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  • WoW Dragonflight
    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

The Devastation Evoker in World of Warcraft Dragonflight is the newest damage-dealing class in the game and we are constantly learning of new ways to play it. This guide will be updated continuously to provide more details as we continue to learn more information about the best rotation for DPS in Single, Cleave, and AoE scenarios.

The rotation is dynamic but not too complicated and the key takeaway is that the rotation stays mostly the same but depending on the number of targets and how much health they have remaining will change how players utilize the new Empowered skills: Fire Breath and Eternity Surge.

Devastation Evoker Rotation and Skill Priority

screenshot of an evoker in wow dragonflight

In order of importance below, are the 6 key spells that need to be managed depending on the scenario.

1. Fire Breath

Use Fire Breath at empower level 1 for long, Single-Target and Cleave fights to maintain the damage over time effect. Use Fire Breath at empower level Max for multi-target fights, or when the target will die before coming off of cooldown again.

2. Eternity Surge

Use Eternity Surge on cooldown (empower level varies depending on the number of targets)

3. Disintegrate / Pyre

Use Disintegrate for Single Target and Cleave or Pyre for AoE. With an Essence Burst proc, cast immediately.

4. Living Flame / Azure Strike

Use Living Flame for Single Target or Azure Strike for Multi-Target whenever everything else is on cooldown​​​​​​. With a Burnout proc, cast Living Flame immediately.

Devastation Evoker Cooldown Usage

Following the guidelines above there are 4 cooldowns that you should add to help improve your damage.

1. Dragonrage

The primary damage cooldown, Dragonrage, can be used at the beginning of an encounter when Bloodlust is used or just before the empowered abilities, Fire Breath and Eternity Surge, come off cooldown for the first time. Delaying its usage makes greater utilization of the Tyranny talent while still under the effects of Bloodlust. If there is no Bloodlust, use Dragonrage with trinkets whenever it is available, before using empowered abilities.

2. Tip the Scales

Use Tip the Scales with Eternity Surge for AoE. It can also be used with Fire Breath in single-target encounters if the target will die within a few seconds.

3. Deep Breath

Use Deep Breath for encounters with more than 2 targets. It should be used right after Fire Breath. It can also be used for movement or in single-target encounters if you would otherwise be hard-casting a Living Flame as filler.

4. Shattering Star

Lastly, Shattering Star is typically only chosen for single-target encounters as other talents take precedence in AoE. If talented, it should be placed as a higher priority than Eternity Surge and used on cooldown. It should also be noted that the buff from Shattering Star is applied once reaching the target, take that into consideration when instant casting Unravel as it won't benefit from the effect if cast before it hits the target

Additional Tips


Disintegrate deals its damage in 4 ticks. While chain casting, the fourth tick of the first cast is rolled into the next cast. Due to latency these ticks aren't consistent, but you can use an addon or weak aura to see when the damage will occur. This will allow you to re-cast the next Disintegrate between the 3rd and 4th damage tick to maximize damage.

Charged Blast

If you know that there will be AoE soon, such as adds in a boss fight or multiple targets in the next pull, then you can build up stacks of Charged Blast and not consume them to preemptively get some good initial burst damage by taking advantage of Mastery: Giantkiller. Additionally, the 3 Pyres that are launched with Dragonrage also benefit from Charged Blast.

Devastation Evoker Macros

Here are some useful macros to increase your efficiency while DPSing as a Devastation Evoker. To create a Macro Menu type "/m" or "/macro" in the chat box, click New, create a Name, and select an Icon. Don't forget to click Save when making changes.

Use top trinket with Dragonrage (for bottom trinket: "/use 14")

  • /use 13
  • /cast Dragonrage

Prevent using Obsidian Scales twice in a row (the buff doesn't stack but can be used in succession accidentally)

  • #showtooltip
  • /castsequence reset=2 Obsidian Scales, 5

Living Flame self-heal without deselecting target

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast [@player] Living Flame

Verdant Embrace self-heal without deselecting target (this comes with losing important mobility)

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast [@player] Verdant Embrace