World of Warcraft has featured countless iconic antagonists over the years, from the Burning Legion to the Scourge and the unending armies of the Old Gods. One perpetual enemy has been around since the day World of Warcraft released, but has not gotten the spotlight for quite a while. This threat the Scarlet Crusade, a sect of Lordaeron’s human forces who obsessively campaign for the Light.

The Light in the World of Warcraft universe is a benevolent force of Order, mainly used by paladins and priests. It has exceptional healing and protective powers, making it a staple of humanity’s faith for centuries, but the Light can also be used to destroy and is especially lethal to the undead. The Scarlet Crusade, having witnessed their kingdom fall to ruin at the hands of Arthas, swore to scour the undead from their homeland.

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The Scarlet Crusade Have Been Battling World of Warcraft Players From the Beginning

World of Warcraft Scarlet Crusade Soldier

The Crusade posed a problem for the Forsaken, undead members of the Horde who had broken free from the Lich King’s control. The Scarlet Crusade was singularly driven by its hatred for the undead and did not differentiate between the Scourge and the Forsaken, leading to both the Horde and Alliance having to step in and defeat its leaders. As a result, things have been quiet in Lordaeron for many years.

However, in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, Sylvanas Windrunner abandoned her role as Warchief of the Horde and sole ruler of the Forsaken. The Undercity, once the capital of Lordaeron, was destroyed by Sylvanas to prevent the Alliance from claiming it, but in doing so she removed the Forsaken’s greatest stronghold in the Eastern Kingdoms. Thus, the Forsaken are more vulnerable now than they have ever been.

The Scarlet Crusade has been spreading propaganda throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, now going under a new moniker: the Scarlet Brotherhood. These pamphlets explicitly claim that the Brotherhood is still alive and well, albeit hiding below ground for now. The documents demonize and condemn Alliance leaders such as Anduin Wrynn for his sympathy toward the Forsaken, and explain how they plan to use Sylvanas’ absence to their advantage.

The biggest lore reveal was not their plan to retake Lordaeron, but something much deeper. When Arthas Menethil killed his father and destroyed his own kingdom, his sister Calia went into hiding. When she reappeared, she shared her grief with Anduin Wrynn, explaining that she’d secretly married a nobleman and given birth to a child, both of whom perished when the Scourge invaded Lordaeron. The writings being spread by the Scarlet Brotherhood state that Calia’s lost child, now the heir of Lordaeron, still lives.

The Brotherhood has kept this child a secret, raising him to become the true ruler of Lordaeron when the time is right. The boy would be a young adult at this point, and it’s certain that they have indoctrinated him into their fanatical worldview. That’s bad news for the Alliance and especially Calia Menethil, who is now a member of the undead after being murdered by Sylvanas.

Many of Azeroth’s protectors are occupied trying to help the dragons regain their power and save the world. This diversion would make for a perfect opportunity to see the Scarlet Brotherhood destabilize its enemies. It’s entirely possible that when players return from their adventures in the Dragon Isles, there will be a new, scarlet threat eagerly waiting to meet them.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is available now for PC.

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