WWE 2K20 has topped many "worst of" lists for 2019, with the game releasing in a broken state and plagued with glitches. One would think it couldn't possibly get worse for WWE 2K20 and the brand's dwindling reputation, but it has, and in one of the most bizarre ways imaginable.

For some reason, WWE 2K20 is now virtually unplayable because of the new year. WWE 2K20 players across all platforms have reported issues with starting almost any of the modes in the game ever since the clock hit midnight and the world entered 2020. What happens is whenever WWE 2K20 players try to select a game mode, like Universe Mode for instance, the game completely crashes and they are kicked out of it.

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This issue is widespread and appears to be impacting virtually everyone that owns WWE 2K20. 2K Support has indicated that it is aware of the WWE 2K20 crashing problem and is investigating a solution, though no timetable for a fix has been released at this point. That being said, there's been reports that users are able to fix the problem by changing the date on their PC or console to December 31, 2019 instead of January 1, 2020.

This bizarre Y2K-like bug is just the latest issue that's plagued WWE 2K20. WWE 2K20 has suffered from horrendous glitches since launch, including everything from graphical problems to game-breaking bugs. This latest bug is perhaps the most severe, however, as it makes WWE 2K20 literally unplayable for the vast majority of players.

WWE 2K20 reviews were largely negative, mainly thanks to the game's abysmal performance. However, the developers have taken some steps to make amends, releasing updates that are meant to fix WWE 2K20's wide variety of technical problems while also adding new features. WWE 2K20 has also been supported with DLC packs, with the latest being a Mad Max-themed DLC called Wasteland Wanderers.

Despite this, public perception of WWE 2K20 hasn't really improved, and this crashing bug is only going to make things worse. The game's poor reception has translated to poor sales according to reports, and some have taken this is as a sign that WWE 2K21 will have its budget slashed. It's unclear exactly why WWE 2K20 has had so many significant problems, but hopefully next year's entry defies the odds and releases in a better state.

WWE 2K20 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: WWE 2K20 Review