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  • WoW Dragonflight
    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

With the release of the new revamped talent system in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, we've gathered the best talent builds for Mythic+ dungeons for every specialization in the game. Some of the key factors when selecting these builds are Multi-target damage and speed of clearing. Some classes also provide extra utilities to help with survivability and mobility, which are also useful when trying to execute clearing efficiently for the highest rewards.

Use the Table of Contents below to quickly jump to each specialization and their Mythic+ Talent Build. Each build comes with a Level 60 Loadout Code ready to be imported directly into the game with the new import Talent Loadout feature.

Table of Contents


Use the code below the image of the talent build to import it into your Talent Menu Loadout.

Best Death Knight Mythic+ Talent Builds

Blood Death Knight

best pre-patch mythic+ blood dk talent build wow dragonflight

Blood Death Knights have a lot of great utilities at their disposal. In the Class Talents it's recommended to pick up Death's Echo for an additional charge of Death Grip, Death and Decay and Death's Advance. Additionally, grabbing Blinding Sheet and Anti-Magic Zone to help with add control and party damage. If you're confident in your damage mitigation you can also swap Unholy Endurance for Grip of the Dead or Death's Reach to help grab and control more enemies.

In the Blood Talent side, key talents include Dancing Rune Weapon with Everlasting Bond, Insatiable Blade and Tombstone for stronger and more frequent damage mitigation. Death and Decay receives a lot of synergies notably Shattering Bone and Crimson Scourge. And Voracious provides a big boost to healing from Death Strike. Additionally, Gorefiend's Grasp Is excellent at gathering up lots of be taken down.

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Frost Death Knight

best pre-patch mythic+ frost dk talent build in dragonflight

This talent build offers some incredibly consitant AoE damage with Breath of Sindragosa and Howling Blast Rime procs. It also provides some great mobility and add control from the class talents with Death's Echo and Death's Reach.

Frost Death Knight Talent Builds

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Unholy Death Knight

best pre-patch mythic+ unholy dk talent build in dragonflight

For Unholy Death Knights, the key strategy is to inflict Festering Wounds on multiple targets with Festering Strike and burst them with Scourge Strike. There are many talents in this build focused on improving Festering Wounds spread and damage but Bursting Sores is the core talent for getting consistent AoE damage out. Vile Contagion will cause some big numbers when activated. Additionally, there is Unholy Pact and Unholy Assault for even more burst damage

On the Class side, you'll want to pick up Empower Rune Weapon to help generate more resources required. And like the other Death Knight builds Death's Echo is a key utility for the group.

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Best Demon Hunter Mythic+ Talent Builds

Havoc Demon Hunter

best mythic+ havoc prepatch talent build wow dragonflight

This build focuses on selecting any talents that increase your damage to multiple enemies. Throw Glaive and Immolation Aura are the key abilities to strengthen. Soul Rend and Accelerating Blade will really bolster your AoE damage.

On the Class talent side, the majority of damage-boosting talents are on the Left side of the tree. The Right side is mostly for survivability talents.

Havoc Demon Hunter Talent Builds

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Vengeance Demon Hunter

best mythic+ vengeance demon hunter prepatch talent build wow dragonflight

When choosing talents for tanking multiple targets in Mythics it all comes down to mobility and damage output. Any talent that increases mobility and damage is going to be vital, but you'll also need to keep a number of talents for survivability and to hold threat. In this build we've left out a few defense-oriented talents in favor of pushing the damage output a bit higher. For extra mobility we can take The Hunt and Agonizing Flames. And some other key talents for damage are Chaos Nova, Demonic, and Soul Furnace.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Talent Builds

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Best Druid Mythic+ Talent Builds

Balance Druid

mythic+ balance druid talents wow dragonflight

The class talents are quite straightforward, picking up necessary damage talents on the right and allowing great party mobility with Stampeding Roar and associated talents. Solar Beam, Wild Mushroom and Starfall are the primary AoE Talents here and anything that boosts their damage is key.

Balance Druid Talent Builds

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Restoration Druid

mythic+ resto druid

This build provides optimal healing output, while not sacrificing any opportunity to do a bit of damage and good party utility

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Feral Druidmythic+ feral druid

For Feral Druids there isn't much variation as far as Class Talents are concerned and key talents in the Feral Tree include Primal Wrath, Tear Open Wounds, Rip, Berserk, and Circle of Life and Death

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Guardian Druid

mythic+ guardian druid talents

Due to the nature of the Druid Class Talent tree, there isn't much room for variation. For the Guardian Specialization Talents the focus is on picking up anything that boosts Moonfire: Scintillating Moonlight, Twin Moonfire, Galactic Guardian, Elune's Favored, etc.

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Best Hunter Mythic+ Talent Builds

Beast Mastery Hunter

mythic+beast mastery hunter talents

Beast Mastery AoE in Mythics focuses on maintaining Frenzy and using Multi-shot to benefit pet damage with the talent Beast Cleave and Kill Commands damage with Kill Cleave.

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Marksmanship Hunter

mythic+ marksmanship hunter talents

With the talent Trick Shots, Multi-Shot provides excellent passive AoE to most Single-Target builds by adding cleave to Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire. Bulletstorm further improves the synergy between all these skills by stacking increased Multi-Shot damage buff.

Marksmanship Hunter Talent Builds

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Survival Hunter

mythic+survival hunter talents

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Best Mage Mythic+ Talent Builds

Arcane Mage

best mythic+ arcane mage prepatch talent build wow dragonflight

This build picks up Radiant Spark and Harmonic Echo for some more AoE damage options, Arcing Cleave is absolutely mandatory for big AoE. Slipstream offers mobility while Clearcasting is active In the class talents, Mass Slow provides some really great utility for add control with the AoE effect of Slow.

Arcane Mage Talent Builds

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Fire Mage

mythic+ fire mage talents

Flamestrike and Flame Patch are the best AoE spells for Fire Mages. This talent build focuses primarily on enhancing their damage, but do note that it does come at sacrificing a fair amount of Single Target damage if that's important to you.

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Frost Mage


This build provides great cleaving abilities for Frost Mages thanks to Thermal Voids interaction with Icy Veins. It also picks up the talent Freezing Rain for great blizzard burst damage potential against a lot of targets.

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Best Monk Mythic+ Talent Builds

Brewmaster Monk

mythic+ brewmaster monk talents

This will be the standard build for Brewmaster Monks in Mythic+ Dungeons. It doesn't differ much from any old standard Raid Build either but does grab Stormstout's Last Keg to add more AoE damage to Keg Smash.

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Mistweaver Monk

mythic+ mistweave monk talents

While Healing is a key component for Mistwaevers, in Mythic+ Dungeons we want to add some more damage output as well. That's where Faeline Stomp comes into play. It synergizes nicely with Ancient Teachings and Ancient Concordance.

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Windwalker Monk

mythic+windwalker monk talents

Windwalker Monks largely focus on Spinning Crane Kick and have very high mobility. This build allows for more skill variety and depth with Teachings of the Monastery and Skyreach.

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Best Paladin Mythic+ Talent Builds

Holy Paladin

mythic+ paladin holy talents

In most scenarios of Mythic+ as a Paladin Healer you'll want to be in Melee range to get the added damage with Crusader Strike and Consecration and healing with Golden Path. In this build, there is also a lot of utility you bring too!

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Protection Paladin

mythic+ protection paladin talents

Here's the standard Mythic+ build for Protection Paladins. It focuses primarily on damage mitigation with talents such as Barricade of Faith and Strength in Adversity that proc automatically with Avenger's Shield usage. This build could be further customized for active cooldowns such as Ardent Defender, Guardian of Ancient Kings or Eye of Tyr.

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Retribution Paladin

mythic+ retribution paladin talents

Fortunately, Retribution Paladins still have a fair bit of AoE regardless of their talents chosen. There are a few talents, however, that perform better in AoE scenarios. Choose Sanctification over Inner Grace;Radiant Decree over Ashes to Dust, and drop 1 point from Hghlord's Judgment for Tempest of the Lightbringer.

Depending on the scenario, you may want to switch up some of your class talents for different utilities, such as Blessing of Freedom, Blessing of Protection,Turn Evil, Repentance, and Cleanse Toxins.

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Best Priest Mythic+ Talent Builds

Discipline Priest

mythic+ discipline priest

Discipline Priests offer great damage and healing through Atonement. In Mythic+ we focus on obtaining the talents in the bottom right for improved absorbs Divine Star, Aegis of Wrath, and Train of Thought. Additionally, grabbing Power Word: Life in the Class Talents for a powerful heal. But you can swap to those talents to the right side for Mindgames and Manipulation if you prefer a bit more damage.

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Holy Priest

mythic+ holy priest talents

Holy Priests function largely the same as they would in Raids but pick up a few damaging spells on both talent trees to help clear faster. For healing, it focuses on one of the final talents, Lightweaver, to maximize efficiency.

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Shadow Priest

mythic+ shadow priest talents

This build takes Idol of Yogg-Saron to maximize burst AoE damage. It also tries to maximize the number of times Mind Sear, the main AoE ability, can be cast and improve its damage.

Shadow Priest Talent Builds

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Best Rogue Mythic+ Talent Builds

Assassination Rogue

mythic+ assassination rogue talents

The key talent in this build is Crimson Tempest and Indiscriminate Carnage at the bottom right of the talent tree. Generating more combo points with Seal Fate from the Class Talent tree is vital. Applying Rupture to multiple targets is also important to maximize damage because of Scent of Blood.

Assassination Rogue Talent Builds​​

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Outlaw Rogue

mythic+outlaw rogue talents

Blade Flurry will be the primary source of AoE damage for Outlaw Rogues. In order to maximize AoE swap some single-target abilities to further enhance blade flurry, notably: Ambidexterity, Dancing Steel, and Precise Cuts are the ones you'll absolutely want.

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Subtlety Rogue

mythic+ subtlety rogue talents

Shuriken Storm and Shuriken Tornado are the key sources of AoE damage in multi-target scenarios. It's important to have a second talent build specifically for these as a lot of the talents for the single target build are on the far left, away from these key skills.

Subtlety Rogue Talent Builds

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Best Shaman Mythic+ Talent Builds

Elemental Shaman


Elemental Shamans have a number of tools available to them for Mythic+. Earthquake and Chain Lightning are the main sources of AoE damage, and with this build, they also have access to Thunderstorm from the class talents and Primal Elementalist to control their Elemental.

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Enhancement Shaman

mythic+ enhancement shaman talents

Building Flame Shock on multiple targets with Lashing Flames and Lava Lash is key to massive AoE damage. Chain Lightning and Crash Lightning also provides consistent damage and this build tries to maximize that. Additionally, there is Sundering for more burst damage.

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Restoration Shaman

mythic+ restoration shaman talents

Resto Shamans have a lot of utility that they can play around with from both the class talents and their specialization talents. Picking up Improved Lightning Bolt, Thunderstorm and Thundershock from the Class talents for more damage. As well as Stormkeeper and Call of Thunder to further improve casts of Lightning Bolt.

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Best Warlock Mythic+ Talent Builds

Affliction Warlock

mythic+ affliction warlock talents

Affliction has some of the best AoE damage over time in the game, focusing on talents that increase the damage of Agony and Seed of Corruption. Sow the Seeds with Agonizing Corruption are excellent synergy. Talents such as Writhe in Agony, Vile Taint, and Creeping Death also boost Agony as well.

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Demonology Warlock

mythic+ demonology warlock talents

This build takes the final talent Guillotine to really boost Felgaurd damage. It also has great burst damage with Implosion ad Summon Demonic Tyrant.

Demonology Warlock Talent Builds

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Destruction Warlock

mythic+destruction warlock talents

In Mythics, Destruction Warlocks want to build Soul Shards with Immolate and then use Rain of Fire to consume them. With this in mind here's the best talent build to maximize AoE damage output. It also uses Havoc, a key spell for burst-cleaving additional targets.

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Best Warrior Mythic+ Talent Builds

Arms Warrior

mythic+arms warrior talents

While Colossus Smash and Bladestorm are the key talent for burst AoE damage, Sweeping Strikes is also a big portion of AoE so we choose talents to help improve damage for its duration.

Arms Warrior Talent Builds

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Fury Warrior

mythic+ fury warrior talents

Improved Whirlwind is the main talent that makes the AoE DPS rotation basically the same as single-target, for the duration of its buff. Managing damage cooldowns is key There is also the addition of Thunderous Roar for more variety in skills to use.

Fury Warrior Talent Builds

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Protection Warrior

mythic+protection warrior talents

The AoE build for the Protection Warrior in a mythic+ setting should definitely include the Ravager talent. Most of the other choices remain the same as they would for raids, though here we swap out Show of Force for Disrupting Shout. This will add some AoE utility to your build when dealing with large packs of caster enemies.

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