One of the few disappointments of the first Phase of WoW SoD was the Battle for Ashenvale event. It didn't focus on PvP enough (especially for being described as a PvP event), but in Phase Two, the new world PvP event is much more directly tied to killing other players – so much so that you can kill members of your own faction in the chaos of the Blood Moon.

WoW Season of Discovery: Best DPS Classes in SoD, Ranked

All nine classes in WoW Season of Discovery can play the DPS role, but some are capable of putting out much higher numbers than others.

The Blood Moon event takes place in Stranglethorn Vale, and players can earn currency by killing other players and mobs while it is active. Just like the Battle for Ashenvale, unique Event rewards await those who are brave enough to go out and engage in PvP. There's a lot more to this event than just a red haze falling over the landscape of Stranglethorn.

Blood Moon SoD PvP Event Overview

grom'gol base camp with its zepplin in zul'gurub under the blood moon from WoW classic SoD

When Does The Blood Moon Event Start?

The Blood Moon begins at midnight server time, and lasts for 30 minutes. Unlike the Battle for Ashenvale, there is no faction population or other pre-requisite necessary for the event to start – at the stroke of midnight server time, and every three hours after, Stranglethorn Vale becomes a free-for-all PvP hotspot.

You will know that the Blood Moon event is active if the zone's skybox is red.

Following this schedule, players can expect the Blood Moon to begin at midnight, 3 a.m., 6 a.m., 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., and 9 p.m. every day (as long as no changes are made to the event timing). Things may change in future phases, as Battle for Ashenvale was changed for Phase Two. But for now, expect the Blood Moon time to be at these regular intervals each day.

Engage in Free-For-All PvP For Unique Rewards

Essentially, the SoD Blood Moon event in Stranglethorn Vale is a free-for-all deathmatch that spans the entire zone. There are no factions in the Blood Moon – during the 30-minute-long event, every single player in the zone who hasn't opted out of the event is a possible target.

WoW Season of Discovery: DPS Rogue BiS Gear

Though Rogues aren't necessarily gear-dependent, getting your Rogue BiS equipment is key to topping damage meters in WoW SoD's version of BFD.

By killing enemies, including both players and world mobs, players will increase their stacks of the Blood For The Blood Loa buff. Players get about five or six Blood For The Blood Loa stacks for every enemy they kill, and lose a percentage-based amount on death.

The buff maxes out at 255 stacks, but you should be well on your way to turn in your Blood For The Blood Loa in exchange for Blood Coins before then.

An incredibly powerful World Boss will spawn somewhere in the zone during the event, too. Though it might be possible to kill this enemy, just being in its vicinity grants a huge boost to Blood earned for every kill. Find this World Boss and stay near it without aggroing it to get even more Blood.

Converting The Buff To Blood Coins

There are a number of altars to the Blood Loa around Stranglethorn Vale during the event, which will be highlighted on your World Map of the zone while the Blood Moon is active. After getting enough stacks of Blood For The Blood Loa, head to one of these Altars to convert your current stack amount into Copper Blood Coins. It should happen automatically as you approach the Altar – there's no special NPC to interact with, Blood Coins just get added to your inventory.

A new NPC named Mai'zin stands just outside the Gurubashi Arena in central Stranglethorn. At Mai'zin, players can purchase Blood Coin PvP rewards, and convert their Copper Blood Coins into Silver and Gold versions. 100 Copper Blood Coins can be converted to a Silver Blood Coin, and 100 Silver Blood Coins can be converted into 1 Gold Blood Coin. These different versions are required for the higher-tier Blood Moon rewards.

How To Opt Out Of The Blood Moon Event

WoW Season of Discovery Blood Moon Guide Turn Off Event Zandalarian Emissary

You can opt out of the Blood Moon event by speaking with a Zandalar Emissary, who can be found in neighboring zones on the borders of Stranglethorn Vale. This includes zones connected by Zeppelins and Boats, as they are technically connected to the zone, just not physically.

WoW Season of Discovery: What To Do At Max Level

Once you reach max level in WoW Season of Discovery, there's still plenty to do, including collecting Runes, raiding BFD, and leveling Professions.

Both factions will find a Zandalar Emissary at the docks in Ratchet, as the boat there goes straight to Booty Bay in southern Stranglethorn. Alliance players can also find one on the border of Darkshire and Stranglethorn Vale, while Horde players can also find a Zandalar Emissary by the Zeppelin that connects to Stranglethorn outside of Orgrimmar.

Blood Moon Rewards

a human warrior in stranglethorn vale jungle under the blood moon in wow

Each class has access to unique rewards from the Blood Moon event, but there are a handful of items that are class-agnostic. These include a new Mount for each faction: the Reins of the Golden Sabercat for the Alliance, and the Whistle of the Mottled Blood Raptor for the Horde. There are also four Cloaks players can purchase from Mai'zin, each tailored for different playstyles (melee, spellcaster, tank, and healing).

Blooddrenched Drape

Cloak (Melee DPS)

2 Silver Blood Coins

Bloodrot Cloak

Cloak (Caster DPS)

2 Silver Blood Coins

Cape of Hemostasis

Cloak (Healer)

2 Silver Blood Coins

Coagulated Cloak

Cloak (Tank)

2 Silver Blood Coins

Reins of the Golden Sabercat

Mount (Alliance)

1 Gold Blood Coin

Reins of the Mottled Blood Raptor

Mount (Horde)

1 Gold Blood Coin

The following tables detail what each class can expect to get from the Blood Moon, and what each option costs in Blood Coins. It's important to note that players can only equip one item purchased from the Blood Moon vendor at a time, so be sure to pick your most favored option first.

Druid Blood Moon Items

Enchanted Sanguine Grimoire


5 Silver Blood Coins

Bloodbark Crusher

2h Mace

15 Silver Blood Coins

Bloodbonded Grove Talisman


5 Silver Blood Coins

Hunter Blood Moon Items

Bloodlash Bow


10 Silver Blood Coins

Tigerblood Talisman


5 Silver Blood Coins

Sanguine Quiver or Sanguine Ammo Pouch

Quiver/Ammo Pouch

5 Silver Blood Coins

Mage Blood Moon Items

Blood Resonance Circle

Ring (Arcane)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Emberblood Seal

Ring (Fire)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Loop of Chilled Veins

Ring (Frost)

5 Silver Blood Coins

WoW Season of Discovery: DPS Warlock BiS Gear

This guide goes over the best in slot gear for Warlocks in the DPS role for WoW Season of Discovery, and where to get every piece.

Paladin Blood Moon Items

Eclipsed Bloodlight Saber

1h Sword

15 Silver Blood Coin

Bloodlight Avenger's Edge

2h Sword

15 Silver Blood Coin

Bloodlight Crusader's Radiance

Trinket (DPS)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Bloodlight Offering

Trinket (Healing)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Priest Blood Moon Items

Blood Covenant Seal

Ring (Healing)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Sanguine Shadow Band

Ring (Shadow)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Sanguine Sanctuary

Ring (Healing)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Rogue Blood Moon Items

Bloodharvest Blade

Dagger (Main Hand)

10 Silver Blood Coins

Blood Spattered Stiletto

Dagger (Offhand)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Swift Sanguine Strikers

Fist Weapon (Offhand)

5 Silver Blood Coins

WoW Season of Discovery: DPS Warrior BiS Gear

Improving gear is still one of the most important things Warriors can do to improve their damage output in WoW SoD – some things never change.

Shaman Blood Moon Items

Bloodstorm Barrier


5 Silver Blood Coins

Bloodstorm War Totem

2h Mace

15 Silver Blood Coins

Ancestral Bloodstorm Beacon

Trinket (DPS)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Bloodstorm Jewel

Trinket (Healing)

5 Silver Blood Coins

Warlock Blood Moon Items

Infernal Bloodcoil Band

Ring (Fire)

5 Silver Blood Coin

Umbral Bloodseal

Ring (Shadow)

5 Silver Blood Coin

Infernal Pact Essence


5 Silver Blood Coin

Warrior Blood Moon Items

Sanguine Skullcrusher

1h Mace

10 Silver Blood Coin

Sanguine Crusher

2h Mace

15 Silver Blood Coin


MH Sword

15 Silver Blood Coin

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World of Warcraft

November 23, 2004
T for Teen: Blood and Gore, Crude Humor, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence (online interactions not rated)