If there's anything more fearsome in Warcraft aside from its characters, it's their roster of extremely powerful weapons. Similar to other fantasy universes, Azeroth has its fair share of powerful beings, artifacts, weapons, and even armor for its heroes and villains. However, World of Warcraft further expands on these concepts by highlighting their origins and even letting players wield some of them as their personal items!

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As such, Blizzard's famous IP perhaps has some of the most famed fictional weapons to ever grace the history of gaming. After all, Warcraft has soul-devouring swords, sentient armaments, and even demon-forged blades for players to admire. However, which of these WoW weapons remain the most powerful?

Updated on March 22, 2022, by Rhenn Taguiam: With the recent Blizzard blog detailing the “Future of Warcraft,” the developers of hit MMO World of Warcraft revealed some interesting news regarding the acclaimed online game, including “Eternity’s End” that finalizes the Shadowlands expansion, as well as an upcoming expansion that details the aftermath of the Jailer’s attempt to fully have Azeroth on his clutches. However, some fans of the lore may realize that certain powerful weapons still exist in the lore that may give Azeroth’s denizens a chance against the Jailer and other powerful threats to Azeroth’s future.

15 Umbra Crescent

World of Warcraft Maiev using Umbra Crescent

The Umbra Crescent is a pair of glaives with a circular structure akin to a chakram and is wielded by Watchers, Night Elves tasked to hunt down and jail the race’s most notorious criminals and enemies. In the series, Maiev Shadowsong is a popular user of this weapon during her hunt for Illidan Stormrage, as well as Lyani Shadestalker.

Compared to other glaives, the Umbra Crescent cannot be tossed. However, the Umbra Cresecent’s hoop shape makes them deadly for both executing and subduing enemies who stand in the Warden’s way. Being magical in nature, it’s possible to engrave the name of the target on the blade’s handle, allowing the Umbra Crescent to always reveal the direction of the Warden’s prey and even reveal them despite having a disguise.

14 Hammer of Twilight

World of Warcraft The Hammer of Twilight

Despite the appearance of ogres, some of them have incredible potential in the arcane arts, with Cho’gall being one of the most powerful of their kind. Being the chieftain of the Twilight’s Hammer Clan and a part of the Burning Legion’s Shadow Council, one cannot underestimate Cho’gall and his mastery of the dark arts.

Close to him is the Hammer of Twilight, a relic located at the Altar of Twilight of the Twilight Highlands. Cho’gall created the Hammer with the power of the Old Gods and has become his weapon of choice against adventurers. Despite the lack of evident abilities, the fact that the Hammer of Twilight has powers of the Old Gods implies that the Hammer has a fraction of the power of the original rulers of Azeroth, giving Cho’gall a bit of corrupt divinity that makes him a formidable foe.

13 Glaive of the Aspects

World of Warcraft The Glaive of the Aspects

During the War of the Ancients, the demons of the Burning Legion attempted to construct a weapon powerful enough to repel the initial defenders of Azeroth. The resulting weapon was the Glaive of the Aspects, possessing powers from the dragonflights.

Despite the lack of evident powers, the weapon proved powerful enough for Archimonde and his champions to wield prior to their defeat. And interestingly, the Glaive seems powerful enough in recent times for Doom Lord Kazzak to hunt for its shards and reconstruct the Glaive after the reopening of the Dark Portal during the events of the RPG series.

12 Kingsmourne

World of Warcraft Anduin with Kingsmourne

While Varian Wrynn originally wielded the powerful weapon Shalamayne, this weapon soon became the weapon of choice of his son Anduin Wrynn. Unfortunately, during the Jailer’s capture of Anduin, he converted Anduin into his personal soldier and infused Shalamayne with the essence of former Lich King, Arthas Menethil. As a result, Shalamayne transformed into Kingsmourne, a mourneblade.

Being a mourneblade, Kingsmourne falls under a special variant of runeblades capable of dominating people and consuming their souls. Shalamayne in itself is a formidable blade capable of defeating evil foes, but imbuing it with the Lich King’s powers has made it into a nigh-sentient force of darkness that made Anduin a formidable enemy. Kingsmourne was eventually transformed back to Shalamayne after Anduin was restored to his original self.

11 Atiesh

World of Warcraft Medivh and Atiesh

Even the world’s most powerful sorcerers need their trusty staves, and Atiesh acts as the Greatstaff of the Guardian, a staff passed down from one Guardian of Tirisfal to the next. Its current wielder is Medivh, the Last Guardian, with the staff allowing him to perform incredibly impressive feats.

RELATED: World of Warcraft in 2020: Classes To Try Next (& Classes to Skip)Unfortunately, it’s said that the staff was created out of a “seed of hate” but can grant “unending power” to its wielder. Unique feats from the staff include allowing Medivh to become a raven, attractive ravens, and opening portals to faraway reals like Karazhan. Given how it can become a conduit of a Guardian’s abilities, it may be safe to assume that Atiesh itself contains hidden abilities.

10 Frostmourne

World of Warcraft Frostmourne floating in Icecrown

Of all weapons in the Warcraft universe, it's perhaps the Lich King's Frostmourne that fans easily recognize. The runeblade, with a hilt adorned with artistic spikes and a skull, serves as the vehicle through which the Lich King controls its agents. In the lore, Kil'jaeden transformed Ner'zhul into the Lich King, with his soul becoming his own armor and the runeblade. Aside from life force, Frostmourne can also absorb the memories and skills of its victims. Lastly, a Lich King agent wielding Frostmourne will have their soul slowly drained and absorbed by the Lich King itself.

When Arthas Menethil first wielded Frostmourne, he became Ner'zhul's agent. However, when Arthas wore the Helm of Domination, Arthas asserted his dominance and become the new Lich King. Thanks to Frostmourne, Arthas became the most dominant threat throughout the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

9 Ashbringer

World of Warcraft A purified Ashbringer

Fans might say Ashbringer serves as the perfect antithesis of Frostmourne. Alexandros Mograine, a Highlord of the Silver Hand, wielded this sword that contained the essence of light itself. As a result, Ashbringer not only smites undead but does it to such an extent that they crumble to ash. Ashbringer once had a corrupted form at the hands of Darion Mograine, the Highlord of the Ebon Blade. However, Ashbringer becomes a holy weapon once more with Tirion Fordring, its current wielder.

A lot of speculation lies within the nature of Ashbringer's holy crystal. Some theorize that the crystal may have been a naaru or an ancient being of pure energy. Despite its appearance as an enlarged longsword with a circular crystal, Ashbringer possesses incredible power. After all, it's Ashbringer that destroys Frostmourne and kills Arthas.

8 Shadowmourne

World of Warcraft Shadowmourne the runeblade

Before Tirion confronts Arthas, the Death Knights of the Ebon Guard remain unconvinced of Ashbringer's capacity to match Frostmourne. According to Darion, if his idea comes to fruition, a hypothetical blade borne of evil should have enough power to fight Arthas and Frostmourne. In turn, the quest to create Shadowmourne was born. Unfortunately, the quest to create such a powerful artifact in such a quick fashion wasn't easy.

To create Shadowmourne, one must first possess the remains of Light's Vengeance, the holy hammer Arthas discarded prior to wielding Frostmourne. Moreover, the blade of Shadowmourne needs to come from Saronite, blood from Yogg-Saron the Old God. Lastly, the blade needs to absorb the souls of the Scourge's most powerful allies and even fragments of the Frozen Throne. As a result, Shadowmourne also possesses the ability to drain life energy that can be used to unleash powerful magical attacks.

7 Doomhammer

World of Warcraft Thrall and Doomhammer

Despite its name, the Orcs created Doomhammer as an instrument for good. In fact, its name represents the wielder's capacity to provide doom to the enemy, especially when the wielder's honor is challenged. In turn, Doomhammer represents the redemption of the Orcish race from their fall to the Burning Legion.

As a weapon forged in the Draenor's elemental lava, Doomhammer has a unique affinity to the elements. Its wielder, when capable of communicating with the elements, can empower Doomhammer with their magic. Moreover, despite the hammer replacing its hilts, the hammerhead never got replaced.

6 Scepter Of Sargeras

World of Warcraft A player wielding the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras

Of all of Azeroth's threats, it's Sargeras that poses the most danger. As a Titan, Sargeras wanted to obliterate all life to avoid the risk of corruption. However, in his turn to darkness, Sargeras the Dark Titan wanted to eliminate Azeroth or control it, as the prophecy states that Azeroth's awakened titan-soul may be more powerful than Sargeras. In turn, Sargeras desperately tried to invade Azeroth, but his entire essence cannot be transported into the material plane. As such, Sargeras had his eredar forge a tool that will enable him to travel between worlds — which became the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras.

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Unlike other weapons, the primary focus of the Scepter remains as a gateway between worlds. In its creation, Sargeras' minions embedded portals that lead into various dimensions into the Scepter. As such, the Scepter remains linked to the very fabric of spacetime itself. Anyone who uses the Scepter can travel almost anywhere and, if powerful enough, may even summon parts of Sargeras himself.

5 Gorshalach

World of Warcraft Gorribal a fragment of Gorshalach in Silithus

Interestingly, Sargeras wielded his own weapon when he once served the Titan Pantheon. This great blade, called Gorshalach, has been hailed the universe's strongest weapon. However, when Sargeras became a Dark Titan, Gorshalach tore itself into two so the fallen Sargeras cannot wield it in its true form.

Gorribal, the Dark Seether, serves as the first half of Gorshalach. It embodies the darkness in every living creature. Its opposite, Taeshalach or Flame Rend, currently resides with Aggramar, its current ruler. Opposite Gorribal, Taeshalach embodies goodness and nobility.

4 Seschenal

World of Warcraft Eonar and Seschenal

Wielded by the Titan Eonar herself, Seschenal becomes representative of Eonar's patronage of all life and nature. As such, Eonar the Life-Binder uses Seschenal for benevolent means. In terms of appearance, the staff appears made of pure alabaster, with veins and flowers sprouting around the staff, as though it were a living tree.

While not a legendary weapon in WoW, Seschenal aids the heroes in the final battle against Argus in Legion. In the raid, Eonar uses Seschenal to restore hope and energy to heroes, even capable of resurrecting the dead.

3 Thas'dorah

World of Warcraft Alleria Proudmoore and Thasdorah

Of Azeroth's High Elves, it's the Windrunners that remain the most renowned when it comes to archery. In turn, their family possesses Thas'dorah, representative of their legacy. Moreover, the eldest child of each Windrunner generation will get to wield the mythical blade. And in the case of Azeroth's current timeline, Alleria Windrunner — now a Void Elf — has Thas'dorah in her possession.

However, Thas'dorah isn't simply an heirloom. The bow itself has magical abilities that empower the marksmanship of anyone who wields it. In turn, the bow can turn any amateur archer into a master. However, it also transforms a master marksman into a legendary hunter.

2 Felo'melorn

World of Warcraft A player wielding Felomelorn

Felo'melorn, or Flamestrike, serves as a runeblade that counters Frostmourne in terms of theme. Belonging to the Sunstriders, Felo'melorn has been passed from one generation to the next. And while Frostmourne broke Felo'melorn in their first encounter, Kael'thas Sunstrider reforged the blade with hatred and a burning desire for vengeance. Interestingly, Felo'melorn's attachment to fire greatly complements its abilities.

As a magical runeblade, Felo'melorn has an affinity with fire, capable of giving its user power over magical flames. However, Felo'melorn's true power lies in its growing power. Unlike other blades, Felo'melorn grows stronger whenever it gets remade. In turn, it soon proved capable of deflecting Frostmourne's attacks.

1 Blades Of Azzinoth

World of Warcraft Illidan and the Blades of Azzinoth

Compared to other powerful weapons in the lore, the Twin Blades of Azzinoth do not seem to have any inherent power with them. However, these green warglaives do serve as the signature weapon of Illidan Stormrage. In Illidan's journey in the War of the Ancients, the demon slayer took the warglaives from Azzinoth, a doom guard commander. Afterward, Illidan spent 10,000 years training to use these weapons.

While Illidan wields one blade in each hand, it seems they can be combined to form a single weapon. Moreover, Illidan has bound his soul to the weapons, being able to summon them at will. Interestingly, prior to Legion, only Illidan possessed warglaives as weapons — giving the Blades of Azzinoth an element of mystery. After all, if the Blades can help Illidan fight Arthas and the Frostmourne, then the warglaives surely have power of their own.

Shadowlands: Eternity’s End is the final chapter of the Shadowlands expansion of World of Warcraft, and was released on February 22, 2022.

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