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  • WoW Dragonflight
    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

Vault of the Incarnates Boss Guides



Primal Council






The Grimtotem clan still has an in-game presence in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. The Vault of the Incarnates raid has you come face to face with Kurog, a former prized pupil of Magatha Grimtotem. Now, he is a master of the primal elements and intends on wreaking havoc across Azeroth. Our guide will cover Kurog's abilities and help you defeat the challenging encounter. There's a lot to cover, so let's get to it.

Kurog Abilities

Kurog gains new abilities while near an elemental altar in The Primal Convergence. There are many different abilities listed below. Note that any numerical values are based on the raid’s Normal Mode.

Kurog Strategy Guide

Okay, you got all of those abilities memorized? Good.

The fight will alternate between phases, which change once Kurog reaches 100 energy. Make sure you bring him to two altars before the second phase begins. The longer you stay at an altar, the more damage you'll take from Dominance Auras. Use that as a guideline for when you should start moving to a new altar. You'll want to hit up two altars in P1, then do P2, hit the other two altars in P1, and once again finish up P2. At this point, you've hit all four altars, so P1 will feature the combined power of every altar-specific ability. Still with me? Good.

Kurog Phase 1

Star by taking Kurog to the Altar of Flame. Make sure you dodge the swirlies on the ground from Magma Burst and Searing Carnage. At around 15+ stacks of Flame Dominance, move Kurog to the Altar of Frost. Healers will need to power through Biting Chill. The raid will need to soak both applications of Asbolute Zero.

Kurog Phase 2

You've hit two altars which means Kurog is about to become immune and begin phase two. The Frozen Destroyer add will cast Freezing Tempest, which the raid will need to soak. Dodge the Magma Flow pools from the Blazing Fiend. Kill the adds, and we're back at phase one.

Kurog Phase 1.2

To the Altar of Stone we go. Dodge the Erupting Bedrock to avoid damage. Off tanks will need to pick up the Seismic Rupture adds. They deal damage, knockback players, and apply a stacking 6% Physical vulnerability debuff. They spawn from the ground, so dodge the swirlies, pick them up, and kill them. Around 15+ stacks of Earth Dominance, head to the final altar. The Altar of Storms has two main things to look out for. Soak the Thunder Strike swirlies, otherwise the raid takes a lot of damage. Stay away from anyone affected by Shocking Burst. Once Kurog reaches full energy, we're back in phase two.

Kurog Phase 2.2

The Tectonic Crusher will cast Ground Shatter. Move away from those affected with it. The Thundering Ravager teleports to a random player and channels them. They'll need heavy healing. The channel also damages those that are close to the targeted player, so stay away from them.

Kurog Final Phase

Once the adds are down, Kurog is back, and he's pretty pissed. Every mechanic from the four altars are now online. You've done these mechanics already in this fight. Do it again, and he'll go down.

Kurog Heroic Mode

  • Numerical values for boss health and damage from abilities increases.
  • When Kurog activates an altar, Primal Shift deals damage to the raid and gives you a debuff.
  • Molten Rupture is a swirlie you'll need to avoid.
  • Frigid Torrent is a projectile that deals a lot of damage to anyone that gets it. They are stunned too, but you can dispel the stun.
  • For Absolute Zero, never soak more than one player. You'll be frozen if you do.
  • Enveloping Earth is a healing absorb that takes place during the Altar of Stone.
  • Lightning Crash gives multiple players a debuff. They inflict nature damage to nearby allies and give them a stacking vulnerability debuff.
  • Magma Flow is cast by the Blazing Fiend. It spawns adds that must be kicked.

Kurog Loot Table

The ilvl for Kurog's Loot Table varies by the raid's difficulty. Normal loot has an ilvl of 389, Heroic 402, and Mythic 415.