WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria revamps old content with new power-ups and ways to progress in the Pandaria expansion. But one part of the limited time event that is somewhat undersung is the addition of easy-to-access Scenarios, brought back from the MoP expansion.

World of Warcraft: Best MoP Remix Classes, Ranked

Of the thirteen classes available in the event, the best WoW MoP Remix classes are those that offer new experiences for players.

Some of these scenarios have been lost to time, or were a hassle to try out in regular retail WoW, MoP Remix Scenarios can be accessed more easily than ever before. This guide explains how to start Scenarios in MoP Remix, and what the level requirements are to be eligible to queue for each of the 16 different Scenarios available.

How To Start MoP Remix Scenarios

WoW MoP Remix All Scenarios List Group Finder Pandaria Scenario

The easiest way to start Scenarios in MoP Remix is to open up the Group Finder menu and select the "Scenarios" tab on the left. Within this interface, you can filter between which Scenarios you want to queue for.

  • If you choose to go with the Random Normal Mists of Pandaria Scenario option, you will get a Cache of Infinite Treasure and a chunk of XP
  • If you choose Random Heroic Mists of Pandaria Scenarios, you will get a Lesser Bronze Cache, which rewards 500 Bronze
  • If you choose Specific Mists of Pandaria Scenarios, you will only queue for the Scenarios that you select, but will not receive a special reward
WoW MoP Remix: What To Do First

The MoP Remix game mode for WoW might initially seem overwhelming, but going in with a plan simplifies things.

Of the three, Heroic Scenarios are the best to do while leveling up, as the scaling is a bit broken at Level 65 and above which makes these significantly more difficult than normal. From 65 to 70, though, normal Scenarios are a great way to get some extra Bronze and Caches.

All MoP Remix Scenarios & Requirements

WoW MoP Remix Scenarios Captain Ook Hozen Scenario

If you just want to complete the Scenario Achievements in MoP Remix, for event progression and other rewards like Bronze, knock them off in the Specific Scenarios filter.

Just be sure to check your current Achievement progress to figure out which Scenarios you have and have not completed, to not re-tread familiar ground.

MoP Scenario

Level Requirement

Greenstone Village

Lvl 10 to Lvl 70

Theramore's Fall

Lvl 10 to Lvl 70

A Brewing Storm

Lvl 10 to Lvl 70

A Little Patience

Lvl 20 to Lvl 70

Dagger in the Dark

Lvl 20 to Lvl 70

Domination Point

Lvl 20 to Lvl 70

Lion's Landing

Lvl 20 to Lvl 70

Unga Ingoo

Lvl 20 to Lvl 70

Arena of Annihilation

Lvl 25 to Lvl 70

Brewmoon Festival

Lvl 25 to Lvl 70

Crypt of Forgotten Kings

Lvl 25 to Lvl 70

Assault on Zan'vess

Lvl 30 to Lvl 70

Battle on the High Seas

Lvl 30 to Lvl 70

Blood in the Snow

Lvl 40 to Lvl 70

Dark Heart of Pandaria

Lvl 40 to Lvl 70

The Secrets of Ragefire

Lvl 40 to Lvl 70

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World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

November 28, 2022
Blizzard , Activision