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  • WoW Dragonflight
    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight brings to the table a host of interesting changes, ranging from a UI overhaul to new systems like Dragonriding and everything in between. Among the most exciting new features is a new talent system that makes playing a Fire Mage, or any other class for that matter, more engaging than ever before.

This new talent system draws a lot of inspiration from the ones we've had during World of Warcraft: Classic. Gone are the days when you could pick a talent at random every few levels because the new trees coming with Dragonflight are significantly more complex than what we’ve seen in the past few expansions. In fact, the number of choices can be a bit overwhelming at first, but don’t worry because we’ll break things down for you in the Fire Mage guide down below.

What's New In Talents For WoW: Dragonflight?

The first thing you’ll notice after the October 25th pre-patch is that each spec now has two fully fleshed-out talent trees. In this case, you’ve got your Mage Tree and your Fire Tree. At max level, you can spend 31 points in the former and 30 points in the latte. However, there are way more talents available, so choices are (finally) important again.

If you don’t want to spend too much customizing your builds, you can simply choose “Starter Build” from the dropdown menu located in the lower-left corner of the new UI. The Starter Build for Fire Mages is pretty decent all things considered, but you can make it better (and lots more fun) by making a few different choices. We’re going to show you how down below.

Dragonflight Mage Class Talent Build

Mage class talents tree in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

First off, we’re going to take a look at the class build. There are a lot of interesting talents you can mix and match on the Mage tree but since we’re going for Fire optimization, we’re going to mostly stick to the right portion of the tree. That’s where you’ll find most of the talents designed for Fire Mages.

Row 1: The only talent found on the first row is Blazing Barrier and it gets unlocked by default. You would have wanted to get Blazing Barrier anyway so good thing this one is a freebie.

Row 2:Ice Block, Overflowing Energy, and Invisibility are all great talents, so you’ll want to get all of them. Ice Block and Invisibility provide fantastic utility and are a staple of any Mage build while Overflowing Energy increase your critical strike chance and damage. Crit is the bread and butter of Fire Mages, so you’ll almost always want to prioritize talents that improve it in some way or another.

Row 3: Here’s where things get interesting. Although you’ll mostly want to grab talents from the left side of the three, here you’ll only want to take Remove Curse so you can unlock the next row. Arcane Warding and Incantation of Swiftness aren’t worth spending points into unless you’re doing a PVP build. The only other talents you’ll want to pick from this row are from the right side: Spellsteal and Tempest Barrier Rank 2.

Row 4: This is once again a no-brainer since all the talents are good. Grab Alter Time and Mirror Image and then for the third one you have a choice between Rune of Power and Incanter’s Flow. These are mutually exclusive and since Rune of Power is more reliable and has great synergy with Combustion, you’ll want to go with that one.

Row 5: You don’t want to focus on talents that improve Frost spells when you’re playing a Fire Mage but Cryo-Freeze is too good to pass up, so go ahead and dump two points in there. While you’re here, you’ll also want to grab a bunch of other talents from this row, including Slow,Master of Time, and Diverted Energy Rank 2. Quick Witted is also worth considering, particularly for Arenas and certain dungeons and raids. However, we’re going to skip it for this particular build.

Row 6: The only two talents worth picking from this row are Shimmer and Mass Slow. Ring of Frost and Ice Nova are more suitable for Frost Mages while Blast Wave is not very useful outside of PVP.

Row 7: This row has a bunch of useful passives and we’re going to get three of them: Tome of Rhonin, Tome of Antonidas, and Energized Barriers. Energized Barriers is particularly useful since we’re going to invest heavily into talents that enhance Fire Blast once we reach the other three.

Row 8: This one is pretty self-explanatory. We don’t need Frigid Winds so we’re going to spend two points on both Flow of Time and Temporal Velocity. This will allow us to go even crazier with Shimmer.

Row 9: Here you’ll want to go with Greater Invisibility, Dragon’s Breath, and Accumulative Shielding Rank 1. Time Manipulation would also be pretty nice but, unfortunately, we’re almost out of points so we’ll just have to skip it.

Row 10: If you’ve been following our Fire Mage build so far, you’ll now have three points to spend on three abilities on this row. Displacement and Meteor are a no-brainer but for the final choice, you have to pick between Time Anomaly and Temporal Warp. Honestly, you could go either way here since both talents are good, but we’re going with Time Anomaly for the purposes of this guide, primarily because it gives us the occasional Fire Blast charge.



Dragonflight Fire Mage Tree Talent Build

Fire Mage talents tree in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Now that we have our Mage talents all set up it’s time to pick our Fire talents. Fire Mages rely on crits and mobility so we’re going to continue to focus on that, with instant-cast spells like Fire Blast and Phoenix Flames being a top priority. We also want talents that increase our chances of getting a Hot Streak so we can pump out those free Pyroblasts as often as possible.

Row 1: Just like with the Mage tree, the Fire tree contains a single talent and it gets unlocked by default. In this case, it’s Pyroblast, which is going to be one of our core spells in Dragonflight.

Row 2: On the second row we have two talents: Fire Blast and the passive Fervent Flickering. Fire Blast is another core Fire Mage spell and Fervent Flickering has a chance of reducing its cooldown, so you’ll want to pick up both of these.

Row 3: Fire Mage is primarily a single-target nuking spec in Dragonflight, so we’re going to skip Flamestrike and all the talents associated with it. This only leaves us with Scorch and Phoenix Flames, two of the last pieces of our core build.

Row 4: There’s not a lot to think about on this one. Since we skipped Flamestrike we now have to take all three of the remaining talents to progress down the tree. But that’s not a problem because Searing Touch, Firestarter, and Pyrotechnics all help us get more crits, which is exactly what we were going for anyway.

Row 5: Flame OnRank is a no-brainer since we’re focusing on Fire Blast, so you’ll want to spend two points on that. You’ll also want to get Critical Mass Rank 2 and then Cauterize. Improved Scorch would be nice too, but we need to save our points for later, so, unfortunately, we’ll have to skip that one.

Row 6: Right off the bat we grab Combustion, the last spell we need for our core build. Next up you’ll have a choice to make between Alextrasza’s Fury and From the Ashes. Alextrasza’s Fury is the better option so you’ll want to get that, and then grab Living Bomb. Living Bomb in its current form is a waste of a talent point, however, we are basically forced to get it in order to reach a couple of talents found further down the tree.

Row 7: Call of the Sun King is a must for a build like this and we’re also going to get Conflagration. Even though it doesn’t give you a lot of extra damage, it guarantees that each Fireball applies Conflagration and gives you a bit of AoE. The other two talents you’ll want to get from this row are Improved Combustion and Feel the Burn Rank 1.

Row 8: There are a lot of good talents on this row, but sadly we can’t get all of them. Phoenix Reborn and Kindling allow us cast two of our core spells more often, so we’ll definitely want to grab those. Meanwhile, Wildfire Rank 2 and Master of Flame give us some guaranteed extra damage from Combustion and Ignite, which is always nice to have. The last talent is a toss-up between Pyromaniac and Firefall. Firefall sounds good on paper, but you’re almost never going to cast 30 Fireballs or Pyroblasts on a single target outside of raids. For an all-purpose build like this, Pyromaniac is the better option.

Row 9: There are only two talents on this row and we only have four points left, so we’ll need to make a choice. Controlled Destruction is more reliable and unlocks another talent we want so we’re going with that over Fevered Incantation. Make sure to spend two points on it.

Row 10: And then finally from the last row we’re going to grab both Sun King’s Blessing and Fiery Rush. You won’t need to hard cast Pyroblast all that often with this build, but when you do decide to do it, it’s nice to get those six seconds of free Combustion along with it. And then Fiery Rush is pretty self-explanatory. Fire Blast and Phoenix Flames are two of our most important spells so being able to cast them more often is never a bad thing.



As far as the PVP talents are concerned, it’s mostly a matter of preference. But for a build like this, you’ll want some combination of Netherwind Armor, Flamecannon, Combustion, Prismatic Cloak, and Greater Pyroblast depending on whether you want to focus more on battlegrounds or Arenas.

Stay tuned for more WoW Dragonflight content. For now, check out our WoW WotLK Classic Directory!