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Fury Warrior PvE Guides


Stat Priority

Rotation & Macros

Consumables (Soon™)

Best in Slot (Soon™)

Gems & Enchants (Soon™)

Fury Warriors have undergone a pretty major overhaul in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, making their primary rotation heavily focused on utilizing a handful of 90-second cooldowns. While they may not be at the top of the DPS Tier Lists, they'll still be a welcome addition, especially when it comes to adding a burst damage-oriented specialization.

There are two main talent builds that Fury Warriors can make use of; these are defined by the final row of talents in their talent tree. 1. Unbridled Ferocity focuses on Raging Blow and 2. Annihilator with Bloodthirst,Slam, and Whirlwind. Both specs are viable, but Unbridled Ferocity takes the lead in Single-Target DPS, while still maintaining respectable AoE.

Fury Warrior Skill Priority In Dragonflight

Initiate combat with Charge, when possible, and then follow the main priority of skills as they become available off of cooldown as follows:

  1. Crushing Blow
  2. Rampage
  3. Execute
  4. Bloodbath
  5. Raging Blow (only with Unbridled Ferocity talented)
  6. Bloodthirst
  7. Slam (only with Annihilator talented)
  8. Whirlwind

Cooldown usage

Fury Warriors have a lot of 1.5-minute cooldowns that can be used for an opener or for periods requiring burst damage. The order in which they should be used is as follows:

  1. Ravager
  2. Recklessness
  3. Avatar
  4. Spear of Bastion (or Thunderous Roar if chosen instead)
  5. Odyn's Fury (45-second cooldown, use more frequently)

Typical Opener or Burst Rotation

To make the most out of all the cooldowns and skills follow this order to maximize DPS at the start of a fight or when burst damage is necessary.

  1. Ravager
  2. Charge or Intervene (if not in melee range)
  3. Bloodthirst (or Rampage to Enrage)
  4. Recklessness, Avatar, on use Trinket, Racial abilities
  5. Spear of Bastion
  6. Rampage
  7. Regular Skill Priorities outlined above

Fury Warrior AoE Rotation

Follow the Typical Opener described in the previous section but if you've got the talent Improved Whirlwind, cast Whirlwind before Rampage. Having a second talent loadout for AoE will significantly boost your DPS when you make Whirlwind the highest priority to apply the buff from the talent Improved Whirlwind​​​.

Macros For Fury Warriors

Bloodthirst on a secondary target

Useful mouseover to proc the talent Fresh Meat to get Enrage without needing to swap targets and accidentally auto-attack them.

  • #showtooltip Bloodthirst
  • /cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead][harm,nodead] Bloodthirst

Execute on a secondary target

Same idea as above, able to Execute secondary targets without having to swap targets.

  • #showtooltip execute
  • /cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead][harm,nodead] execute

All-in-one keybinds

If you talent swap often you can use this in one keybind to combine Spear of Bastion and Thunderous Roar

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast [known:Spear of Bastion] Spear of Bastion; [known:Thunderous Roar] Thunderous Roar

The same goes for Slam and Raging Blow:

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast [known:383916] Slam; Raging Blow

Cast Charge or Intervene when in range, otherwise cast Victory Rush.

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast [harm] Charge
  • /cast Victory Rush
  • /cast [help] Intervene

Racial abilities combined with Trinkets and Recklessness for maximum burst

  • #showtooltip Recklessness
  • /use Recklessness
  • /use Blood Fury
  • /use Berserking
  • /use Ancestral Call
  • /use 13
  • /use 14

More:Dragonflight Announces Huge Class Balance Changes