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  • WoW Dragonflight
    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

With the most recent expansion of World of Warcraft, Dragonflight, set to be on November 28, 2022, and the Pre-Patch event already underway, players will no doubt be looking for the best builds for their character. We will continue to update our guides with the most relevant information on each class as more information is gathered. For now, lets dive into what we believe is the best talent build right now for the Windwalker Monk in Dragonflight.

Talent System Changes

monk set gear

Dragonflight brings in a whole new talent system that is fairly similar to the old style of Talent Trees. With talent choices locked behind branches or paths and skill point thresholds.

One of the first things players will notice is that there are 2 talent trees. The 31-point Talent Tree on the Left is for the Monk Class Talents, which does not change regardless of the specialization chosen, and the 30-point Talent Tree on the Right is for the Windwalker Specialization.

Take note of the Drop-down menu in the bottom left-hand corner of the Talent Menu. Here players can Select, Save, Import, and Export Talent Builds with code. Copy the code below the images in this guide to directly import them into your Talents in game.

Talent Builds For Windwalker Monks In WoW: Dragonflight

Let's start with the Class Talents on the Left. Most of these talents are core class features such as utilities and buffs that many players may already be familiar with.

Windwalker Monk Class Talents

Most of the talents you'll want to focus on are in the middle of the talent tree, with healing talents generally on the left column and defensive or utility talents on the right. There are a number of obvious mandatory damage-improving talent choices pathing all the way down the center; from Transcendence to Escape from Reality, and then finally at the bottom Resonant Fists and Summon White Tiger Statue. As well as Fast Feet, Improved Touch of Death, and Fatal Touch. This leaves a fair bit of variety for the remainder of your points depending on what your needs are for other utilities.

For better crowd control there is also the option of grabbing Paralysis and Disable too.

Healing/Defensive Focus

windwalker monk talents world of warcraft dragonflight class heal
Defensive Build

This build picks up the defensive cooldown Fortifying Brew on its way down to Strength of Spirit for improved damage mitigation and healing, respectively. It also picks up Dampen Harm for even more survivability. Chi Wave is more healing focused than Chi Burst, so that will be up to your personal preference.

Mobility/Interrupt Focus

windwalker monk talents world of warcraft dragonflight class interrupt
Mobility and Interrupt Build

While still sticking to the core damage improving middle talent choices if you need to have an Interrupt take Spear Hand Strike. This leads nicely into Celerity which synergizes nicely with Improved Roll. We can also pick up 1 Point of Windwalking and potentially a second if Summon Black Ox Statue is not needed. Chi Burst is the preferred DPS ability over Chi Wave.

Windwalker Monk Specialization Talents

For the Windwalker Specialization Talents, there is not a lot of variety here, and while the damage rotation remains largely the same between Single-Target or Multi-Target, we can still make two builds for each.

Single-Target Build

windwalker monk talents world of warcraft dragonflight spec st
Single-Target Build

Here the focus is on Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger, Meridian Strikes and Rising Star. It still offers the flexibility to deal great Cleave damage too with Shadowboxing Treads.

AoE Build

windwalker monk talents world of warcraft dragonflight spec aoe
AoE Build

Here we try to maximize Spinning Crane Kick and add Rushing Jade Wind and Bonedust Brew in the mix. Picking up the added damage boost to Strike of the Warlord from Thunderfist as well

Import Windwalker Monk Builds

world of warcraft dragonflight windwalker import build

The variations above give you 4 builds that we've created that you can choose from, feel free to import these builds and edit them as you see fit.

Single-Target Build with Healing and Defensive Utilities


Single-Target Build with Mobility and Interrupt


AoE Build with Healing and Defensive Utilities


AoE Build with Mobility and Interrupt