
  • Jinhsi and Changli are confirmed for v1.1 update in Wuthering Waves , bringing new gameplay mechanics and elements to the game.
  • Fans eagerly anticipate potential Resonators like Camellya, Scar, Phrolova, and Geshu Lin, each with speculated abilities and weapons.
  • Speculations about new characters joining the game highlight the excitement and interest in the expanding world of Wuthering Waves.

The launch roster of Wuthering Waves included 18 Resonators, with Jiyan and Yinlin announced as the first exclusive Convene characters. Later, with the announcement of v1.1, the character list grew to 20, as Kuro Games confirmed Jinhsi and Changli for the June 28th update

Wuthering Waves: Every Aero Resonator, Ranked

Among the aero resonators currently available in Wuthering Waves, some are stronger in battle than others.

Despite this, fans speculate that some NPCs they’ve interacted with in the campaign — including two villains — might become future Resonators. The following list reviews these confirmed and speculated characters, analyzing their potential gameplay mechanics and gauging their likelihood of becoming playable Resonators in the future.

1 Jinhsi (Confirmed for v1.1)

The Magistrate Of Jinzhou

jinhsi in wuthering waves.
  • Speculated Element: Spectro
  • Speculated Weapon: Broadblade
  • Speculated Rarity: 5
  • Release Date: June 28th

Despite starting as an NPC, Jinhsi quickly became popular among Wuthering Waves fans due to her design and personality. Fortunately for fans, she was among the first new characters confirmed by the developers for the major update, version 1.1. Although Jinhsi’s abilities have not been revealed, recent leaks suggest she will be a Spectro-Element Resonator who wields a Broadblade. It is also rumored that her exclusive weapon, called Ages of Harvest, has the unique ability to gain up to a 24% additional damage bonus for all attributes.

If these rumors are true, Jinhsi’s gameplay will be similar to Jiyan’s, with a strong focus on her ability to summon a dragon. However, her element will likely be Spectro, while Jiyan’s is Aero. Players will need to mark June 28th on their calendars to test Jinhsi out, as she will be featured in the first banner of version 1.1.

2 Changli (Confirmed for v1.1)

The Eternal Blaze

changli in wuthering waves.
  • Speculated Element: Fusion
  • Speculated Weapon: Sword
  • Speculated Rarity: 5
  • Release Date: June 28th (Second Phase)

According to Wuthering Waves’ lore, Changli is the mentor of Jinhsi, and is known to be the counselor to Jinzhou’s Magistrate. Fans have been speculating about Changli’s abilities, with most suggesting that she’s either a Havoc or Fusion Resonator, possibly wielding a Gauntlet or Sword. Recent leaks seem to partially confirm these theories, indicating that Changli will be a Fusion-Element 5-Star Resonator who uses Swords.

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The leaked data suggests that Changli’s gameplay will be similar to Danjin's, with quick combos and high damage output. She is also expected to be one of the strongest characters in Wuthering Waves in terms of basic damage. However, players will have to wait until June 28th to play as Changli and test her abilities.

3 Camellya (Speculated)

The Flower Manipulator

camellya in wuthering waves.
  • Speculated Element: Havoc
  • Speculated Weapon: Sword
  • Speculated Rarity: 5-Star

One of the non-confirmed characters most likely to join Wuthering Waves is Camellya. She was a playable character in the closed beta, making it inevitable to include her on the list of upcoming Resonators. Additionally, leaked information suggests that Camellya will utilize her flower manipulation abilities in battle, as seen in some cutscenes of Wuthering Waves 1.0.

According to leaks, Camellya has a crowd-control ability where she can use her veins to pull in enemies or grapple-hook herself toward them. However, little is known about her backstory aside from her involvement with the Black Shores faction.

4 Scar (Speculated)

The Charming Antagonist

scar in wuthering waves.
  • Speculated Element: Havoc or Fusion
  • Speculated Weapon: Gauntlets
  • Speculated Rarity: 5-Star

Opinions vary regarding Scar's potential recruitment in the upcoming seasons of Wuthering Waves. Some believe he's a likely future Resonator, citing examples from similar Gacha-style games where antagonists have become popular playable characters. Given Scar's popularity among fans, even as an NPC, his inclusion in the team of Echo hunters wouldn't be surprising to many. However, others argue that Scar's unique weapon, cards, could pose technical challenges when integrating them with Wuthering Waves' weapon types, making his addition less likely.

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During Scar's boss fight, players witness him engaging in close-range fist combat and throwing projectiles at the player. With this in mind, a possible gameplay mechanic for Scar could involve him using Gauntlets as a weapon initially and then transitioning to using projectiles like cards once his Ultimate is activated. However, there's currently no official statement or hint to confirm that Scar might someday become a playable character.

The player first meets Scar during the main quest, "Ominous Star".

5 Phrolova (Speculated)

The Mysterious Woman In Red

phrolova in wuthering waves.
  • Speculated Element: Havoc or Fusion
  • Speculated Weapon: Sword
  • Speculated Rarity: 4-Star

Similar to Scar, Phrolova is another character anticipated to join Wuthering Waves despite being considered unlikely. Not much is known about this mysterious woman in red, but she can be seen in a cutscene using her magical wand to summon Echoes.

Integrating this unique ability into Wuthering Waves' combat system poses a challenge, as it's unclear how it would function. However, one theory suggests that she could be a Sword-wielder who, in her Ultimate form, summons Echo-like shadows akin to Calcharo’s phantoms.

6 Geshu Lin (Speculated)

The Almighty Commander

geshu lin in wuthering waves.
  • Speculated Element: Electro
  • Speculated Weapon: Broadblade
  • Speculated Rarity: 5-Star

Genshu Lin is introduced during a cutscene in the Wuthering Waves campaign. From this short clip, players learn that he is Jiyan’s mentor and is highly-regarded as one of the commanders of Solaris-3. Additionally, using visual hints in the cutscene, players have speculated that Geshu Lin could join Wuthering Waves as a Broadblade-wielding Electro-Element Resonator.

This theory stems from the fact that he is seen holding a long blade with purplish hues emanating from it. In Wuthering Waves, long swords are referred to as Broadblades, and the color purple is loosely correlated to Electro damage, both of which would fit seamlessly into the game's established combat system.

Wuthering Waves game
Wuthering Waves

Android , iOS , PC
May 22, 2024
Kuro Games
Kuro Games
Action RPG , Open-World