Wuthering Waves currently has an event called Wuthering Exploration where players must complete daily Survey Tasks to get all the rewards. The missions are random for each player, and Rovers may need to do chores such as defeating five enemies, upgrading a Resonator, consuming a Potion, upgrading an Echo, collect collectibles and so on.

However, players may be confused about how to play the Wuthering Exploration event in Wuthering Waves due to the bug that causes the Survey Tasks to not appear on the Rovers' event page. Fortunately, there's an easy fix to it.

Wuthering Waves: Yinlin Build Guide

The community expected her to be a support, but Yinlin build in Wuthering Waves leans towards damage dealing instead.

Wuthering Exploration Event (Central Plains Survey Task)

wuwa wuthering waves exploration event survey task central plains

To complete the Wuthering Exploration event in Wuthering Waves, players must do the daily Survey Tasks. These tasks are available from the event page, right under the Survey Tasks heading. However, if players can't see anything under it, then they can simply restart the game, and it should be there afterward. Although the event is marked in Central Plains as the theme, the related missions are more like the Daily Tasks in WuWa.

These missions also refresh at 4 AM, so at the reset time of players' Wuthering Waves server. Thankfully, if Rovers forget to claim their rewards, unclaimed points will be added automatically to the tally. However, any missed task can't be redone, so Rovers must do all Survey Tasks for at least seven days. Additionally, if players forget to claim their point reward, they can still claim it if they log in within 30 days after the Wuthering Exploration event ends.

Wuthering Waves Wuthering Exploration event is available until June 27, 2024, and players must reach Union Level 14 to unlock it.

Every day, players can earn 20 Survey Points, and they can get the following rewards after collecting the required points:

  • 20 Survey Points: 200 Astrite + 1 Malleable Elite Class Echo 1
  • 40 Survey Points: 10 Premium Sealed Tube + 50 Premium Tuner
  • 60 Survey Points: 200 Astrite + 10 Premium Sealed Tube
  • 100 Survey Points: 10 Premium Sealed Tube + 50 Premium Tuner
  • 140 Survey Points: 400 Astrite + 1 Malleable Elite Class Echo 2

In total, Rovers can collect 800 Astrite in Wuthering Waves from this Wuthering Exploration event.

If players aren't familiar with each item yet, here's what they do:

  • Malleable Elite Class Echo: Choose 5-Star Elite Class Echo from the list
  • Premium Sealed Tube: +5000 Echo EXP
  • Premium Tuner: Tune a 5-Star Echo to unlock one sub-stat
Wuthering Waves game
Wuthering Waves

Android , iOS , PC
May 22, 2024
Kuro Games
Kuro Games
Action RPG , Open-World