Thrall has been one of the most prominent World of Warcraft characters since the release of Warcraft 3 back in 2002, and fans have been completing quests for the former Warchief since the Activision Blizzard MMO launched. One World of Warcraft fan has pointed out an interesting detail about Thrall's character model in Shadowlands.

Twitter user That_kind_oforc recently shared an image of a group of World of Warcraft characters from the most recent update as part of Shadowlands' epilogue. This screenshot includes important NPCs like Baine Bloodhoof and Thrall representing the Horde and Jaina Proudmoore and Anduin Wrynn standing on behalf of the Alliance. Many Shadowlands NPCs fittingly stand in the frame near Anduin and Thrall, but That_kind_oforc has pointed out a peculiar change made to Thrall specifically for the Shadowlands epilogue: he's much shorter.

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That_kind_oforc questions why Thrall is regularly made smaller alongside their World of Warcraft screenshot as the former Warchief is normally more physically imposing than he is in the Shadowlands epilogue. In the image shared by That_kind_oforc, Thrall and Anduin stand nearly side-by-side, and the Orc doesn't appear any taller than the Human, though the Horde leader is notably much broader. In addition to Anduin being roughly the same height as Thrall in this picture, the powerful Kirin Tor mage Jaina is standing further behind the Orc but still stands taller

Unlike the epilogue questline, the Shadowlands epilogue cutscene that shows Thrall's memory has the Horde leader's size completely restored to its imposing stature. Because of the inconsistency between this scene and the World of Warcraft update 9.2 epilogue, many fans like That_kind_oforc have taken notice of the continuously changing Orc model. Thrall's design in World of Warcraft has been inconsistent in size for a while, but the current Shadowlands expansion has depicted the hero in various sizes already. For most of Shadowlands, Thrall is generally his usual size, but the changes are most obvious during his 9.1 questline with Draka, the Sepulcher raid, and in the epilogue quest.

Thrall was replaced by Garrosh Hellscream as Horde Warchief back in Cataclysm, who was then replaced by Vol'jin and subsequently Sylvanas Windrunner. Since relinquishing his role as Warchief, Thrall has remained integral to World of Warcraft storytelling, and he makes appearances regularly like the one in Shadowlands' epilogue. Although many World of Warcraft fans are wondering why Thrall's size is so inconsistent, Activision Blizzard has yet to confirm the reason his model normally undergoes such changes.

World of Warcraft is available now for PC.

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