
  • Azeroth in World of Warcraft is a planet with a remarkable secret: it harbors a Titan, a powerful god-like creature, within its core.
  • Azeroth's World Soul is vulnerable and depends on its inhabitants to protect it from foes who want to use its power for nefarious purposes.
  • The Old Gods and the Burning Legion are two major threats that have sought to either corrupt or destroy Azeroth and its Titan World Soul.

Azeroth has been the primary setting for World of Warcraft since its release nearly two decades ago. It’s a planet of magic and wonder, featuring an incredible variety of landscapes and home to some truly fantastical species. Although, despite its seemingly ordinary Earth-like appearance, the planet of Azeroth holds a remarkable secret.

Nestled deep within the molten core of Azeroth, a living soul incubates, like a baby bird growing inside an enormous egg. This sleeping infant is the beginning of a truly unique and powerful creature in World of Warcraft's lore: a Titan. When she is born, this Titan will essentially be a god, but that time could still be a long way away.

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World of Warcraft's Azeroth Is a One-in-a-Million Planet

As for here and now, Azeroth’s World Soul is vulnerable. She cannot defend herself, and has to rely on the bravery and determination of her inhabitants. Countless foes have thus far tried to wound, kill or corrupt her, intent on misusing the potent power that surrounds her. Even before the existence of this World Soul was known by mortals, their efforts to save their home had a bigger impact than they could ever have imagined.

If Azeroth were to fully mature, her birth would not destroy her home planet as if it were a discarded eggshell. Instead, she would manifest as a fully-fledged Titan outside of her planet, and Azeroth would remain intact. A Titan's powers and personality reflect the state of the world they were born from, as was apparent from WoW's Titan of Death, Argus. His planet had been the Burning Legion's home world for a vast age, and all that fel energy twisted him, mind, body and soul, into a near-unstoppable weapon.

Azeroth's Greatest Threats Wanted the World Soul

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WoW's Old Gods and Their Void Masters

Two main contenders sought to reach this nascent Titan. The first real threats to arrive on Azeroth were the Old Gods, ancient, miasmic beings of pure malice sent by the Void to infect any worlds that may have a World Soul. Given enough time, they would have burrowed their way deep into the planet and twisted the infant Titan into the ultimate weapon, born of agony and chaos.

Luckily, other Titans stepped in before that could happen. They intended to kill the Old Gods infecting Azeroth outright, but when they ripped Y’Shaarj from the planet, it left a gaping wound so deep, that extracting the others would surely kill the Titan within. The Well of Eternity, an important font of power in World of Warcraft lore, was in fact that very same wound, leaking potent arcane energy for millennia. The Titans instead decided to imprison the remaining Old Gods, hoping it would be enough.

WoW's Burning Legion Nearly Succeeded in Destroying Azeroth

The next foe to seek Azeroth’s demise was the Burning Legion. Sargeras, once a noble Titan, became so appalled at the mere possibility that a Void-corrupted Titan could ever exist, he lost his mind. He embarked on a nihilistic mission to end all life in the universe, simply as a means to stop the Void from corrupting that life. Time and again he tried to kill Azeroth, but he was thwarted by its mortals every time.

At the end of World of Warcraft: Legion, Sargeras was defeated and imprisoned. Just before he was taken, however, he impaled his massive blade into Azeroth’s side in one final attempt. The sword pierced through the planet’s crust and into the nascent Titan, causing her to bleed a powerful mineral called Azerite. While some denizens fought one another for this precious resource, some helped to ease Azeroth’s suffering.

As was inevitable given its size, the sword could not hope to be removed. It stands to this day above the sands of Silithus, embedded deep within Azeroth. Now more than ever, this Titan World Soul finds itself defenseless against the forces that seek her end, and once more she will have to depend on her heroes to protect her.