Chixia is one of the few Pistol users who came with the initial character roster in Wuthering Waves, and among those few, she's the only one who focuses on dealing on-field DPS. Players who enjoy ranged playstyles have a lot to look forward to with Chixia, and even those who are looking for a good character for quick-swap teams can get a lot of value out of her.

Speaking of teams, Chixia doesn't have as many strong synergies as other Wuthering Waves characters like Jiyan or Calcharo do, but players can definitely make a team focusing around her work. Here are some good team compositions to consider if you want to bring her out onto the field.

Wuthering Waves: Every Aero Resonator, Ranked

Among the aero resonators currently available in Wuthering Waves, some are stronger in battle than others.

Chixia + Taoqi + Verina

Taoqi yawning in Wuthering Waves

Much of Chixia's damage comes from her Resonance Skill (whenever her Resonance Liberation is unavailable, that is). As such, Taoqi and her Outro Skill that applies Resonance Skill Amplify is perfect for Chixia. To add to that, Taoqi's ability to provide a shield and her entire playstyle, which revolves around counter-attacks, means Chixia players have a defensive character to swap to when things get hairy.

Verina is an all-around good Support character for many Wuthering Waves teams. Her Outro skill provides an All-Type DMG Amplify effect that lasts for 30 seconds and persists between characters, which means players can stack this buff on top of Taoqi's Outro Skill effect. Verina's a solid healer as well, making her a universal pick. This is the most ideal team for Chixia if you're looking to maximize her damage, and it works best against bosses.

Chixia + Aalto + Jianxin

Aalto's ultimate in Wuthering Waves

This team may not have the best synergy, but it's a decently strong off-meta team that can tackle most content with relative ease and speed. Aalto can create decoys with his Resonance Skill as well as a damage-boosting wind wall with his ultimate. The former can keep the enemy's attention away from Chixia, while the latter boosts her damage output whenever her projectiles pass through it.

To play this team, trigger Jianxin's Outro Skill first for the Resonance Liberation Amplify buff, then follow up immediately with Chixia's. Then, use Aalto's ultimate to place his wind wall and fire Chixia's bullets through it.

Jianxin is a great jack-of-all-trades character who can provide healing, crowd-control, damage, Resonance Liberation Amplify, and damage mitigation. Here, she's best built with damage Echoes and weapons, and you should get her rotation out after triggering Aalto's Outro Skill, which amplifies Aero damage.

Wuthering Waves game
Wuthering Waves

Android , iOS , PC
May 22, 2024
Kuro Games
Action RPG , Open-World