Throughout the Super Mario franchise, Nintendo's most iconic character has been in some pretty harrowing environments. From the lava-filled depths of Bowser's castles to the sinister sands of desert levels, Mario is probably content with his day-to-day life in the Mushroom Kingdom. Not every game has the luxury of throwing Mario into the tropics of Delfino Isle.

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The Super Mario Bros. are a family-friendly franchise, but even so, there are a couple dark moments lurking in these games.

As of 2023, there are over 200 games in the Mario franchise, though only a select few have taken place in kingdoms outside the Mushroom Kingdom. Though some of them are places even players wish they could enter and spend some time in, these kingdoms from the video game series are probably the worst ones to live in permanently.

6 Honeyhive Galaxy

A Place Exclusively For Bees

Queen Bee resting over a pond
  • Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo Wii / Nintendo Switch)

This mildly peaceful galaxy of planets is found in the very first Super Mario Galaxy game. It's ruled by Queen Bee, who seems awfully demanding of her constituents, particularly Mario. Throughout the levels within Honeyhive Galaxy, players must get used to the Bee Mario power-up, which allows Mario to blend in with fellow citizens with bee-like powers.

Unless one is already a bee or is fine living their entire life as a bee in servitude of Honeyhive Galaxy's Queen Bee, these planets are probably not the best places for them. It might be worth a nice vacation though, getting to spend some time around beautiful flowers, delicious honey, and an overall gorgeous environment were it not for the constant bees.

5 Donkey Kong Island

The One Country That Needs Better Defense

A far away view of DK Island
  • Donkey Kong Country (SNES / GameBoy Color / GameBoy Advance)

Donkey Kong Island is often the setting of games in the Donkey Kong Country series, from the original entry on SNES to the most recent installments on Wii and Wii U. The island seems quite relaxing for the most part, as Donkey Kong as his companions are often seen at the start of every game relaxing with mountains of bananas, but it also poses a real danger.

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These retro games represent the best the 90s had to offer the world of console and PC gaming, and they're still just as good.

Particularly, Donkey Kong Island has seen a number of invasions over the years, from the armies of King K. Rool to the Snowmads from Tropical Freeze. Its re-imagining as the Jungle Kingdom in The Super Mario Bros. Movie seems like a much better time, with an intricate kart-racing society, but for the games, it's far too dangerous to spend much time in.

4 Flower Kingdom

Expect The Unexpected From This Kingdom

Bowser and his army invading the Flower Kingdom ceremony
  • Super Mario Wonder (Nintendo Switch)

The Flower Kingdom is the most recent addition to the Mario universe, thanks to the Nintendo Switch title Super Mario Wonder. It seems like a very similar nation to the Mushroom Kingdom, led by the benevolent Prince Florian, but like the Mushroom Kingdom, it's a victim to enemy invaders, as Bowser comes to wreak havoc in the new game.

However, the Flower Kingdom is also not the ideal home for a much different reason. The kingdom is populated with Wonder Flowers which, when touched by Mario or his friends, turn the environment into a pretty strange alternate dimension. It's likely not the best place to settle down if players live under the constant threat of moving pipes and zero gravity.

3 Mushroom Kingdom

There's Always Something Afoot In Mario's Home

Bowser capturing Peach from her castle as Mario, Luigi, and Toads watch
  • Super Mario Bros. (NES)

While Mario does call the Mushroom Kingdom his home, it seems that Bowser is a constant threat to the land and its people. Almost every Mario game involves a new scheme by Bowser to kidnap Princess Peach, take over the Mushroom Kingdom, or sometimes take the entire castle by force, as seen in Super Mario Galaxy.

Thankfully, the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom have nothing to fear when Mario and his friends are there to save the day, often dispatching Bowser, his family members, and his minions. Still, it must be constantly annoying to see one's entire life uprooted because Bowser is trying another new way to seize control of the kingdom for good.

2 Lost Kingdom

The One Kingdom One Would Be Dying To Leave

Mario looking exhausted in the Forgotten Isle
  • Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo Switch)

There are plenty of fascinating worlds in the Nintendo Switch title Super Mario Odyssey, but the Lost Kingdom is one of the most treacherous. Mario and Cappy end up stranded on this remote island during the events of Super Mario Odyssey, where there are plenty of threats that would keep any sane person from wanting to live there forever.

Hardest Levels In A Mario Game

One of the most beloved video game franchises also has some of the hardest platforming levels of all time.

Aside from the poisonous waters surrounding the island, the Lost Kingdom is also subject to a thieving vulture known as Klepto. Other dangerous creatures in the surrounding area include Piranha Plants, Fuzzies, as well as the mysterious Trapeetles, which are prone to firing directly at Mario and exploding, which can't be too appealing for potential visitors.

1 Bowser's Kingdom

Bowser Is Not One To Prioritize Comfort

Bowser's castle in his kingdom from Mario Odyssey
  • Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo Switch)

Super Mario Odyssey is also the first Mario game in which Bowser gets his own kingdom, rather than a series of castles throughout the Mushroom Kingdom. The bulk of this kingdom, as seen at the end of Super Mario Galaxy, is a Japanese-inspired fortress filled to the brim with dangerous enemies and traps, from Stairface Ogres to rolling cannonballs.

An alternative to Bowser's Kingdom also appears in The Super Mario Bros. Movie as the Dark Lands, where Luigi ends up chased by Dry Bones before Shy Guys kidnap him. Overall, all of Bowser's home domains seem like terrible places to live, as they're usually filled with Mario's worst nightmares, pits of lava, and terrifying boss fights galore.

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