Whilst there are plenty of things that the developers cannot put in WWE 2K22 for legal reasons, there are some iconic elements of the wrestling world that are a bit freer. Whilst things like entrances, arenas, and championships from other companies are off-limits, what goes on in the ring doesn't have any legal protection.

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AEW is full of wrestlers with iconic moves that aren't used in WWE rings because it's bad practice to use someone else's signature moves. However, there's nothing legally stopping anyone from doing so, and WWE 2K22 takes advantage of this. They can't use the moves' real names, however, plenty of iconic AEW Finishers and Signatures feature in the game.

10 Malakai Black's Black Mass - Spinning Heel Kick

AEW Malakai Black Black Mass

Since WWE 2K22 still uses a lot of the same systems as the previous WWE games, the vast majority of moves featured in older games are still available in the new ones. This means that, in the case of someone like Malakai Black who left WWE last year, his moves are still fully available. Combe this with access to the CAW creation suite, and players can create realistic versions of these wrestlers.

The Black Mass is a simple finisher, but one with tonnes of character and a big impact. Whether it comes out of nowhere, or Malakai drags his opponent up with his foot, when he spins around and strikes across the face with his foot, it looks like the opponent has been knocked out.

9 Chris Jericho's Judas Effect - Spinning Back Elbow

AEW Chris Jericho Judas Effect

Chris Jericho has had a lot of iconic moves over the years, but the Judas Effect is a unique case, as he developed it after leaving WWE. Adding something new to his arsenal for his stints in NJPW and AEW, this Finisher may not be as beloved as his others, but it's a vital part of his moveset.

While it lacks the gravitas and style as something like the Walls of Jericho, there's something fun and shocking for a back elbow strike to come out of nowhere like it sometimes does. When he charges it up from the corner, it can look a bit lame, but the video game variant fixes that problem by adding some effects on impact.

8 Jon Moxley's Paradigm Shift/Death Rider - Double Underhook DDT

AEW Jon Moxley Paradigm Shift

A move that has a different name depending on if it is done in AEW or NJPW, Jon Moxley has made this a beloved move thanks to his run as AEW World Champion in 2020. It's a clean and simple move, but one with a unique sense of style that always gets a reaction.

On top of that, it looks like it hurts, especially if he sends opponents face-first onto a steel chair or into some thumbtacks. WWE 2K22 even has the Double Underhook Brainbuster variation, for when Moxley drives someone into the ground.

7 The Young Buck's More Bang For Your Buck - More Bang

AEW The Young Bucks More Bang For Your Buck

The Young Bucks have quite a wide array of tag team Finishers. As specialists in the style, they have focused a lot of energy into focusing on tandem offense. Their Double Superkick is, of course, in the game, although things more complex like the Meltzer Driver sadly have to be left by the wayside.

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This move, which they don't use as often anymore sees them performing several flips onto a prone opponent in the ring. Even though the Young Bucks don't do it as much now, it's still an extremely cool-looking move that is the perfect Finisher for any high-flying tag team.

6 Adam Cole's Last Shot - Last Shot

AEW Adam Cole Last Shot

Due to Adam Cole being removed from WWE 2K22's roster after leaving WWE for AEW in the summer of 2021, much of his stuff is still in the game. His entrance motion is in the game, labeled as the "Thunderous Boom" motion, and his Finisher is still there too.

Likely due to how late in development he was removed, his move the Last Shot still has its proper name, despite him now using it in another company. This means that most fans who went looking for it will probably have already found it, but some wouldn't have known it was still sitting there.

5 Chris Jericho's Codebreaker - Double Knee Facebuster

AEW Chris Jericho Codebreaker

A move Jericho developed as an alternative to his submission finishers, the Codebreaker is a fun and simple move that can come out of nowhere and looks great when someone sells it properly. The crunch up against the knees followed by a spring out/collapse can look really impactful, and just as fun as something like a Stone Cold Stunner.

Various animations have existed in the WWE game franchise over the years, and many of them had a unique pop to them that the one in WWE 2K22 somewhat lacks. Regardless the move is there for anyone who wants to create a moveset as iconic as Chris Jericho's.

4 Hangman Page's Deadeye - Dudebuster

AEW Hangman Page Deadeye

To the disappointment of many, the current AEW World Champion Hangman Page didn't have his main Finisher added to WWE 2K22 this year. The Buckshot Lariat is an awesome move, but unfortunately got thrown by the wayside. However, one of his other signature moves has been in the game for many years.

It has been called a few different things over the years but is currently known as Deadeye, where Hangman Page drives an opponent into the mat after holding them upside down on his back. Why exactly it's known as the Dudebuster in the WWE games is unclear, but at least it's easy to find.

3 Cody Rhodes' Cross Rhodes - Rolling Cutter

AEW Cody Rhodes Cross Rhodes

Although Cody Rhodes has now controversially left AEW, he is still a major figure in the company's upbringing, and his legacy will be forever associated with it. If the rumors that he has now re-signed with WWE are true, players of WWE 2K22 are going to be more eager than ever to create CAWs in his likeness.

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Those awesome CAWs will need an authentic moveset, and thankfully, Cody Rhodes' moves have been kept in ever since he left WWE many years ago. His old Finisher from his days as Stardust is still in as Dark Matter, but his most iconic move is the Cross Rhodes, which lives under the name Rolling Cutter.

2 Chris Jericho's Liontamer - Elevated Boston Crab

AEW Chris Jericho Liontamer

It's fitting that one of Chris Jericho's most famous promos was "the list of 1000 holds" because he has created perhaps more iconic wrestling moves than anyone in history, and they're all still buried in WWE 2K22 somewhere, which is fitting for such a high-profile WWE Legend.

The Liontamer is Jericho's ultimate finisher, and a move that he busts out very rarely because performing it requires great flexibility on his opponent's part. A variant on the Boston Crab, Jericho pulls back his opponent's legs, whilst pressing his knee down on their head. It's one of the most painful-looking submission holds in all of wrestling and can be done to anyone in the world of video games.

1 Kenny Omega's One-Winged Angel - Electric Chair Driver

AEW Kenny Omega One Winged Angel

The man that is leading the charge with the upcoming AEW game, the One-Winged Angel is a big part of what put Kenny Omega on the map, and a move that is yet to be kicked out of by anyone in AEW. It was added to the series several games ago after Kenny rose to prominence and the developers of the WWE games couldn't ignore how great the move looked.

It requires a lot of setup, but is worth it, as Omega lifts his opponent onto his shoulders, before grabbing their neck and planting them onto the mat in front of him. It has won Omega several world championships over the years and is the cherry on top of his unbelievably great moveset.

WWE 2K22 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

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