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Calcharo is a strong main DPS in Wuthering Waves. He relies on his Resonance Liberation and he needs a team that can maximize his DMG. That being said, the team should be balanced between Supports and Sustain, which will give Calcharo the buffs he needs while keeping the team alive.

Wuthering Waves might carry multiple similarities to Genshin Impact, but combat and team building is where Wuthering Waves takes a different approach. Having three characters in one team to do all the work puts more pressure on finding the best teams for every DPS. Considering Calcharo is the best DPS in the standard banner, Rovers may want to start their team-building journey by learning the best Calcharo team comp in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: Current Banner, Next Banner, And Past Banners

Players who wish to know Wuthering Waves' current, next, and past banners can check this article.

2 Calcharo + Jianxin + Verina

wuthering waves calcharo-Jianxin- and Verina team composition

A classic team of Main DPS, Sub-DPS, and a Support. Calcharo takes the lead by carrying the entire team’s DMG as Jianxin and Verina work together to maximize his DMG. They do so mainly through their Outro Skill, which grants Calcharo more than 50% DMG Deepen alongside their Echo sets that grant him around 35% extra ATK%. Not only that, but Verina’s passive also adds 20% extra ATK to Calcharo.

Although these are more than enough buffs, Calcharo can enhance his own DMG if you trigger his Heavy ATK mercy and use Thundering Mephis Echo Skill before he Ult. Add to all that the fact that Jianxin and Verina constantly shield and heal him, giving him an excuse to be as aggressive as possible.

Players can switch Jianxin for Mortefi as the Sub-DPS.

Calcharo Team Rotation

  • Start with Calcharo and Skill quickly three times.
  • Change to Verina and cast her Resonance Liberation.
  • Follow it with her Resonance then Echo Skills.
  • Switch to Jianxin to trigger Verina’s Outro Skill.
  • Cast Jianxin’s Ultimate, then her Skill and Echo.
  • Switch back to Calcharo to trigger Jianxin’s Outro Skill.
  • Use Calcharo’s Echo Skill to the end, then trigger his Heavy ATK Mercy.
  • Cast his Resonance Liberation and go berserk.

Calcharo Team Roles

  • Calcharo: Main DPS
  • Jianxin: Support
  • Verina: Support

1 Calcharo + Mortefi + Baizhi

wuthering waves calcharo-mortefi- and baizhi team composition

This Calcharo team comp is not as effective as his best team with Jianxin and Verina. However, the characters are fully F2P so they're friendlier for unlucky Rovers or those looking for more challenge. Mortefi is an amazing off-field DPS when you activate his ultimate before switching to Calcharo. His Outro Skill is not as effective as Jianxin's since he only buffs Calcharo’s Heavy ATK while she buffs his entire Resonance Liberation.

What puts this team on the map is Mortefi’s ability to help with the team’s DPS instead of Calcharo’s carrying the entire role. As for Baizhi, she’s a mini Verina who’s there to add sustain and grant the team a shorter buff.

Calcharo Team Rotation

  • Start with Calcharo and Skill three times quickly.
  • Switch to Baizhi and cast her Resonance Liberation.
  • Use her Skill and Echo before switching to Mortefi.
  • Cast his Ultimate and follow it with his Skill twice.
  • Switch back to Calcharo and trigger both his Mercy and Echo.
  • Cast his Resonance Liberation and enjoy the fireworks.

Calcharo Team Roles

  • Calcharo: Main DPS
  • Mortefi: Sub-DPS
  • Baizhi: Support
Wuthering Waves game
Wuthering Waves

Android , iOS , PC
May 22, 2024
Kuro Games
Kuro Games
Action RPG , Open-World