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While exploring Qichi Village, Rovers and Yangyang collect some clues and try to find out what happened to the people in Wuthering Waves. However, after a while, Scar appears and crashes the party by sending Yangyang away to have a private conversation with the players.

The Fractsidus agent then starts talking cryptically about what happened to the villagers and pushes Rovers to collect clues and come up with their conclusion. Although answering Scar’s questions correctly won’t yield any rewards or Trophies, it brings a good feeling of satisfaction from concluding the correct story.

Wuthering Waves: Encore Build Guide

Encore is a Fusion character in Wuthering Waves who fights with her sheep in combat.

All Scar's Questions And Answers In Wuthering Waves

After Scars appears in Qichi Village, players must go around and search for clues to try and figure out what happened to the villagers. Follow the TD and collect clues while listening to Scar’s storytelling, as it will be essential for answering his questions later on. For those who prefer the easy way, here are the answers:



Who was the real culprit behind the diminishing number of lambs?

The white lambs

What price did the lambs pay for their wishes?

Their lives

What happened to the black lamb?

It was murdered by its flock and the shepherd

scar trapping players in wuthering waves

Upon answering all the questions correctly, Scar will tell players the full story and then proceed to lock them inside his Elysium. Explore around while fighting enemies to meet Scar and fight him as a boss eventually.

How To Collect Clues To Answer Scar’s Questions In Wuthering Waves

what is the conclusion you've drawn in wuthering waves

After Scar takes Yangyang away, players are forced to collect clues in Qichi Village while following the strange TD. Before that, Scar asks players, what is the conclusion you’ve drawn? And the most likely answer is The villagers killed each other. However, it’s a general question, so don’t stress too much.

First Clue

The first clue is the diary of a little girl who got taken in by the villagers and was waiting for her parents. Scar will begin by telling a story of how a flock of lambs feared the wolves and were searching for food.

Second Clue

The second clue is paper slips tied to tree branches that express villagers’ wishes. The story continues with the arrival of a shepherd who promises the flock riches and comfort for the rest of their lives.

Third Clue

third clue location and scar storytelling 3 in wuthering waves

The third clue is a crumbled paper from a children's storybook that shows a black lamb among the flock, and it seems suspicious of the shepherd and the dwindling numbers of white lambs.

Fourth Clue

The fourth and final clue is writings on the wall like “WITCH” and “BANISH HER.” Finally, Scar ends the story by telling Resonators how the shepherd blamed the decreasing number of the flock on the black lamb. Additionally, the shepherd stopped fulfilling the flock’s wishes because no more sacrifices were made. After collecting all these clues, head to Scar and answer his questions to find out the full story of Qichi Village.

Wuthering Waves game
Wuthering Waves

Kuro Games' Wuthering Waves is a mobile and PC action RPG set in an open-world.

Android , iOS , PC
May 22, 2024
Kuro Games
Kuro Games
Action RPG , Open-World