World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria is a new way to experience World of Warcraft and one of its more popular expansions. The limited time mode comes with a lot of new features and content, and, like Plunderstorm, has plenty of rewards for players to earn.

Naturally, players will want to know how long they can expect to enjoy this mode and get its rewards, so we've put together this guide with all the information we currently have on the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria end date.

World of Warcraft Shows Off Unique Abilities from Mists of Pandaria Remix Event

World of Warcraft shows off some of the awesome abilities players can equip their characters with in the Mists of Pandaria Remix PvE event.

When is the End Date for WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria?

world of warcraft dragonflight eternus mists of pandaria

At the time of writing, we do not have a definite release date for WoW Remix. However, we do have a potential end date thanks to The War Within Alpha.

Players who have taken part in the Alpha have noticed that the in-game calendar currently suggests that the limited time mode will run until August 19th, and given that the Alpha also had the correct release date before it's announcement, it lends some credibility to this being the end date. It's around this time that players also suspect The War Within pre-patch may also be dropped in the lead up to The War Within. This means players will have around three months of WoW Remix, giving players plenty of time to play the mode and earn its rewards.

As this information is based on The War Within Alpha, details may change in a future build, so take this news with a grain of salt until an official announcement is made by Blizzard.

What Happens When WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria ends?

an infinite dragon hiding out in pandaria from wow

When WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria ends, all characters made and played during the event will be converted to standard retail characters, losing all the remix specific features, such as the Cloak of Infinite Potential and Bronze, and will be able to be played like any other retail character. They will also have several features turned back on that are unavailable in WoW Remix, such as being able to leave Pandaria, use the Auction House, and party with other retail players.

However, all rewards players earned, such as mounts and transmogs, will not be lost, as these will be added to players' collections much like any other item they get, so they can be used by all other characters, which has the added bonus of the upcoming Warbands feature, which will make the whole process for getting transmogs easier, so players should consider getting all the rewards they can to take advantage of this new feature.

world of warcraft box art
World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004