler's signature and finisher moves. However, not all of these moves in the game are obvious. Some secret finishers used to feature in the game's predecessor's as "OMG Moments." These don't reveal themselves in a character's moveset menu, and it can take a bit of luck to discover them all. So in addition to some normal finishing moves, this list will rank some hidden finishers in WWE 2K22​​​.

8 Brock Lesnar's Catching F-5

WWE 2K22 Lesnar Catching Opponent

Brock Lesnar is legitimately one of the strongest athletes in wrestling. He has demonstrated this countless times, whether he's going up against giants like the Big Show or cruiserweights like Rey Mysterio. Lesnar can catch and throw his opponents around the ring like rag dolls. WWE 2K22 captures one of Lesnar's best reversal finishers with the catching F-5.

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How To Perform It

  • Wait for an opponent to go for a diving attack from the top rope with Lesnar standing.
  • Press the RT/R2 and A/X about half a second before they leap.

7 Randy Orton Catch RKO

WWE 2K22 Randy Orton catch finisher RKO

Randy Orton's finisher the RKO is one of the most popular moves in the WWE. His ability to catch his opponents out of nowhere has taken on a life of its own by becoming a meme. The finisher is a modified version of the Diamond Cutter performed by WCW and WWE Legend Diamond Dallas Page. Just like DDP's version, the move is versatile and can catch an opponent in midair for one of the coolest finishing moves in WWE 2K22.

How To Perform It

  • Wait for an opponent to go for a diving attack from the top rope with Orton standing.
  • Press the RT/R2 and A/X about half a second before they leap.

6 Shawn Michaels Catch Sweet Chin Music

WWE 2K22 Shawn Michaels catch finsiher

Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music is still the best version of the Superkick in WWE history. Michaels has the unique ability that makes the finisher look realistic and like it has taken his opponent's head off. In WWE 2K22, Michaels can hit an opponent in midair for a match-ending finishing move.

How To Perform It

  • Wait for an opponent to go for a diving attack from the top rope or the ring apron with Shawn Michaels standing in position.
  • Press the RT/R2 and A/X about half a second before they leap.

5 Ministry Undertaker's Spinning Tombstone Piledriver

WWE 2K22 Undertaker Spinning Tombstone

The Undertaker has adapted his gimmick and reinvented himself so many times that he has always been a dominant force in every era he performed in. His most intimidating, however, was the cult-like figure known as the Ministry of Darkness Undertaker in WWE 2K22's DLC content.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: How To Win A Cage Match

During this period, Undertaker was billed as weighing 330lbs, and at nearly 7ft tall, he looked it. He also performed the Spinning Tombstone Piledriver, which must have taken an incredible amount of strength to pull off. It also happens to be one of the best finishers in WWE 2K22​​​.

How To Perform It

  • Instead of quick-pressing RT/R2 and A/X, hold down RT/R2 and A/X either in front of the opponent or standing over them.

4 Brock Lesnar Double F-5

WWE 2K22 Brock Lesnar Double F5

As stated above, Brock Lesnar has performed some incredible feats of strength. Whether this is Superplexing The Big Show from the top turnbuckle and through the ring, or flinging the Show and Braun Strowman around the ring like a couple of featherweights, Lesnar is a powerhouse. His power has been adapted to his character in WWE 2K22, with one of the best finishers in the series, the Double F-5, performed on two opponents at the same time.

How To Perform It

  • Quickly stack two opponents into the corner by using the Irish Whip or by walking them into the corner.
  • Approach the dazed opponents and when prompted, press RT/R2 and A/X

3 Kane Double Choke Slam

Kane Double Chokeslam Finisher

Another powerhouse in the WWE is Kane. Billed as The Undertaker's brother, Kane is a massive individual with ridiculous amounts of strength agility. His impressive arsenal of moves sees The Big Red Machine hitting a flying clothesline from the top rope to Tombstoning and Powerbombing giants like Big Show and The Undertaker. His Double Chokeslam to two opponents at the same time is one of the best finishers in WWE 2K22​​​​​.

How To Perform It

  • Quickly stack two opponents into the corner by using the Irish Whip or by walking them into the corner.
  • When prompted, press RT/R2 and A/X​​​.

2 John Cena Double Attitude Adjustment

WWE 2K22 John Cena Double AA

John Cena has made the transition to mainstream acting with massive hits like The Suicide Squad and The Peacemaker TV. His natural ability to play comedic roles is something he adapted well from his WWE persona.

However, it's easy to forget that Cena is incredibly strong, as demonstrated when performed the Attitude Adjustment on the Big Show and Edge at the same time — that's around 600lbs of bodyweight getting carried around on his shoulders. Unsurprising, the Double AA is one of the most satisfying and powerful moves to perform in WWE 2k22.

How To Perform It

  • Quickly stack two opponents into the corner by using the Irish Whip or by walking them into the corner.
  • Approach the dazed wrestlers and when prompted press RT/R2 and A/X.

1 Undertaker's Chokeslam From The Hell In a Cell


The Undertaker has had so many memorable moments in the WWE. Arguably the biggest is shared with Mick Foley/Mankind in their Hell in a Cell match from 1998. It was Foley that took the bumps, but it also made The Undertaker look like the most dangerous individual in wrestling at the time.

RELATED: WWE 2K22: How To Win In The Hell In A Cell

However, it's easy to forget that his match with Rikishi (The Uso's father) in the Cell was just as memorable after Chokeslamming the 400lb man from the top of the cage. Players are also able to perform this finisher from the top of the Cell in WWE 2K22​​​​.

How To Perform It

  • Start a Hell in a Cell Match
  • Take the fight to the ringside
  • Fight directly opposite the announcer's table
  • The cage wall will break after just a few moves against it.
    • Alternatively, perform a finisher with the opponent dazed and leaning against the cage.
  • With the cage wall broken climb to the top of the Cell roof.
  • Ensure that the player wrestler has a finisher stored.
  • Continue attacking the opponent and stand them up near the edge of the Cell roof
  • If the opponent is close enough to the edge and positioned correctly Undertaker will perform the Chokeslam from the top of the Cell through the announcer's table.

WWE 2K22 is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

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