The stage is set for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s next raid tier, taking place in the Emerald Dream. Players will face Fyrakk the Flame Incarnate and prevent him from claiming the newborn World Tree, but the story leading up to this point has some intriguing new prospects. One of these revolves around the Ice Incarnate, Vyranoth.

This frosty proto-dragon is currently the most fleshed out of all the Incarnates, especially in regard to her past. Vyranoth has been established as having a personal history with the Dragon Queen, Alextrasza, and a motivation made sharp by a deep sense of betrayal. The Ice Incarnate has a pensive, cold nature, but World of Warcraft’s story has shown that she has a deeply compassionate and conscientious side as well.

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The Ice Incarnate Has Agreed to Help World of Warcraft's Dragons

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Vyranoth is one of four siblings that make up the Primal Incarnates, immense proto-dragons imbued with the power of the elements. Players have already faced Storm and Earth in battle, the former of which, Raszageth, was slain in Dragonflight’s first raid. The Earth Incarnate, Iridikron, is still at large, bringing his grand schemes to bear while Azeroth’s protectors are distracted.

Thus, players are currently faced with the Flame and Ice Incarnates. While Fyrakk is content to burn a hole into the Emerald Dream and herald in a new age of fire and void corruption, Vyranoth does not relish the destruction. As she stipulated when meeting Alextrasza face-to-face, her hostility towards the dragons comes from a great injustice that was committed against her kind.

The Titanic powers that forged the dragons into what they are today were not accepted by many. Some of dragonkind were repulsed by this gift and rejected the transformation, instead embracing the powers of Azeroth’s wild elements. Vyranoth and Alexstrasza were the closest of friends, but when the Dragon Queen turned a blind eye to the manipulation of proto-dragon eggs, their bond was shattered.

Vyranoth was appalled that Azeroth's whelps were being changed from proto-drakes to dragons before they had even hatched, and she fought back. Unlike her brothers, the Ice Incarnate’s motives have lain solely with the freedom of dragonkind to choose their own destinies, believing that the Titans’ design is not infallible. Players have come to understand that Vyranoth is not an evil creature, and the bond she once shared with Alexstrasza was profound.

As Fyrakk’s intent to claim the fledgling World Tree within the Emerald Dream became clear, Vyranoth began to doubt his goals. Her brothers are no longer satisfied with freeing their brethren, and instead, they seem to be consumed by a lust for power and devastation. Vyranoth could no longer stomach this perversion of the cause she believes in, and she decided to warn Alexstrasza of the Flame Incarnate’s impending invasion.

Alexstrasza, ever hopeful of rekindling their friendship, asks Vyranoth to stay. Together, the Ice Incarnate and the combined force of Azeroth’s five Dragonflights would stand a much better chance against Fyrakk. Vyranoth knows this, and although she is hesitant to trust, she has agreed to be an ally for the time being. This shift in allegiance is a big deal, as Vyranoth’s conviction was unwavering until now.

With the Ice Incarnate at their side, the forces of Azeroth are poised to bring Fyrakk down. The Flame Incarnate is far more powerful than he has ever been, having drunk deeply from the Shadowflame forges in Aberrus. Vyranoth’s mastery over ice and wind will be integral in battling Fyrakk and his Druids of the Flame, and hope for the new World Tree remains intact.

Despite her willingness to save the day, however, it’s not yet known where Vyranoth will go after her brothers’ defeat. At the moment, a bigger threat to Azeroth has united her with the dragon Aspects, but she has no love for the Titans and likely won’t risk herself beyond what she sees as strictly necessary. It seems doubtful that Vyranoth will ever forgive Alexstrasza, but one thing remains certain, that Vyranoth’s decision will turn the tide of Azeroth’s future.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is available now for PC.

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