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Farming echoes for characters is one of the biggest time sinks for players looking to build their characters in Wuthering Waves. Each character in the game has five slots for echoes that can be slotted in. Getting the right echoes for the right character is the difference between a top-tier DPS and a mediocre one.

While players will find plenty of echoes by exploring and defeating enemies during regular gameplay, there is a way to target farm exactly the 5-Star echo that a character needs without having to rely on lucky drops. This mechanic is called Echo Pity, and it allows players to guarantee echo drops from their desired enemy. Here is how it works.

Wuthering Waves: Weapon Tier List

Among all weapons in Wuthering Waves, these swords, broadblades, gauntlets, pistols, and rectifiers are the best, making them worth players’ effort.

How to Guarantee Echo Drops Using Pity in Wuthering Waves

crownless overlord class monster in wuthering waves

Echo Pity works very similarly to the Gacha banner system in Wuthering Waves. Every time a player kills a monster of a specific rarity, the background echo pity activates and starts counting that kill toward the pity timer. Different Classes of monsters have different pity pools, just like different banners have separate pity.

  1. Calamity Class monsters (4-Cost) have a pity of 2.
  2. Overlord Class monsters (4-Cost) have a pity of 2.
  3. Elite Class monsters (3-Cost) have a pity of 4.
  4. Common Class monsters (1-Cost) have a pity of 8.

Echo Pity is simple to understand. If players kill a monster of a specific rarity/class and it doesn't drop an echo, the echo pity for that class counts down by 1. When this number drops to 1, the next monster killed of that rarity is guaranteed to drop an echo. This means that if you kill a Calamity Class boss and it doesn't drop an echo, the next Calamity monster you defeat will have a 100% guaranteed chance to drop its echo. This mechanic can be used to target farm high rarity echoes with incredible efficiency.

Players can check the Echo Gallery in the Data Bank to determine which class the monster they're hunting the echo for belongs to.

Overlord & Calamity Echo Farming

thundering mephis and crownless location in wuthering waves-1

As an example, the Thundering Mephis and the Crownless are both Overlord class enemies in the same pity pool. If a player wants to farm the Thundering Mephis to get an echo for their Calcharo, they would first defeat Crownless. If Crownless doesn't drop an echo, they would immediately teleport over to Thundering Mephis because, since the Pity Timer has now hit 1, he is guaranteed to drop his echo. If Crownless does end up dropping his echo on the first kill, players will switch over to another Overlord Class monster until they kill one that doesn't drop their echo. They would then teleport over to Mephis to get a guaranteed drop.

Elite Echo Farming

flautist echo in wuthering waves

Now, let's say the player wants the Flautist echo, which is an Elite Class enemy. To get a guaranteed drop, they would first need to kill three other Elite enemies who don't drop an echo before killing a Flautist for a guaranteed drop. As an ideal scenario, the other three monsters in the lead-up to the Flautist should not be Flautists themselves. There are only so many Flautists on the map, and to ensure that every single one drops an echo, players have to find other Elite Class monsters to fill the gaps.

If monsters on the map run out, players can visit other worlds using Co-op to continue farming.

Common Echo Farming

For common echoes, this pity is extended to 8. In 99% of cases, planning out a perfect route of 7 common enemies leading up to the eighth one you want the echo to drop from is not recommended. This is why, in most scenarios, Common echoes will drop before the pity reaches 1 because of their inherently high drop chance, wasting the effort required to set everything up.

Wuthering Waves game
Wuthering Waves

Android , iOS , PC
May 22, 2024
Kuro Games
Kuro Games
Action RPG , Open-World