Wrestling would be too boring without some occasional hardcore stipulations. Because of this, weapons such as steel chairs, kendo sticks, and flaming barbed wire-studded bats have been incorporated into the theatrics of sports entertainment. WWE 2K20, like all the previous WWE games, replicated this to give players the true virtual wrestling experience.

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There are a ton of weapons and environmental items in 2K20 that can be used to maim and incapacitate. Some weapons lead to glorious moments of utter destruction. Creative players may use the weapons to make some wonderful crashes and burns. With that being said, here are all the weapons in WWE 2K20 ranked from worst to best.

12 Book Of The Dead


From the gates of Hades to a WWE wrestling ring, The Book Of The Dead is the most unusual and bizarre 'weapon' in the WWE 2K games. The games have always embraced kayfabe, such as portraying Undertaker as an actual deadman or presenting Kane as an actual demon from hell.

2K20 took that a step further and integrated a magical item imbued with forbidden spells. The user can hit his opponent with the ancient oversized book. But its special ability is blinding the opponent with the horrors of the underworld. The opponent is subject to agonizing screams as he burns from the flames of hell. As promising as this experimental item is, it's hard to get some practical use out of it.

11 Tombstone


The tombstone is another new addition to WWE 2K20. This slab of stone can be smashed on an opponent's head, breaking into pieces after the impact. One swing of this thing and the opponent is out for some time. It's ruthless to see this rock shattering after smashing against an opponent's skull.

However, this hard-hitting move can only be used once per tombstone. An attacker would need to find another tombstone for another hit. There are more durable and consistent alternatives to the tombstone.

10 Fire Extinguisher


The fire extinguisher is a heavy canister containing a compound for putting out fires. In WWEit's no different as it can quickly extinguish a fired-up wrestler. The canister's compact attributes make it a great foreign object to be smashed against the opponent.

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On top of that, the compound in the extinguisher can be doused on the superstar. Even if the fire extinguisher runs out, its empty container is still a viable weapon.

9 Metal Shelf


Normally a piece of metalwork where shoes are stored, a metal shelf can be used by superstars as a weapon. It is a bit heavy to carry around, though, as a superstar can't run around while carrying it.

However, the metal shelf does pack a punch. Attacking with this weapon will smash the heavy metal frame against the opponent. Hitting downed opponents with this will prompt the attacker to squash them with the metal frame.

8 Trash Can


The wrestler also can't run while holding the trash can. The primary attack smashes the opponent with the hollow metal container. The secondary attack wears the can over the opponent's body to amplify strikes done to him.

Once the opponent is downed, the trash can is swung overhead, smashing the downed opponent. This dents the can, making it unusable; however, wrestlers can still be slammed into it.

7 Sledgehammer


The sledgehammer is the choice weapon of WWE superstar Triple H. This trusty construction mallet may have its uses in home renovation, but in the WWE ring, it's used for crushing bones and decimating the opposition. However, this weapon isn't swung like expected.

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Holding the steelhead firmly, the wielder thrusts it into the opponent's gut. Due to its firm and compact weight, the weapon's hit rate is much slower than the other long weapons. But it packs quite the punch.

6 Baseball Bat


This steel weapon is swung around for maximum force. Unlike the sledgehammer, this thing's attack animation is as expected from a baseball bat. When performing a running attack, the baseball bat's length is clotheslined against the recipient.

When the opponent is downed, the attacker will tenderize him with overhead swings. This brutal beating quickly gets the opponent in the red and fills up the attacker's momentum to award him a finisher. The bat is the choice weapon for WWE Hall Of Famer Sting.

5 Ladder


Ladders aren't just used for home repairs. In the WWE ring, they're used to get up an elevated height to perform dangerous diving attacks on opponents. Ladders can be leaned against the corner of the ring to hurl opponents into. They can also be laid flat on the mat to perform slam moves on the cold hard metal.

With the right skill, a wrestler can bridge a ladder between the ring and the barricade, and powerbomb his opponent through it. He can also prop his opponent onto the unforgiving steel to perform a diving attack on him.

4 Kendo Stick


The kendo stick has the fastest hit rate among all the weapons. This 'weapon' serves as training material for Japanese swordsmen. Nonetheless, it hurts a lot to get hit with it because of the force focused over a small area. The kendo stick is aerodynamic, thus, its swings are swift.

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A running attack with this weapon swings the stick across the gut of the recipient, causing him to kneel in pain. This sets up the opponent for various moves. On top of that, Daniel Bryan can use the kendo stick to modify his submission maneuvers.

3 Table


Breaking tables causes an uproar in the WWE universe. Normal moves are made glorious as the opponent is smashed through tables. In WWE 2K20, folded tables can be smashed against opponents. However, set up ones amplify the damage of maneuvers and finishers done onto it. Opponents can also be propped up on the table to take a diving attack.

A superstar can ignite a table at the cost of a finisher, amplifying move damage. Two tables can be stacked together to create a whole tower to crash down on. That being said, tables in 2K20 make matches more fun and destructive.

2 Steel Steps


Steel steps are located on two corners of the ring. Wrestlers can be Irish whipped into them for environmental damage. A snake eyes maneuver can also be done on them, bouncing the opponent's head off the metal steps. Once the steps are picked up, the attacker can hit his opponent's face with the broad side of the steps.

Additionally, when the steps are placed on the ground, wrestlers can be slammed onto the huge metal slab. A variety of moves can be performed onto the steps. Attackers need not constantly hold it for it to be effective. However, as dangerous as the steps are, they aren't as versatile as the next item on this list.

1 Steel Chair


The good ole steel chair is the most common weapon used in wrestling matches. Arenas and event halls are abundant with it. The steel chair is a broad weapon that spreads the force over the opponent's back. However, in the 2K games, it's primary attack is a hit to the head. In reality, this is a forbidden move by WWE. Its secondary attack is to DDT the opponent onto the steel chair. This move grabs the opponent by the head and smashes it down onto the chair.

The steel chair also amplifies the damage of moves and finishers that slam the opponent on it. It can also be wedged on the opponent's neck or leg to badly injure them. Using two steel chairs, the attacker can rest the recipient's head face down on one chair, and with the other chair, smash his cranium in a move that's known as a con-chair-to. A painful steel sandwich. The versatility and popularity of the steel chair land it the number one spot on this list.

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