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  • WoW Dragonflight
    World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Blizzard, Activision
    Blizzard, Activision

The new and improved talent trees are one of Dragonflight’s most exciting features, but you don’t have to wait until the expansion launches to try them out. The talent trees were added to the game alongside the Dragonflight pre-patch, meaning you can already start experimenting with them right now. Just keep in mind that you won’t have as many talents in the pre-patch as you’re going to have at max level in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

If you’re planning to play an Arms Warrior in Dragonflight you’re in luck because in this guide we’ll walk you through the spec’s new talent trees and help you put together a solid build. But before we take a look at what’s new with Arms Warriors in Dragonflight, let’s talk a little bit more about the talent trees, in general.

What’s New With Talent Trees In WoW: Dragonflight?

warrrior arms screenshot dragonflight

One of the biggest changes you’ll notice right away is that each spec now has two talent trees. The first tree features a bunch of talents and spells for your class while the second one is unique to each individual spec. In this case, you’ve got your Warrior talent tree and your Arms talent tree.

Technically, you don’t have to make any builds from scratch because Blizzard thought ahead and added a “Starter Build” option, which does exactly what it says on the tin. You could stick to Starter Builds and be fine for the most part, but you can make your character more efficient by creating your own builds. Besides, that would be way more fun than sticking with the default option.

Warrior Class Talent Build - Dragonflight

Warrior class talents in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Full Build Import Codes

Level 70


Level 60


The Warrior tree is where you’ll find most of your utility abilities and passives, including Berserker’s Rage, Rallying Cry, Heroic Leap, and more. In addition, the tree also contains several important abilities that will help you with your DPS, such as Avatar and Thunderous Roar. If you’re playing Arms, you’ll want to stick mostly to the left side of the class tree, especially toward the end.

Row 1:

Battle Stance gets unlocked by default on the first row, and you can also choose to spend a point on Defensive Stance here. Normally, you probably wouldn’t take Defensive Stance as an Arms Warrior but now you sort of have to due to how the new tree is designed.

Row 2:

Since we grabbed Defensive Stance, we’re going to take Rallying Cry from this row along with War Machine and Impending Victory. Impending Victory can usually be skipped when you’re doing group content, but we’re taking it anyway because we want our Warrior to be as self-sustaining as possible.

Row 3:

Next up you’ll want to grab Leeching Strikes and Second Wind for even more self-healing along with SpellReflection and Fast Footwork. We skipped Berserker Rage on the second row, so we’ll have to skip the follow-up talent as well.

Row 4:

The fourth row is pretty straightforward as you’ll want every talent here except for Intimidating Shout. That leaves you with Frothing Berserker, Heroic Leap, Thunder Clap, and Furious Blows. Intimidating Shout is a good talent for PvP, but it generally does more harm than good in PvE.

Row 5:

Overwhelming Rage Rank 2 and Pain and Gain are the first two talents you’ll want to pick up here. There are a few other good choices on this row, but we want to spend just one additional point here, so we decided to go with Storm Bolt since having a ranged stun can always come in handy. But if you would rather have a bit more DPS, you should probably go with Crushing Force Rank 1, or possibly Sidearm.

Row 6:

Since we saved up some points earlier we can now grab every talent on this row. Reinforced Plates will make you more resilient, Bounding Stride will make you more mobile, and Barbaric Training will give you a bit more AoE damage. Then, you get a choice between two talents that improve Thunder Clap and we highly recommend going with Blood and Thunder since it’s just objectively better.

Row 7:

On this row, we’re only going to grab the two utility talents: Bitter Immunity and Double Time. If you saved up a point earlier by not picking Impending Victory, you could now use it to grab Seismic Reverberation from this row. Or, you could wait a bit longer and spend it on Uproar later on. Both of those are better for DPS than Impending Victory, but you would be missing out on some nice healing.

Row 8:

Starting with this row we’re sticking almost exclusively to the left side of the tree. That means we’re getting Armored to theTeeth Rank 2 and Wild Strikes Rank 2. Finally, we’re also grabbing the last talent left in the middle section: Two-Handed Weapon Specialization.

Row 9:

By now you’re locked into the left side of the tree so grab both Avatar and Thunderous Roar.

Row 10:

Blademaster’s Torment is a must-have for most Warrior builds while Thunderous Words is great for DPS. You also have Uproar here, another good talent, so make sure to grab it if you saved up a point earlier.

Arms Warrior Talent Build - Dragonflight

Arms Warrior talents in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Full Build Import Codes

Level 70


Level 60


This is where things get really interesting. Arms Warriors have a couple of viable builds in Dragonflight depending on whether you want to focus on single-target or AoE damage. In this guide, we’re going to focus mainly on the AoE build, but we’ll also touch on the single-target one. You’ll only need to change things around towards the end since the first half of the tree is going to be roughly the same for both playstyles.

Row 1:

Mortal Strike is the only talent available on the first row.

Row 2:

The second row only contains a single talent as well: Overpower.

Row 3:

Finally, we’re starting to have more choices. Martial Prowess and Improved Execute are both really good since we want a lot of AoE, but also decent single-target damage. We would normally skip Die by the Sword outside of PvP and leveling, but we have to take it to unlock more talents down the central section of the tree.

Row 4:

There aren’t any good talents for AoE on this row, so we’re going with Sudden Death for more single-target damage. We’re also grabbing Bloodsurge and Fueled by Violence, mainly so we can continue to unlock more talents down the tree. If you find yourself having to parry a lot for one reason or another, you’ll want to get Storm Wall instead of Fueled by Violence.

Row 5:

Colossus Smash is a fantastic ability that can be upgraded even further so you’ll want to get it asap. And then Tactician and Impale are almost mandatory due to how the tree is set up. You could technically skip them, but that would mean also skipping Rend and Cleave later, which isn’t an option for this build.

Row 6:

As mentioned earlier, Rend and Cleave are very important, so they’re going to be the first two talents we’re going to pick from this row. Anger Management and Sweeping Strikes are also a no-brainer for any AoE-focused build. The last talent we’re getting here is Exhilarating Blows., which helps us with both AoE and single-target. However, if you want more single-target you’ll want to go with Massacre instead. Meanwhile, for more AoE, you may want to save up the point and get Reaping Swings on the next row.

Row 7:

There are a lot of mutually exclusive talents on this row, so you’re going to need to make some hard choices. Storm of Swords and Warbreaker seemed like pretty obvious first choices, and then we went with In For The Kill over Test of Might. That said, Test of Might is pretty good too, so don’t hesitate to experiment. Before moving to the next row make sure to also grab Bloodborne Rank 2.

Row 8:

Since we don’t want the Juggernaut capstone on row 10 we’re skipping Critical Thinking and sticking to Deft Experience Rank 2 and Valor in Victory Rank 2.

Row 9:

Bladestorm is the most iconic AoE ability for Arms Warriors so that’s going to be our first pick here. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough points left to get both talents from the left side so we’ll stick to Bloodletting. However, if you skipped both Exhilarating Blows and Reaping Swings earlier you can get Battlelord here as well.

Row 10:

The last row allows us to make our Bladestorm even stronger with Hurricane while also giving us some extra AoE damage thanks to Merciless Bondegringer. Last but not least, our final point is spent on Fatality, however, if you’re going all-in on the AoE you may want to consider Dance of Death instead.

For PvP talents, you have a lot of good choices as an Arms Warrior. Storm of Destruction, War Banner, and Warbringer as probably your best choices in battlegrounds. For Arenas, you’ll want to go with Duel, Death Sentence, and then either Disarm or Rebound depending on whether you’re struggling more with melee classes or casters.

Stay tuned for more Dragonflight content in the days and weeks to come. In the meantime, make sure to check out our Dragonflight pre-patch survival guide to get up to speed with all the other changes coming with the new WoW expansion.