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    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

Shadow Priest PvE Guides


Rotation & Macros

Stats & Consumables

Shadow Priests are known for their ability to deal damage using powerful shadow-based magic and their passive healing support for their allies. They are often an essential part of many group compositions in World of WarCraft due to a number of unique utilities that they bring to the group. They are a popular choice in both PvE and PvP settings as they can also provide support through crowd control to help defeat difficult bosses.

This guide will be an overview of what stats to look for in your gear and the best consumables to bring to maximize your performance in Raids and Mythic+ content.

Shadow Priest Stat Priority In Dragonflight

In general, the item with the higher item level is going to be better as it has more stats in total. Remember that after reaching 30% in Haste, Critical Strike and Versatility have reduced effectiveness for every point afterwards. The breakpoint for Mastery is 19% for Shadow Priests.

The following is the stat priority for Shadow Priests:

  1. Intellect
  2. Haste
  3. Mastery
  4. Critical Strike = Versatility

Stats Explanation


Intellect is the Primary stat which directly increases Spell Power and Damage and Healing of all abilities. This is the most important stat to look for and having more will provide the most increase in DPS.


Haste increases the spell casting speed and increases the frequency of Damage Over Time ticks. Haste is the number one secondary stat that scales really well. It also reduces the cooldown of some spells and reduces the 1.5 second global cooldown between spells.


Mastery is the next most important stat; Mastery: Shadow Weaving sees a boost when players are optimally performing their rotation.

Critical Strike

Critical Strike is not as important as there aren't many talents that benefit from it. It will still provide a damage increase due to Shadowy Apparitions and Tormented Spirits.


Versatility is a general damage and healing boost and reduces damage taken.

Best Consumables For Shadow Priest In Dragonflight

Consumables can be broken down into 5 groups that consist of the following Food, Potions, Phials, Weapon Runes and Augment Runes.

Best Food For Shadow Priest In Dragonflight

The best option for food is going to be the Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak providing an Intellect boost. For personal use the Fated Fortune Cookie provides the same benefit, or use Sizzling Seafood Medley which gives Haste and Mastery.

Best Potions For Shadow Priest In Dragonflight

Potions are crafted by Alchemists and can have 3 Quality ranks (shown in the tooltip). Note that each rank constitutes a very minor increase in DPS so you can save yourself some gold by buying lower ranks. The best options for Shadow Priests are in the table below:

It should also be mentioned that you can also bring these two potions that can be used while dead: Delicate Suspension of Spores and Residual Neural Channeling Agent.

Best Phials For Shadow Priest In Dragonflight

Phials are also made by Alchemists and their effects persist through death. Depending on the encounter some Phials may perform better than others. They are ranked below in order of most beneficial to least.

  1. Phial of Charged Isolation: Best option if you can be 10 yards away from other players
  2. Phial of Static Empowerment: Best option if you can stay still or benefit from the movement effect.
  3. Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage: Best option for fights where you take low damage, or you can avoid said damage.
  4. Phial of Glacial Fury: Best option for AoE or Mythic+.
  5. Phial of Elemental Chaos: Useful in all scenarios.
  6. Phial of Tepid Versatility: Useful in all scenarios.

Best Weapon Buff For Shadow Priest In Dragonflight

The Howling Rune is the best temporary weapon enchant, created by the Inscription profession.

Best Augment Rune For Shadow Priest In Dragonflight

The Draconic Augment Rune is the best rune as it will boost Intellect, our most important stat. These can be found inside Draconic Satchel of Cooperation.