Wuthering Waves is an open-world action RPG that emphasizes dynamic combat and exploration. As players traverse its expansive world, they will encounter various leveling systems that are crucial for progression. These systems include Union Level, character levels, and the Data Bank system, each offering unique benefits and unlocking new content. Balancing these aspects is essential for enhancing character abilities, unlocking new quests, and tackling the game's many challenges effectively.

Wuthering Waves: How to Delete Your Account

Deleting your account in Wuthering Waves can be a difficult process, so here you will find a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

The game's intricate leveling systems add depth to the gameplay, encouraging players to engage with different aspects of the game. Union Level, for instance, is vital for overall progress to be able to unlock some quests, as well as grinding for more materials efficiently, while character levels and the Data Bank system help in honing specific skills and abilities. Mastering these systems not only improves combat efficiency but also enriches the overall gaming experience, making Wuthering Waves a compelling adventure for all players. Here's all max levels known as of now.

Max Resonator / Weapon Level

Wuthering Waves Max Resonator Level

As of now, the maximum character and weapon level is 90, respectively. This may be subject to change as the game evolves over time. Players will need to reach certain SOL3 Phase levels and collect relevant materials to be able to increase their characters' and weapons' levels.

Max Union Level

Wuthering Waves Max Union Level

As of now, the maximum Union Level is 80; however, the progression slows down significantly after Union Level 70. To unlock most of the highest level content, players will need to reach Union Level 60. Union Level increases by earning Union EXP through completing quests, exploration, and spending Waveplates.​​​​​​​

Max Data Bank Level

Wuthering Waves Max Data Bank Level

The Data Bank currently caps at level 20; however, it is only unlockable after players reach Sol3 Level 5 with Union Rank 40. Fortunately, since the requirements for maxing out this feature are more accessible than many other types of content, players should have an easier time obtaining 5-star Echoes efficiently during the mid-game. Players can increase their Data Bank level by finding higher rarities of each Echo.​​​​​​​

Max Forte Level

Wuthering Waves Max Forte Level

While stat bonuses on the Forte tree are unlocked and have no levels, Basic Attack, Resonance Skill, Forte Circuit, Resonance Liberation, and Intro Skill all have a max level of 10. Unlike in other similar games such as Genshin Impact, Resonance Chain (constellations in Genshin Impact terms) does not provide an additional 3 levels to certain Forte skills. Players will need to farm Forgery Challenges to obtain materials for leveling each Forte.

Max Intimacy Level

Wuthering Waves Max Intimacy Level

Intimacy is the friendship or companionship equivalent in Wuthering Waves, gained through spending Waveplates in any content. By doing so, players will be able to unlock additional character details such as their stories, likes, dislikes, as well as sigils that can be used to showcase on players' profiles. While the exact max level is currently unknown, unlocking all stories requires Level 5 Intimacy.

Wuthering Waves game
Wuthering Waves

Kuro Games' Wuthering Waves is a mobile and PC action RPG set in an open-world.

Wuthering Waves: Backflip Challenge

Backflip Challenge can be cheesed with the following methods in Wuthering Waves.