WWE advises its viewers to "never try this at home." However, there are some moves that should also never be repeated in the squared circle. In the world of wrestling entertainment, it takes two to tango. Both the performer and the recipient of the move should be well-prepared; else there would be major physical consequences.

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There exist moves that are only entrusted to elite wrestlers due to the fact that they can perform it with little risk of injury. There also exist moves that have been banned because of the serious damage it tends to cause. The WWE games are another matter, however. Here are ten banned moves that are in the WWE 2K games.

10 Curb Stomp


The Curb Stomp is simple and straightforward. The attacker runs up to a downed opponent, jumps, and then slams the victim's face down to the mat with his boot. The move has been banned from WWE for some time so Seth Rollins, the author of the Curb Stomp, has used the Pedigree for that duration. This is because the Curb Stomp is an easily replicated move that can cause serious harm to younger viewers who imitate the move. However, Rollins was able to bring the stomp back in 2018. The Curb Stomp is under the name 'Curb Stomp 1 and 2' in WWE 2K's move-set creation.

9 Vertebreaker


The Vertebreaker is a very risky and damaging move that targets a person's most vital area-- the neck and head. To set-up is already complex. The receiver is held upside down attached to the attacker's back via hooked elbows. From there, the receiver should lean his head forward to prevent his head from caving into his chest upon smashing to the ground. The receiver should prepare to take the fall without his hands' protection, but his sole trust in the attacker's expertise in the move. The Vertebreaker takes the name 'Underhook Piledriver' and the 'Kudo Driver' in the WWE 2K games.

8 Running Powerbomb


The Running Powerbomb is like a normal powerbomb. Except, the attacker adds more force by running and tossing the victim, rather than just smashing him down into the mat. It sends the victim accelerating through the air and then crashing down into the canvas.

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This is more force than the neck can safely take. Though Sheamus has used this many times before as his finishing maneuver, the Celtic Warrior has opted for the less dangerous bicycle kick due to the former's risk of injury. The Running Powerbomb is listed under 'Running Powerbomb Toss'

7 Last Ride


Another modified powerbomb. Apart from the textbook powerbomb set-up, Undertaker's Last Ride hoists his opponent higher by stretching his arms vertically upward to their maximum extent. A traditional powerbomb would just have the opponent sit on the attacker's shoulders. After this, the deadman sends his opponent crashing down from the heightened altitude. Very risky to the neck and head. Because of this, he very rarely pulls out the move anymore. The Last Ride is listed under 'The Last Ride 1' and variations of the move include 'Sit-Out Last Ride 1 and 2' and 'Falling Powerbomb'

6 Lawn Dart


The Lawn Dart takes the speed and acceleration of the running powerbomb toss, but instead of hurling the opponent downwards, the attacker sends the recipient headfirst into one of the turnbuckles; similar to a car crash. Lawn dart is a modified snake eyes maneuver. Snake eyes is a safer move wherein the recipient is simply dropped on the top turnbuckle. This allows him to take the move with his hands; making it look like his head hit. However, with lawn dart, more force is added into the crash because of the running; and the recipient needs to act much faster to avoid the risk of injury. The Lawn Dart maneuver takes the name 'Lawn Dart 1'

5 Kinniku Buster


Anyone's back wails in pain when trying to touch their toes. With the Kinniku Buster, however, it takes a tucked opponent and then compresses his neck down like a wishbone. Suddenly, reaching for those toes doesn't seem so bad anymore. The move has the opponent's head tucked and placed on the shoulder of the attacker.

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As the attacker jumps and drops down to his knees, the victim's neck takes the full force of the plunge like a cashew nut crushed by a nutcracker. The bodies of the victim and the attacker act like a snappy hydraulic press on the victim's head. The Kinniku Buster takes the name 'Consequence'

4 Dragon Screw Neck Whip


The Dragon Screw Neck Whip swiftly twists the opponent's neck like a jammed water faucet snapped to turn on. The move suspends the opponent on the ropes, and in addition to slamming the opponent's head down to the mat as Randy Orton does often, the attacker would quickly twist while doing so. The move forcibly unscrews the head from the chest. It risks paralysis and serious neck injury. As if the twisting wasn't enough, the opponent's head is also impacted by the drop, thereby twisting it further. The Dragon Screw Neck Whip is listed under 'Whiplash Neckbreaker 1'

3 Burning Hammer


The Burning Hammer starts in the torture rack position. A position that is similar to John Cena's fireman's carry, but the opponent is held supine. This already bridges the back in a painful and uncomfortable position. The attacker then drops his opponent down to the mat on his head thereby risking neck and head injury. The move is so dangerous that even taking the move properly is similar to botching an elevated back handspring. The Burning Hammer is listed under 'Burning Hammer 2 and 3' As for the 'Burning Hammer 1' variation, however, it doesn't have enough head and neck impact.

2 Piledriver


The Piledriver is an advanced move that is extremely high risk. Though it has many variations, it still couldn't be made any safer. The move takes the opponent in such a position that when the attacker drops, the opponent seems to land head first. Calculations are crucial so that the opponent doesn't actually land with the weight of two men crashing on his head. This move has caused Stone Cold Steve Austin serious neck injury after Owen Hart botched the move on him.

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Seeing a sit-out piledriver is so rare, that when CM Punk did it to John Cena in 2013, it caused a huge gasp; followed by a respectable pop. The piledriver has so many variations in the WWE 2K games. 'Tombstone Piledriver' 'Flip Piledriver' 'Attitude Adjustment Piledriver' and 'Sit-out Piledriver' just to name a few.

1 Styles Clash


Though commonly seen performed by AJ Styles in WWE, the Styles Clash is a highly dangerous move. Michelle McCool has also used this move under the name 'Faithbreaker' It takes the opponent upside down with his arms locked by the attacker's legs disallowing him to cushion the fall as the attacker slams forward. The worst the recipient can do is to bend his head forward and tuck his chin in. To take the move safely, the opponent must lean his head back so that the performer's knees cushion the fall for the victim's head. However, one mistake performing this move could mean a snapped neck. The move is listed under 'Styles Clash 1' and 'Pop-up Styles Clash'

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