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  • WoW Dragonflight
    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

With the release of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Balance Druids will have a whole new challenge: what to choose for their talents! There has been an entire overhaul of the talent system in Dragonflight, and it is a welcome change. A question we're left wondering is: Will balance druids be as popular in Dragonflight as they have proven to be in previous expansions?

The developers over at Activision Blizzard have brought the game back to its roots with actual talent trees. These new trees are a welcome change from the boring 3-choice tiers present in Shadowlands. These new talent trees bring customizability like we've never seen before, and so many great options that it is hard to determine a meta build.

What's New in Talents for WoW: Dragonflight?

Players now have a choice of talents in two aspects of their character: Class and Specialization. As you level and gain your talent points, you now get two pools of talents to utilize. There is a class talent tree that focuses on buffs and changes the way you play your class, regardless of what specialization you may be in. The second is your specialization spec, where you can spend points specifically on the spec you have activated.

druid tier set dragonflight

As there isn't much data yet on any meta builds or what exactly provides the most DPS out of all the talent choices, we've put together a build that makes the most sense to maximize your damage output and enjoy the gameplay style.

Druid Class Talent Tree Build for Boomkins in Dragonflight

balance druid class talents wow dragonflight

Loadout Import Codes

Level 60:


Level 70:


The class talent tree for Balance Druids is incredibly easy to decide upon. Compared to other classes like Rogues and Warlocks, these talent choices are no-brainers. Nevertheless, we've provided you the suggested class build below. This ends up matching the "Starter Build" in game, so you can simply choose that from the bottom-left corner of the talent UI to quickly assign your points.

The reason the class tree for druids is so simple to choose is that the left side is really all Feral and Guardian related, and the middle / right side are Restoration and Balance related. This ends up making the best and most intuitive choices for the Balance Druids all right-side and middle talents.

WoW: Dragonflight Balance Druid Raid Talent Build

The following talent build is based on maximizing single-target DPS for use in a raid environment. This build avoids Solar Beam as it is mainly used for AoE. It also notably leaves out Force of Nature and Wild Mushroom, as these are less-focused options compared to other priorities in the talent tree.

balance druid talent build wow dragonflight

Loadout Import Codes

Level 60:


Level 70:


Finally, at the bottom right of the Talent Menu there are three optional talents. These are Talents used in PvP and don't have any effect on raid DPS.

Stay tuned for more WoW Dragonflight content as we'll be adding more content and guides just like we've done with our WotLK Classic Directory!