The DC films this year delivered some great moments, but there were also elements that left DC fans devastated, especially the deaths of certain characters. Zack Snyder's Justice League and The Suicide Squad are near-perfect DC movies that weren't afraid to push the envelope when it came to killing off certain people for the sake of providing emotional substance, sentimentality, or dark humor.

However, one can't help but think that some of these deceased characters deserved more screen time, or could've had potential in future DCEU films (if there are more to come). The following are the five worst DC moments in terms of heroes or villains that went out a bit sooner than expected.

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Blackguard's Early Exit


Many would agree that Pete Davidson is a very funny and talented actor, from his comedic work on SNL to his star-making performance in Judd Apatow's The King Of Staten Island. He displays a dose of humor in his all-too-brief role as Blackguard in the opening of The Suicide Squad but is one of several members who is instantly killed off.

While Blackguard's death works in terms of black comedy, and to show that no one is easily spared in James Gunn's film, there is somewhat of a missed opportunity in not displaying more characterization towards Blackguard's role. It also would have been intriguing to see more of Pete Davidson, how he would've interacted with other members of the squad, and to depict Blackguard's fighting skills.

Captain Boomerang's Immediate Death


For fans of David Ayer's Suicide Squad film, it was great to see Jai Courtney's Captain Boomerang return in Gunn's feature. The supervillain does have his charismatic sense of humor and a great action sequence in which he violently kills a couple of guys with a boomerang. However, he is then killed off right away.

Boomerang's death perhaps may not be that surprising due to his reckless behavior, but it was disappointing in terms of only seeing the character briefly return in this film. Boomerang could've had a larger role in order to reveal more about him and his wild antics.

Polka-Dot Man's Fatal Blow


Polka-Dot Man is a very peculiar character who seems like the craziest member of the squad, but he is in fact one of the characters with the most heart in the film. While he does have a noble death in the end when facing the starfish, Starro, it is a bummer because it seems like his journey was only just beginning.

Polka-Dot Man's death in The Suicide Squad is one of the worst moments since he was transitioning towards becoming a superhero and overcoming fearful memories of his mother. This character may appear to be the least necessary member of the squad, but he had plenty of internal emotions and could've had more moments with the squad in the future, especially since he got along well with Ratcatcher 2 and Bloodsport.

Silas Stone's Sacrifice


Aside from the DC superheroes, Silas Stone (emotionally well played by Joe Morton) is one of the best characters in Zack Snyder's Justice League, due to his complex relationship with his son Victor Stone/Cyborg. Silas's death is emotionally impactful in terms of sacrificing himself to save Victor and the world, as well as an attempt to destroy one of the mother boxes. However, the fact that the mother box doesn't get destroyed makes Silas's sacrifice somewhat meaningless.

Silas's death is a sad moment because he could've developed more of an engaging relationship with his son in the future, perhaps helping Victor with other missions involving the league. Silas also could've taught Victor more about his powers and how to control them, especially since he was pivotal in creating Cyborg's technical abilities. Silas will undoubtedly be missed.

Peacemaker Kills Rick Flag


While the fight sequence between Peacemaker and Rick Flag delivers a terrifically dramatic and intense showdown, Flag's death to Peacemaker is the worst DC moment of 2021 because Flag is such a beloved character, both in the 2016 Suicide Squad film and even more so in Gunn's feature. In The Suicide Squad, Joel Kinnaman brings humor and sensitivity to Rick Flag's tough persona. He may have been recognized as a strong and skilled soldier, but Rick Flag is also a man with plenty of humanity, especially when it comes to doing the right thing and the will to expose corruption within his own government.

Rick Flag's death hurts the most because he could've been given more to do in future Suicide Squad films (if there are more to come). Like Bloodsport, Flag is also an effective leader and fighter who isn't afraid to bend the rules and display some cool kills. Rick Flag will be missed, but at least he went out with honor.

Unlike previous DC features (like Joss Whedon's 2017 version of Justice League), there weren't as many bad moments in DC films this year, considering how well-made Zack Snyder's Justice League and The Suicide Squad were in terms of forming elite superhero features. However, there were characters who had very brief appearances or died too early, which left fans wanting more out of certain heroes or villains. DC fans will be on the lookout for bad moments next year as The Batman and Peacemaker will be set for release.

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